花東海岸線 - Hualien County

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Contact 花東海岸線

地址 :

977, Taiwan, Hualien County, Fengbin Township, 花東海岸公路花東海岸線

城市 : Fengbin Township

977, Taiwan, Hualien County, Fengbin Township, 花東海岸公路花東海岸線
張秀華 on Google

空氣怡人 風景漂亮 讓人心曠神怡
The air is pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and it is refreshing
王錫璘 on Google

花東海岸沿途 一處不起眼 容易誏旅人錯過 很美的拍照景點……!
There is an inconspicuous spot along the east coast of Huahua, which is easy to be missed by travelers. Beautiful photo spots...!
陈玉桐 on Google

要從花蓮到台東的海岸線 一路風景都很美 一邊是山一邊是海 車子很少 海岸線的路 很好开车。
From Hualien to Taitung's coastline, the scenery is beautiful. On the other side, there is a sea on the side of the mountain. There are few cars on the shoreline. It is very good to drive.
劉慧足 on Google

The ultra-long coastline has various landscapes and historical traces squeezed by various crustal movements.
雷豪爾 on Google

藍色公路,拍美照必遊路線 台11線。臺灣最美的海岸 臺灣四面環海,海岸線各有特色,卻沒有任何一處海岸線能像台11線的海岸如此原始、自然、美麗。有人說,東部的台11線是臺灣最美的海岸線。不論從南迴公路繞行至臺東,抑或由北部下行至東海岸,每當遊客看見海出現在眼前,總是驚呼於東岸的群山峻嶺,靛藍漸層的海面,峭壁拔地而起,大海雄偉壯闊,令人屏息。 三仙台 位於臺東縣成功鎮東北方的三仙台,全島面積約 22 公頃,最高點海拔約 77 公尺。地質屬於都巒山集塊岩,原是一處岬角,但因海水侵蝕,逐漸蝕斷岬角頸部,而成了離岸島,島的四周珊瑚礁環繞,海底熱帶魚群聚,適合潛水和游泳。 加路蘭遊憩區 加路蘭的漂流木裝置藝術點綴著由志航基地的廢棄土置場改頭換面的遊憩區,此處視野開闢,可聽濤望海、遠眺阿美族聖山---都蘭山。加路蘭手創市集提供創意手作人與在地藝術創作者一個交流與分享的平台。 水往上流奇觀 位於東河鄉的水往上流是另一個為人熟知的景點,假日總吸引無數人潮前往觀賞小溝渠的水往上流的奇觀。鄰近的東河舊鐵橋為極富時代意義的地方,出海口的寧靜河水流向大海,海天一線一詞在此得到印證。 都蘭新東糖廠 都蘭的悠閒步調和藝術人文氣息吸引了許多島內新移民、外國朋友和日籍人士來此定居,享受悠閒退休或隱居的生活。都蘭的登山步道、月光小棧、都蘭新東糖廠與週遭的特色民宿、小店,來自都蘭的阿美族歌手Suming,這些人事物都是讓都蘭的美好更加分的因素。 金樽遊憩區 上行至金樽遊憩區,可俯瞰金樽灣,遠方的陸連島和啤酒泡沫的白色浪花是百萬級的風景,只是走馬看花太可惜了,坐下喝杯咖啡,吹吹太平洋的風,看海聽浪的頂級享受絕不會令您失望。 東河橋風景區 位於東河鄉馬武窟溪出海口的東河橋風景區,東河新、舊兩條橋樑橫跨其上,在碧綠山水的襯托之下,亮麗動人,東河新橋的紅色橋身令人印象深刻,東河舊橋獨特的橋墩設計,更名列臺灣歷史建築百景之一。橋下散布的許多形狀不一的白雲母石,與碧綠的溪水相映成趣,形成美麗的自然景觀。
Blue road, take a beautiful photo Taiwan line 11. Taiwan's most beautiful coast Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and the coastline has its own characteristics. However, no coastline can be as primitive, natural and beautiful as the 11-line coastline. Some people say that the Taiwan 11th line in the east is the most beautiful coastline in Taiwan. Whether traveling from the southern return road to Taitung or from the north to the east coast, whenever tourists see the sea in front of their eyes, they always exclaim the mountains on the east coast, the blue sea and the cliffs. From the beginning, the sea is magnificent and breathtaking. Sanxiantai Located in Sanxiantai, northeast of Chenggong Town, Taitung County, the island covers an area of ​​22 hectares and the highest point is about 77 meters above sea level. The geology belongs to the Dushan Mountain block rock. It was originally a horn. However, due to seawater erosion, it gradually eroded the corner neck and became an offshore island. The island is surrounded by coral reefs. The tropical fish clusters are suitable for diving and swimming. Kalulan Recreation Area The art of driftwood in Kalulan is dotted with the recreation area of ​​the abandoned land of Zhihang Base. The view here is open, and you can listen to the sea and overlook the Ami Mountain, Dulan Mountain. The Gallulin Handmade Market provides a platform for creative hand-makers to interact and share with local art creators. Water up the wonders The water in Donghe Township is another well-known attraction. Holidays always attract countless crowds to see the wonders of the water flowing up the small ditch. The neighboring Donghe Old Iron Bridge is a place of great significance. The quiet river flowing out to the sea flows to the sea. The word Haitian is confirmed here. Dulan Xindong Sugar Factory Dulan's leisurely pace and artistic and cultural atmosphere have attracted many new immigrants, foreign friends and Japanese people on the island to settle here and enjoy a leisurely retirement or seclusion. Dulan's hiking trails, Moonlight Xiaozhan, Dulan Xindong Sugar Factory and the surrounding characteristic B&B, small shop, and Ami singer Suming from Dulan, these things are all factors that make Dulan better. Jinyu Recreation Area Upward to the Golden Mile Recreational Area, overlooking the Golden Mile Bay, the far-reaching Lulian Island and the white foam of the beer foam are a million-level scenery. It’s a pity to watch the flowers, sit down for a cup of coffee, blow the winds of the Pacific Ocean, watch the sea Listening to the top of the wave will never disappoint you. Dongheqiao Scenic Area Located in the Dongheqiao Scenic Area at the mouth of Mawu Cave in Donghe Township, the two new bridges of Donghe River straddle it. Under the backdrop of green mountains and rivers, the red bridge of Donghe New Bridge is impressive. Donghe The unique bridge pier design of the Old Bridge is one of the top 100 historical buildings in Taiwan. Many muscovite stones of different shapes scattered under the bridge form a beautiful natural landscape with the green water.
依娜 on Google

It is beautiful on sunny and rainy days, and it is a pleasure to drive on this road.
Yung Chi Chung on Google

Good ☺️
Reading Order (Orders) on Google

HMRC Reference:NAXB-5845-XKJQ

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