九龍宮 - Kaohsiung City

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845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 內東里九龍宮

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845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 內東里九龍宮
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侍奉張公聖君 張公聖君 ( 法主公 ) 生 平 簡 介 : 張公,號慈觀,原名鋤柄,永福 (今永泰) 二十一都盤谷人也。生于宋朝紹興已未年(公元1139年)七月二十三日酉時誕生在永福(永泰)縣二九都和平鄉感衣里桃溪境月洲,其父淳厚 (信符),字居士,母江氏。 張公,祖籍永泰月洲 (月洲張氏世譜記載) 四歲喪父,隨母江氏醮盤谷連氏家 (今福坪村) 為寄子。7~16歲以牧牛、採薪、賣鋤柄為業謀生。16歲入山砍柴,遇仙人點化入道,能口占偈語,道未來禍福。 二張公,蕭明(朗瑞) (公元1141年)誕生在仙游縣東鄉龍坡社八姓庄。三張公,章公二真人(公元1141年)誕生在閩清九都章家。同生于宋朝徽宗年間,長大離家,學道煉一身武藝,後張公遇到蕭、章二真人,三人情投意合,結為深交。相傳永春九龍潭石牛洞,有千年大蛇,能化人形為害地方,每年要獻祭活人,否則有蟲害及風水災禍,民不聊生,張氏兄弟三人入洞制伏大蛇,亦為毒氣所傷,化為青煙,升天為神,從此蛇患而絕,百姓安居樂業,建廟祀之。 一日,聖者見盤谷方壺山上妖火徹夜不滅,甚為異常,是群魅作怪殘害黎民。聖者尋覓蹤跡,終於在方壺岩--獅峰半山上腰見到五色雲霞沖天,知是魈魅作怪。聖者即騰空而至,變為紫面赤足蓬髮,盤蛇佈劍,捻訣行法,與鬼魅展開殊死戰。在戰鬥中,聖者不幸被困洞中,群魈用煙火來薰,臉都被薰黑。正危急時,蕭、章二真人聞訊趕到,即 ~放法~ 為聖者助戰。章公舉槌猛擊洞門,救張公脫險。張公頭額有一腫瘤,傳說為當時章公破洞門,被洞碰傷的遺跡。章公不慎碰傷兄長自感負疚而臉紅。蕭公因憤怒鬼魅的行徑,氣得臉色變青,所以後來張、蕭、章的臉色呈黑、青、紅三色。聖者出洞後,三人再戰群魅,終於把鬼魅降服,黎民得安寧。 張公,45歲仙逝,卒于淳熙十年癸卯年 (公元1183年) 七月二十二日午時。即日黑面聖者端坐金沙九龍潭上、披頭散髮,項掛麻蛇,左手挾訣,右手執劍,如生道貌,脫化法身捍接駕升天,法體即時塑像,威靈顯赫鎮方壺。民感其恩,建方壺寺。< 淳熙九年(公元1182年) 6月13日,章敏道人在石壺洞羽化。 淳熙15年(公元1188年),蕭明道人在南平濛蕩山在蕭公洞羽化。信徒將張、蕭、章三真人塑像供奉。 註*1: 二張公( 蕭公聖君 ) : 蕭朗瑞 ( 蕭法明 ) *2: 三張公( 章公真人 ) : 章朗慶 (連宗羌 ). (洪真人) *3: 資料參考大陸福建永泰母殿方壺岩一書。 *4: 資料參考本宮80年編輯手冊。 *5: 資料參考道教聖地石牛山 福建德化石壺祖殿編書1998.5.。
Serve Zhang Gongshengjun A brief introduction to the life of Zhang Gongshengjun (the Lord of Law): Zhang Gong, Hao Ciguan, formerly known as hoe handle, Yongfu (now Yongtai) is also a native of Pangu. Born in the early years of Shaoxing in the Song Dynasty (AD 1139), he was born on July 23rd in Yuezhou, Taoxi, Ganyi Village, Heping Township, Erjiudu, Yongtai County, Yongfu (Yongtai) County. Mother Jiang's. Zhang Gong, whose ancestral home is Yongtai Yuezhou (recorded in Yuezhou Zhang's family tree), lost his father at the age of four and followed his mother Jiang's family at Bangu Lian (now Fuping Village) as his son. 7-16 years old, earn a living by herding cattle, collecting salaries, and selling hoes. When he was 16 years old, he went into the mountains to chop wood, and when he met an immortal, he turned into Taoism. Er Zhang Gong, Xiao Ming (Langrui) (AD 1141) was born in Baxingzhuang, Longposhe, Dongxiang, Xianyou County. Three Zhang Gong and Zhang Gong two real men (1141 AD) were born in the Zhang Family in Jiudu, Minqing. Born in the Huizong period of the Song Dynasty, he grew up and left home, learning Dao and practicing martial arts. Later Zhang Gong met Xiao and Zhang Erzhen, and the three fell in love and formed a deep friendship. According to legend, there are large snakes in Shiniu Cave, Jiulongtan, Yongchun, which can transform human form into harm to the place. Every year, the living must be sacrificed. Otherwise, there will be pests and feng shui disasters, and the people will not live. For the blue smoke, ascended to heaven as a god, since then, snakes are extinct, the people live and work in peace and contentment, build temples to worship him. One day, the sage saw that the demon fire on the Fanghu Mountain in Bangu was not extinguished all night, and it was very unusual. It was a group of charms that harmed the Li people. The sage looked for a trace, and finally saw the five-colored clouds soaring into the sky on the upper half of the mountain in Fanghuyan-Shifeng, which is known to be the mandrill charm. The sage rushed into the air, turning into a purple face, barefoot and unkempt hair, snakes and swords, twisting tactics, and engaged in a desperate battle with ghosts. During the battle, the saint was trapped in the cave, and the mandrills used fireworks to smoke, and their faces were blackened. When he was in a critical situation, real people Xiao and Zhang Er arrived upon hearing the news, that is, ~ let the law ~ help the saint. Zhang Gong raised his hammer and slammed the door of the cave to save Zhang Gong. There is a tumor on Zhang Gong's forehead. It is said that Zhang Gong broke the door of the cave and was injured by the cave. Zhang Gong accidentally hurt his brother and blushed with guilt. Xiao Gong's face turned blue with anger due to his angry and ghostly behavior, so later Zhang, Xiao, and Zhang's face turned black, blue, and red. After the sage came out of the cave, the three of them fought against the evil spirits again, and finally surrendered the evil spirits, leaving the people peaceful. Zhang Gong, who died at the age of 45, died in the year of Gui Mao (1183 AD) in the tenth year of Chunxi at noon on July 22. The black-faced saint sits on the Jiulong Lake of Jinsha, with a disheveled hair, hangs a snake on his neck, holds the tactics in his left hand, and holds a sword in his right hand. . The people felt their favor and built Fanghu Temple.

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