
4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Dujuanling

地址 :

353, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Nanzhuang Township, 24.508923121.006483 Dujuanling

網站 : https://hiking.biji.co/index.php%3Fq%3Dreview%26act%3Dinfo%26review_id%3D10809
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Nanzhuang Township

353, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Nanzhuang Township, 24.508923121.006483 Dujuanling
林宗明 on Google

When I visited Mount Jiali for the first time, I wanted to say that the distance to Dujuan Ridge was only 0.75km. It should be okay to follow along, but the result was anxious ups and downs, and the road was quite hard. Thinking of it, my feet are still sore. But do not regret it.
CJ Wu on Google

由大坪林道加里山登山口,上至鞍部岔路,循杜鵑嶺走「2113 峰」此處也是南庄鄉跟泰安鄉界。杜鵑嶺位在大坪林道往加里山途中,大坪林道的廢棄台車軌道遺址處,左邊可見殘存軌道,右邊則是往上稜線,循稜上行即進入杜鵑林區,錯亂紛雜的杜鵑樹幹,交錯盤旋生長著,像極了魔戒電影場景裡的魔法森林,整條林徑好似鋪了彈簧床式的地毯路。上「加里山」在下至9號樁取左岔往大坪林道,下至廢棄台車鐵軌登山口,這樣 P 字型的路線,沿途展望極佳,林相茂密、是一條優質的五星級步道。
From the mountain pass of Jiali Mountain on Dapinglin Road, up to the Anbu Fork Road, follow Dujuan Ridge to "2113 Peak". This is also the boundary between Nanzhuang Township and Taian Township. Dujuan Ridge is located on the way from Dapinglin Road to Mount Jiali. At the site of the abandoned trolley track on Dapinglin Road, the remaining track can be seen on the left, and the upward ridge line is on the right. Follow the edge to enter the cuckoo forest area. The chaotic and jumbled cuckoo trunks grow staggered and spiral So, like the magic forest in the scene of the Lord of the Rings movie, the entire forest path seemed to be paved with a box-spring carpet road. Go up to "Jali Mountain" and go down to pile 9 and take the left fork to Daping Forest Road, and down to the trailing entrance of the abandoned trolley track. This P-shaped route has excellent prospects along the way. It is a high-quality five-star trail with dense forests.
Cooloh on Google

A flat area that can be used as a resting place, about 15 minutes from Mount Garry
許傳勇 on Google

There used to be a stainless steel hilltop sign, but now it's gone, and I can only take a photo with "Dujuanling Trail Rescue Stake No. 12", which is a pity.
lun-kang yang on Google

The old Rhododendron forest of more than 2100 meters, the opposite hill is Mount Jiali, and further down to Mount Jiali, the view is very good. Here is also a great mountaineering fork road, one side to Jialishan, and the other to Tai'an Hushan and Beihenglongshan.
Tien T on Google

登加里山由鹿場進入,繞過加里山三角點後從救援點15往回走。 加里山下切至鞍部有幾段小拉繩,也有展望點可以回望加里山跟雪山山脈,路上碰到帝雉,不打擾等過了再走。鞍部可以休息,然後一個陡上至杜鵑嶺,小展望,腹地不大。 接下來一路下切,至第6救援點附近有第2觀景平台,碰到超大雲海跟老鷹。展望超好,值得5顆星。路程上有許多奇異的樹木,也有檜木。地面大致軟軟的好走,路線大致清楚,下載離線地圖會更安全。 杜鵑嶺下到大坪支線台車道約3.95公里,取右走大坪支線約2.7公里到避難山屋下山
Mount Tengali enters from the deer farm and walks back from the rescue point 15 after bypassing the triangle point of Mount Gary. There are a few small drawstrings cut from the bottom of Jiali Mountain to the saddle, and there are also observation points to look back at Jiali Mountain and the Snow Mountain Range. The saddle can rest, and then a steep climb to Dujuan Ridge, with a small outlook and a small hinterland. Next cut all the way down to the second viewing platform near the sixth rescue point, and encountered a huge sea of ​​clouds and an eagle. The outlook is super good and deserves 5 stars. There are many strange trees and cypress on the way. The ground is generally soft and easy to walk, and the route is generally clear. It is safer to download offline maps. Go down from Dujuan Mountain to Daping Branch Line Trolley Road for about 3.95 kilometers, take the right and take the Daping Branch Line for about 2.7 kilometers to the refuge mountain house.
lee brenda on Google

加里山由大坪支線起登經杜鵑嶺到加里山。在杜鵑嶺附近開始有展望。登加里山後 可先走鹿場方向下山;走一段時間後 會看到二坪、鹿場(避難山屋+大坪)叉路路標。可自行依腳程選擇大O(大坪)或小O(二坪)回到大坪登山口;大坪登山口有流動廁所。開車上來時 道路路面狀況不錯 但路很小條又很陡。由大坪上的遊客較少,可以省掉一些排隊攀繩的時間
Mount Jiali starts from the Daping branch and climbs through Dujuan Ridge to Mount Jiali. There is a prospect near Dujuan Ridge. You can go down the mountain in the direction of Luchang after you reach Mount Tengali; after walking for a while, you will see Erping and Luchang (refuge mountain house + Daping) cross road signs. You can choose Big O (Daping) or Small O (Erping) to return to Daping Mountain Entrance according to your footsteps; there are mobile toilets at Daping Mountain Entrance. When I drove up, the road surface was in good condition, but the road was small and steep. Since there are fewer tourists on Daping, you can save some time in queuing for rope climbing
Chien-Chang Chen on Google

The route from Jialishan seems to be short but not that easy. A little up and down and some rope climbing down. The view at the top of Dujuanling is so so. Not much view there. But you can walk down from the ridge here and it won’t be an easy route.

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