Chu-Lin Senior High School

3.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Chu-Lin Senior High School

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No. 12, Lane 143, Huaxin St, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 235

電話 : 📞 +8898
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城市 : New Taipei City

No. 12, Lane 143, Huaxin St, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 235
ZHI JIE on Google

Bamboo X Enterprise sponsors children to study. Good and bad mixed reading and teaching atmosphere is not good. Classes are divided into grades and test papers are exchanged after receipt. The atmosphere is like Mansion X Hua High School but there are school uniforms to buy. It is recommended to have bilingual high schools if you have money. Qian is also not worried about not being able to transfer to another school and wasting money, especially when he was originally going to recommend his children for the screening test. The real results of the internal examinations are not only given to the top few children of the company's employees.
秈仙 on Google

五十嵐雪風 on Google

在職老師親自上來刷評論,厲害 好話說在前頭,校內的確是有好老師和好的人,但那些差勁的人事物,真的,真的使人難以忘懷 校內設備老舊,無關緊要的規矩一堆,襪子過短也能當作違規,頭髮長短和褲子寬緊也是,校內設有電梯,然而學生非「特殊」情況下,不能搭乘,某些為人師長的傢伙都跩的不行,像學生都欠他錢一樣,更有甚者,把學生的家長當很閒,成天使喚,每週會有幾天上課強制要上到晚上九點,寒暑假強制參加校內課程,諸多劣行,罄竹難書,還有想到再補 請各位考慮報讀這間「學校」的學生及家長 請考慮再三,別被校方的假象給騙了!
The in-service teacher personally came up to review the comments, amazing The good words come first. There are indeed good teachers and good people in the school, but those bad people and things are really, really unforgettable. The equipment in the school is old, and there are a lot of unimportant rules. Short socks can also be regarded as violations, as are the length of hair and the width of trousers. There is an elevator in the school, but students cannot take it unless there are "special" circumstances. The teachers and teachers are not good enough, like the students owe him money, what's more, they treat the parents of the students as very idle, and they are always called by the sky. There are several days a week. Participating in on-campus courses, many bad behaviors, too many to read, and thinking about making up again All students and parents considering enrolling in this "school" Please think again and again, don't be deceived by the school's illusion!
Lulu Tsai on Google

我們家姐弟高中前都讀竹林,很感謝小學部對於英文方面的栽培,但永遠無法苟同國中部對我們造成的傷害。 國中時我因為成績總是吊車尾,因此經常遭受到非常不平等的待遇,班導甚至不讓我參加才藝表演競賽。至今長大我都還是不明白,為什麼那些師長總抱持著「唯有讀書高」的想法教育每位學生,難道對於課業表現不出眾的學生就只能被老師為難,接著再受到同儕之間的排擠甚至霸凌嗎? 說到霸凌,那真是我們姐弟倆的惡夢。莫約2012當年,我被已離職至延X中學的曲姓英文女老師教導,因為我的成績不理想、思想太活躍、被認為「不務正業」,導致後來當年她在無名小站寫了我與我媽的壞話,這也是我之後轉班的導火線。 還記得每學期學校都會發一份「調查校園霸凌」的單子,那時我在單子上好不容易鼓起勇氣勾選了「我被霸凌」的選項,換來的卻是班導把我叫出去班上苦口婆心的慰問,看似想寬慰我,說那些霸凌都已經是轉班前的事了,但其實只是不想把事情鬧大、不想髒了她的班級。 再來說說我弟弟,他國三下轉到外考班被已離職的蘇姓國文女老師欺負的更慘烈,慘到去精神科看心理醫生呢。有趣的是,霸凌我們姐弟倆在辭去竹林中學的工作後,都雙雙進入位於北市延X中學繼續教職生涯了呢。 儘管我們家的孩子們在就讀竹林中學的三年裡都過得苦不堪言,但離開竹林後我們都在新的學校靠著曾經被竹林老師們認為是「不務正業」的專長發光發熱。 最後想以老師的身份跟家長們呼籲,請用心發掘孩子們的特長、千萬不要揠苗助長、會讀書不完全代表未來的成就。如果您的孩子學業表現亮眼,那竹林可能是個好選擇,但如果是像我當年一樣思想活躍、勇於表達、特長明顯、不諳課業的話,那麼我相信一定會有比竹林中學更好的選擇。
宮水三葉 on Google

Money Money Money
陳澤振 on Google

Shao-Che Lin 林劭哲 on Google

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