老街の鹽酥雞 - Dawu Township

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 老街の鹽酥雞

地址 :

965, Taiwan, Taitung County, Dawu Township, Dawu St, 90號老街の鹽酥雞No

電話 : 📞 +88989
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E8%2580%2581%25E8%25A1%2597%25E3%2581%25AE%25E9%25B9%25BD%25E9%2585%25A5%25E9%259B%259E-1764008320580115/
城市 : Dawu St

965, Taiwan, Taitung County, Dawu Township, Dawu St, 90號老街の鹽酥雞No
珊廸 on Google

超級無敵好吃 ?推推玉米筍、超大雞排? ?脫油少負擔 ?老闆娘親切 ??每次經過必定造訪店家??
Super invincible and delicious ?Push corn shoots and super chicken chops? ?Remove oil and less burden ?The boss is kind ?? Always visit the store every time you pass by ??
林雋哲 on Google

乾淨衛生! 這地區第一名的鹹酥雞。老闆娘獨特醬料醃製入味,雞排,鹹酥雞,魷魚跟杏鮑菇都超好吃。
Clean and hygienic! The first salty crispy chicken in this area. The proprietress's unique sauce is marinated and delicious. Chicken steak, salty crispy chicken, squid and pleurotus eryngii are super delicious.
陳彥瑾 on Google

Delicious, cheap and big, really recommended
Adam Yu on Google

Great value salted chicken in Dawu Township ~ Auntie is very warm and things are cheap! Like Like ????
歐妹尬賽 on Google

敲好吃 可是拜託別太多人 我不想排隊
It's delicious to knock, but please don't get too many people, I don't want to queue
John Kao on Google

好吃欸? 難得看到有脫油機? 加分???
Delicious ? It is rare to see a de-oiling machine? Bonus points???
LuLu Lin on Google

份量大!也美味! 流浪到東部還能隨機遇上美味的鹽酥雞,是旅途中的小確幸啊~
Big portion! Also delicious! Wandering to the east, you can also randomly encounter delicious salted chicken. It is a little fortunate during the trip~
王崇宇 on Google


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