恆春文化創意產業市集館 - Hengchun Township

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Contact 恆春文化創意產業市集館

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Zhongshan Rd, 130號恆春文化創意產業市集館

電話 : 📞 +889797888
網站 : http://www.instagram.com/hengchun130market/
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Zhongshan Rd, 130號恆春文化創意產業市集館
J “谷歌管太多” K on Google

I'm not sure if it will be open because it looks like there is no one at 11:10 in the morning, but the time shows that the shop will open at 11 o'clock. Or this is the romance of Hengchun people
魏萍萱 on Google

It is a group of enthusiastic and lovely aboriginal artists selling their specialties. This time I participated in the DIY of Seed Charm. The creative process is interesting, the owner is kind, and the finished product is cute. I deeply feel that the cp value is high. ?? Push~
Hongjuo Shi on Google

Very distinctive, the owner is kind
Ray on Google

It was a non-holiday when I came. It may be because of this, so there are no people, and there are no people in the shop (open space).
花椰菜 on Google

由好幾個特色攤位組成,分成一二樓,販售在地的農產品與手工藝。 有電梯 二樓可坐下來喝飲料 可以小逛
It consists of several special stalls, divided into the first and second floors, selling local agricultural products and crafts. Has an elevator Sit down and drink on the second floor Can go shopping
cw y on Google

裡面很多文創商品還有手作DIY等等 覺得是一個很棒的文藝空間 可能是沒有好好推廣覺得可惜
gloomyding on Google

室內的小市集,賣一些當地人的手作品 路過可以進去逛逛
Small indoor market, selling some hand-made works of local people You can go in and stroll by
Joel Ayau on Google

Charming indoor market selling hand-made local works. This should be better labeled and more well-known! Fun time for my 5-year-old filling a slender glass bottle with shells (legal ones, from the Philippines) and sand, while sipping delicious sour Aiyu.

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