時光輕旅Coffee Time Inn 咖啡烘焙•恆春民宿 - Hengchun Township

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 時光輕旅Coffee Time Inn 咖啡烘焙•恆春民宿

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Henggong Rd, 240號時光輕旅Coffee Time Inn 咖啡烘焙•恆春民宿

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://booking.owlting.com/time8898877
城市 : Henggong Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Henggong Rd, 240號時光輕旅Coffee Time Inn 咖啡烘焙•恆春民宿
妘媽咪 on Google

民宿老闆人很好唷!還會介紹附近當地美食。房間很乾淨,吹風機也很讚(女兒長髮不會吹很久,忘了什麼牌子,是有負離子功能的吹風機),小朋友也很喜歡這間民宿。 有喝咖啡的朋友也不要錯過,老闆泡的咖啡很好喝唷!
The owner of the homestay is very nice! Local food nearby will also be introduced. The room is very clean, and the hair dryer is also very good (daughter's long hair will not blow for a long time, I forgot what brand, it is a hair dryer with negative ion function), and the children also like this homestay very much. Friends who drink coffee should not miss it, the coffee made by the boss is very good!
Xenia Liu on Google

1. 房間跟網路照片100%一樣。 2. 整個民宿包含房間的乾淨舒適度超過100分。 3. 床鋪不會太硬不會太軟,很素西。 3. 備品齊全,洗髮精沐浴乳護髮是歐萊德的,毛巾乾淨。 4. 民宿老闆超級nice 回覆訊息速度一級棒,還會細心介紹附近美食景點。 6. 門口有停車空間,附近也有免費特約停車場,不用煩惱停車問題。 6. 價格親民合理超棒der 下次會再來!
1. The room is 100% the same as the internet photo. 2. The cleanliness and comfort of the entire homestay including the room exceeded 100 points. 3. The bed is neither too hard nor too soft, very plain. 3. The equipment is complete, the shampoo, shower gel, and hair care are from O'Ride, and the towels are clean. 4. The owner of the homestay is super nice to reply to the message very quickly, and will also introduce the nearby food spots carefully. 6. There is a parking space at the entrance, and there is also a free special parking lot nearby, so you don't have to worry about parking problems. 6. The price is affordable and reasonable, and it's great. I will come again next time!
Kelly Su on Google

非常讚的民宿,老闆非常客氣且一進入會送上一杯現泡咖啡,會介紹附近好吃好玩的點。 房間很大,有一間小獨立房間,可以給有小孩子玩的空間,床也大,舒服,窗戶打開有一些風景可看,雖然是大馬路但也滿安靜的,隔音ok. 有專屬停車場,大約走路2分鐘,下雨天比較不方便,但還好。附近有商店與餐廳,不怕沒東西吃。 整體滿分,會想下次去墾丁時再住一次。
liyihui on Google

The owner is very kind and introduced a lot of attractions. The price of the room is reasonable, the quality of the accommodation is good, it is very quiet and not disturbed, and the CP value is very high. I will want to stay again next time I come to Kenting.
曾有騰 on Google

真的是一家很讚的民宿 這次來墾丁拍婚紗,找了這家看了很久的民宿,老闆人真的很好,幫忙處理各種需求,還有很好喝的咖啡。 床也不會太軟,房間很大一間,熱水很好洗,真的是一家會想再入住的民宿。 很抱歉把你們房卡用不見,謝謝你們的服務。
Really a great homestay This time I came to Kenting for a wedding photo shoot, and I found this B&B that I have been looking at for a long time. The owner is really nice, helping with various needs and having good coffee. The bed is not too soft, the room is large, and the hot water is easy to wash. It is really a homestay that I would like to stay in again. Sorry for missing your room card, thank you for your service.
Pin on Google

民宿外可停三台車,也有約定的停車場 在對街(那個紅綠燈要等很久阿~) 老闆人很親切又熱心,介紹了景點和美食。 當天入住四人房,衛浴設備的話蓮蓬頭有兩個,洗澡空間很大 備品也是有挑選過的。床頭有插座很方便。啊有電梯! 只是這間剛好在大馬路旁 晚上會有大車、重機聲(也不能說隔音不好),是沒有特別影響到,我們還是睡得很好哈哈 沒有附早餐,有提供民宿覺得不錯的早餐店菜單。走到恆春市區約10-15分鐘,地點是便利的。(看一整排都是民宿就知道了) 住了兩晚很滿意!
Three cars can be parked outside the homestay, and there is also an agreed parking lot on the opposite street (that traffic light will take a long time~) The owner is very kind and enthusiastic, and introduced the attractions and food. I stayed in a quadruple room that day. There are two shower heads in the bathroom equipment, and the bathing space is very large. The accessories are also selected. It is convenient to have sockets at the head of the bed. Ah there's an elevator! It's just that this room is just next to the main road. There will be big cars and heavy machines at night (it can't be said that the sound insulation is not good), it is not particularly affected, we still slept well haha There is no breakfast included, but there is a menu of breakfast shops that the homestay thinks is good. It takes about 10-15 minutes to walk to Hengchun urban area, and the location is convenient. (Look at the whole row of homestays and you will know) Satisfied with two nights stay!
鄭小鄭 on Google

在恆春住過最喜歡的民宿。 1. 從訂房聯絡開始就感受到老板的各種用心,傳送了房型內部的影片介紹、如何到達民宿的資訊等等。店內也準備了許多恆春好吃好玩的資訊介紹,初次來訪沒做功課也不用擔心 2. 門口就有三個車位,如果停滿了在附近(走路不到五分鐘)也有專屬停車場,確保每間房都有停車位,對開車族十分友善 3. 房間超寬敞!這次住的雙人房型裡還有一個客廳跟很大的陽台,玩完水回來衣服有地方可以晾曬真的很方便 4. 所有地方都很一塵不染,可以赤腳在房間走動,浴室有對外窗,非常乾淨無霉味,住起來非常舒服 5.老板的手沖咖啡很好喝!好喝到要退房時還外帶了兩杯離開 很棒的住宿體驗,下次來恆春一定會再回來的!
My favorite homestay I stayed in Hengchun. 1. From the moment of booking contact, I felt the boss's various intentions, and sent a video introduction inside the room type, information on how to get to the homestay, etc. The store has also prepared a lot of information about Hengchun's delicious and fun information. Don't worry if you don't do your homework for the first time. 2. There are three parking spaces at the entrance. If the parking lot is full, there is also a dedicated parking lot nearby (less than five minutes on foot) to ensure that each room has a parking space, which is very friendly to drivers. 3. The room is super spacious! The double room type I stayed this time also has a living room and a large balcony. It is really convenient to have a place to dry clothes after playing in the water. 4. All places are spotless, you can walk around the room with bare feet, the bathroom has an external window, very clean and no musty smell, very comfortable to live in 5. The boss's pour-over coffee is delicious! It was so good that I took two glasses away when I wanted to check out. Great stay experience, I will definitely come back next time I come to Hengchun!
Ruby Lin on Google

年輕老闆親切也很熱情,自己手沖的茶也很好喝噢。因為一次要找連續三天的住宿本來很擔心怕找到不舒服的,但根本多擔心? 因為房間很大很舒適,還有電梯,地板乾淨可以直接赤腳,即使面對馬路氣密窗隔音很好,蓮蓬頭水溫水壓都超讚,小地方都很細心,床舒適也有足夠地方放行李跟掛衣服,真心覺得出來可以遇到像家一樣舒適的地方很幸運~ 剛好這幾天大雨,還可以舒服的待在房裡,讚讚,下次有機會來恆春一定會再訪:)
The young boss is kind and enthusiastic, and the tea made by himself is also delicious. Because I was looking for accommodation for three consecutive days at a time, I was worried that I would find it uncomfortable, but I was more worried at all. Because the room is very big and comfortable, there is an elevator, the floor is clean and you can go barefoot directly, even if it faces the road, the airtight windows have good sound insulation, the water temperature and pressure of the shower head are excellent, the small places are very careful, the bed is comfortable and there is enough space for luggage With hanging clothes, I really feel lucky to find a place as comfortable as home when I come out~ It just happened to be raining heavily in the past few days, so I can stay in the room comfortably, praise, I will definitely visit again next time I have the opportunity to come to Hengchun :)

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