保育沙灘 - Pingtung County

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 保育沙灘

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 保育沙灘

城市 : Hengchun Township

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 保育沙灘
LingLing Ke on Google

莫名其妙開車開一開就來到了這個神秘的海灘,一進去真的是白沙灣的感覺,很乾淨的海灘而且沒有什麼人為的破壞,大家來這邊一定要注意愛護環境,不要留下垃圾,留給海洋和地球一個乾淨的環境。 這邊真的很適合拍照,我在這邊遇到了一群大學生在拍學士服的畢業照,風很大有點冷 但是就坐在沙灘上凝望著海,真的非常的沉澱身心靈,如果你工作很累生活壓力很大,不妨來這邊走走,看看海聆聽一下海聲心情就會變好了,這個秘境推薦給大家!
Somehow I drove to this mysterious beach. Once I entered, I felt like a white sand bay. The beach is very clean and there is no artificial damage. You must pay attention to the environment and do n’t leave garbage. Give the ocean and the earth a clean environment. This place is really suitable for taking pictures. I met a group of college students taking graduation photos of their bachelor uniforms here. But sitting on the beach and staring at the sea, it is really very heart and soul. If you are tired from work, you have a lot of stress in life, you may come here to take a walk, look at the sea and listen to the sound of the sea, the mood will be better Recommend to everyone!
Andrew520 on Google

A sparsely populated beach with excellent natural wind scenery, I hope everyone can maintain such a beautiful beach!
Tiao Sam on Google

After visiting Houbihu Fishing Port, I accidentally discovered a scenic spot. At the intersection of the trail, there is a sign indicating that this is an ecological conservation beach. No activities are allowed, and the shells and a lot of corals on this beach cannot be taken home. .
惡童 on Google

沙灘好多漂亮的貝殼、珊瑚…..小朋友玩的很開心? PS:貝殼及珊瑚都不能帶回家歐!
There are a lot of beautiful shells and corals on the beach...the children had a great time ? PS: Shells and corals cannot be brought home to Europe!
王念亭 on Google

這裏真的太美了~非常乾淨的沙灘?️ 旁邊樹叢裏還有寄居蟹的家?
It's really beautiful here~ Very clean beach ?️ There is also a home for hermit crabs in the bushes next to it ?
Ting on Google

Very beautiful beach, the beach is full of Bakers and corals, it hurts to step on, but the scenery is beautiful and worth it, I hope it can be maintained well
史黛拉 on Google

保育沙灘很適合小孩來這裡看貝殼~ 也能意外看到寄居蟹~ 但下水要非常小心,這水深危險 前往記得帶上野餐墊可以鋪著坐 還要帶上清水(噴水壺)洗手腳。
The conservation beach is very suitable for children to come here to see shells~ You can also accidentally see hermit crabs~ But be very careful when entering the water, the water depth is dangerous Remember to bring a picnic mat to sit on Also bring clean water (watering bottle) to wash your feet.
余孟璇 on Google

很美的一片沙灘,雖然造訪的這天風超大!!但是天空跟海的顏色依舊很美~ 這裡的沙灘上有很多寄居蟹,不過只能看不能帶走喔
A beautiful beach, although the wind was very strong on the day we visited!! But the colors of the sky and the sea are still beautiful~ There are a lot of hermit crabs on the beach here, but they can only be seen and cannot be taken away

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