乖巧鯊潛水渡假村 - Pingtung County

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 乖巧鯊潛水渡假村

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 白砂路13-9號乖巧鯊潛水渡假村

電話 : 📞 +8888877
網站 : https://www.sharkie.com.tw/
城市 : Hengchun Township

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 白砂路13-9號乖巧鯊潛水渡假村
邱靖中 on Google

優雅, 清淨, 而且主人真的是以生態綠建築在經營這個渡假村的, 不是潛水員也能相當享受, 是潛水員的話更是夢寐以求的旅宿地點
Elegant, clean, and the owner is really operating this resort with eco-green buildings. It is not a diver and can enjoy it. It is a dream place for divers.
Calvin Huang on Google

舒服愜意到懶得出門跳海 ?
So comfortable and too lazy to go out and jump into the sea ?
呂家銘 on Google

Great homestay, very outdoor style, love it! !
ouPing Lee on Google

High end scuba diving resort, quietly and comfortably.
楊椒喬 on Google

Perfect place Highly recommended
喻政 on Google

Good place to learn and stay while diving in Taiwan
Charlie Hsu on Google

Can’t find any other dive resort better than here!
Jeky Leez on Google

High quality resort, policy here is mainly scuba diver only. Rare high end diving shop in Taiwan. Truly amazing and very much hope for visiting there again.

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