Car Quality - Xitun District

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Car Quality

地址 :

No. 67號, Chaoma Rd, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407

電話 : 📞 +888
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城市 : Taichung City

No. 67號, Chaoma Rd, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407
雨晴林 on Google

店長看我爛車~整個臉都不開心 我只是想換機油~我好像比他更像服務生還跟他打了招呼~他也不是很削~我以後還會來的~還有進步空間~我問了師傅幫我換機油都比他認真….. 服務會讓我多花錢~我不輸好車的客人….. 店長要加油!辛苦了◉‿◉ 我若有說錯~還請指教!
The manager sees my rotten car~ The whole face is unhappy I just want to change the oil~ I seem to be more like a waiter than him and greeted him~ He is not very sharp~ I will come again in the future~ There is still room for improvement~ I asked the master to change the oil for me more seriously than him … The service will make me spend more money~ I don't lose the customers with good cars. . . . The store manager must come on! hard work◉‿◉ If I'm wrong - please advise!
Eva Chen on Google

The service staff is super kind, the weather is very hot, and they are very patient to help me check the condition of the car and then deal with it, and they are not stingy to share professional opinions! Really super thank you!
Ming ya Chen on Google

去年上半年,在這換了輪胎,八月台中高雄來回一趟,其中一顆沒破卻洩氣鋼圈著地,查修原因為換胎時鋼圈內部清潔不足,驚嚇與氣憤不在話下。 重新在輪胎行做了清潔,不到一年最後還是因安全感不足忍痛將不到一萬公里的輪胎全換,等於平白花了八千的冤枉錢。 雖然消費經驗令人傷心,但接待人員的態度一直都是很好的,致贈一顆星。
In the first half of last year, the tires were changed here, and during a trip back and forth between Taichung and Kaohsiung in August, one of the steel rims was not broken but deflated. After cleaning the tire shop again, in less than a year, I still reluctantly replaced all tires with less than 10,000 kilometers due to lack of security, which is equivalent to spending 8,000 in vain. Although the consumption experience is sad, the attitude of the reception staff has always been very good, giving one star.
Arthur Chen on Google

這是第一次網路購買四個輪胎,再指定店家安裝,下單後隔天安裝。 指定朝馬店安裝,郭店長親自電話安排預約時間(午後一點),我有早到,看到並知道12點多了技師仍在工作尚未用餐,我於是等候並主動告知技師吃飯後休息一下,13:30再安裝即可。 安裝過程順利、專業、敬業,輪胎配重四輪都一次到位,定位調整也一次到位,沒什麽調來調去,試車也順利。 技師是保養廠的靈魂也是販售標準商品的汽車量販差異價值所在,熟練的技師是資產,劉忠佑技師蠻到位的,觀點也正確容易溝通。 郭念祖店長從電話接代與預約開始,都感覺不出來這麽年輕,行政林小姐服務與結帳程序清楚解說,十分客氣。 這是一次不錯的換胎服務過程體驗,感覺不只是在產品本身的價值,而有其他的附加價值,值得推薦!
Fenny Yuen on Google

他們家服務很好、特別是維修場的大叔、車位有分維修區和一般客戶的停車區、但是因為下大雨我的擋風玻璃有油漬雨痕,還有要換雨刷、服務廠的師傅先幫我診斷,然後帶我進去幫我選要用的東西還教我用,真的覺得比市政路的那一家汽車百貨好1000倍 師傅幫我換好雨刷後、還教我使用清潔劑怎麼清潔玻璃。使用量也很省、還可以以後自己洗玻璃、也可以幫我老公的車洗玻璃了 過程我都沒有淋到雨、就可以解決我的困擾~真的很感謝服務廠的師傅 有時候買東西維修東西都是服務很重要、而不是只是便宜方便就好 大家也可以來感受一下他們家的好服務喔~真的很建議 他們家還可以辦eTag、動作很快而且很好停車喔
Chen-Yao Tsai on Google

Nice services
Willance Tan on Google

Day! High performance!
Zoltan Hegedus on Google

If you know who to talk to, it's a reliable place.

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