伯勞鳥生態展示館-楓港 - Fangshan Township

3.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 伯勞鳥生態展示館/楓港

地址 :

941, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Fangshan Township, Pinge Rd, 伯勞鳥生態展示館/楓港

電話 : 📞 +8888777
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E4%25BC%25AF%25E5%258B%259E%25E9%25B3%25A5%25E7%2594%259F%25E6%2585%258B%25E5%25B1%2595%25E7%25A4%25BA%25E9%25A4%25A8-1405071409751453/
城市 : Pinge Rd

941, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Fangshan Township, Pinge Rd, 伯勞鳥生態展示館/楓港
Alex Taiwan on Google

Attractions that require tickets, don't seem to have much
行劉 on Google

The environment is relatively simple, but I can understand the whole process of the shrike's arrival in Taiwan and gain some relevant knowledge
建陞吳 on Google

生態導覽員介紹伯勞鳥生態與鳥仔踏使用法,10分熱心, $50入場費只能算場地維護費而已,還可以挑紀念品,如果不趕時間的話就進去支持一下吧。
The eco-guide introduces the ecology of the shrike and how to use it. 10 points of enthusiasm. The entrance fee of $50 can only be regarded as the maintenance fee. You can also pick souvenirs. If you are not in a hurry, go in and support it.
Ben Sun on Google

After the reconstruction of the vacant battalion area of ​​the National Army, it became a vacant mosquito house again.
劉維澤 on Google

軍營去改的地方不大周一到週六 週日公休
The military camp is not a place to change from Monday to Saturday
小奧小迪 on Google

The old military camp is refitted and operated by the local community. Parking is free, and a cleaning fee is charged for visiting.
蘇慶順 on Google

大年初二 環島 去的 過年期間沒有開 那就拍拍照 繼續環島108、12、29周日,再次來还是没開!?拍照完就離開。
On the second day of the New Year's Day, round the island did not open during the Chinese New Year, then take a picture to continue around the island on Sundays 108, 12, 29, still not open again! ? Leave after taking pictures.
Griffon Lee on Google

舊營區改建的場地,相關內容其實有點貧乏… 遊客也真的很少會過來吧
The rebuilt site of the old barracks is actually a bit poor... Tourists really rarely come here.

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