E哥潛水休閒會館 - Hengchun Township

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Contact E哥潛水休閒會館

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Daguang Rd, 115號E哥潛水休閒會館13號

電話 : 📞 +88988877
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Recreation---Sports-Website/E-%25E5%2593%25A5%25E6%25BD%259B%25E6%25B0%25B4-1312960232164526/%3Flocale2%3Dzh_TW
城市 : Daguang Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Daguang Rd, 115號E哥潛水休閒會館13號
江長浩 on Google

蘭嶼東龍潛水民宿Lanyu TungLung Diving INN on Google

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Hsu james on Google

The location is near the sea. The equipment is complete. The instructor has a deep qualification is a good choice for diving, self-diving, and photography.
Melody小馬兒趣旅行 on Google

很棒的居家型潛水店,想在這定居了,附近有早餐店、便利商店、老麵店、海鮮餐廳等等,離後壁湖潛點五分鐘車程,船潛的後壁湖遊艇港也是5分鐘,距離各知名潛點的中間! 樓下是交誼廳,還有教練上課的地方,樓上2、3、4樓還有背包房、雙人房!來墾丁潛水,就像回到自己家裏一樣自在,教練和小幫手都很好聊,也可以一起去吃恆春推薦的美食! 平價的住宿、乾淨,在地20幾年潛水經歷的教練,有很多很棒的私房潛水點喔!教練教學仔細認真,推薦給各位想學潛水,或體驗潛水、fun dive的客人!
A great home-style diving shop, I want to settle here. There are breakfast shops, convenience stores, old noodle shops, seafood restaurants, etc. nearby. It is a five-minute drive from Houbihu diving site, and the boat diving Houbihu yacht harbor is also 5 minutes away from the middle of various well-known dive sites! Downstairs is the saloon, where the coaches take classes, and there are backpack rooms and double rooms on the 2, 3, and 4 floors upstairs! Coming to Kenting to dive is as comfortable as returning to your own home. The instructors and helpers are very good to chat, and you can also go to eat the food recommended by Hengchun! Cheap accommodation, clean, instructors with more than 20 years of diving experience, there are many great private diving spots! The instructor teaches carefully and is recommended to everyone who wants to learn diving, or experience diving, fun dive!
石傑作 on Google

Brother E is a very professional coach, as well as a very positive pony assistant.
Roc Kao on Google

剛剛離開墾丁,我是潛水的菜鳥,可以說是第一次在墾丁潛水,謝謝朋友推薦E哥,教的熱心講解清楚,很棒的服務! 房間也很舒服實惠! 要不是颱風接近,不然我還想再多住一晚!
I just left Kenting. I am a rookie diving. It can be said that this is my first time diving in Kenting. Thank you for recommending Brother E. The teacher explained clearly and provided great service! The room is also very comfortable and affordable! Had it not been for the approaching typhoon, I would still like to stay one more night!
子懷 on Google

風趣幽默專業的e哥 細心熱情美麗的小馬兒 永遠最後的靠山黑熊哥 第一晚很晚才到細心的小馬兒透過fb講解如何從高雄車站搭車到潛店,運氣很好達到回頭車價格很划算每人400元,司機大哥是車手沿路兩旁汽車都在慢動作的往後移動,抵達後小馬簡單介紹環境及安排房間,雞塊馬上就被安東及頂樓的小橘貓給吸走。 第二天早上散步到旁邊的瑪麗早餐店 瑪麗熱情 還會說台語真的很厲害 附近新開的萊爾富及懷舊咁阿店想買的東西應有盡有,上午上學科,下午直接下海 第一次真的來的太快一切都還在驚奇中 我們就下潛到藍色的世界 第一次能見度大約7~8米, 車渠貝 頭頂游過海蛇 繽紛的熱帶魚 牛港生(大牛)獅子鱼 雀屏珊瑚 ,第一次從水底背著器瓶 BC 手拿蛙鞋 走回岸上漸漸感覺到裝備重力好想再會到水里 飢腸轆轆 熱情的e哥馬上推薦了羊肉爐 店家的芋頭真的很厲害 粉香微鹹吃了口袋的台幣就回不去了 (對了中午e哥請我們吃鍋燒麵) 吃完後e哥馬上就推薦在地人的飲料 阿姐阿的洛神花茶 及菊花茶 健康無負擔 第三天 有新同學 消防員及兩位妹妹 上午看影片學科,下午游泳池訓練 面鏡排水 平壓 跨步式入水 背躺式入水 側身入水 空中旋轉入水 我們自己在水中玩前後空翻 一口氣蛙鞋游25米 練習自由式 (記得帶浴帽泳池內有黑色雪花) 真的要佩服E哥 人活著就是要吃 在恆春要吃就要問e哥 中午吃恆春最好吃的鴨肉便當 骨肉易分離 鴨肉不柴 皮香肉嫩有汁 晚上吃越南料理 小翠越南美食阿嘉耕逃 視覺上的衝擊巨無霸的份量 最適合我們飢餓的身體 第四天上午 小巴里 有很多立槳 特別的地形 平靜的水域潮汐的變化 很適合家庭來體驗 下午因為西南氣流 開始起風下大雨 在貨車內躲避,搞笑的e哥就是能讓氣氛高潮迭起 最後選定後壁湖的餵魚區 本來想去雀屏珊瑚可惜能見度太低大約1~2米及氣瓶氣量不夠(依照氣量最少的人為主)黑熊哥在5米左右使用了浮力袋 大家在這裡平壓3分鐘 大家一起慢慢浮出水面 晚上吃火鍋好吃價格合理 多留了第五天上午 後壁護餵魚區 這次帶秋刀魚餵食,有看到牛港生2~3尾銀色及深色 小小車渠貝 陽隧足 條紋蝦魚 如果你的目標是體驗一個安全美麗難忘的潛水旅程,這一定是個很棒的選擇。
Funny and humorous professional e brother Careful, passionate and beautiful little horse Brother Black Bear, the Last Backer forever The attentive little horse arrived late on the first night and explained through fb how to take a ride from Kaohsiung Station to the dive shop. Good luck. The price of the return car is very cost-effective. 400 yuan per person. The driver is the driver. Moving back, Xiao Ma briefly introduced the environment and arranged the room after arriving, and the chicken nuggets were immediately sucked away by Anton and the little orange cat on the top floor. Take a walk the next morning to Mary’s breakfast shop Mary is enthusiastic and she speaks Taiwanese really well The newly opened Lairfu and Nostalgia Store nearby have everything you want to buy, go to school in the morning and go directly to the sea in the afternoon The first time I really came too fast, everything was still in surprise. We dived into the blue world. The visibility for the first time was about 7~8 meters. The head of the car canal shell swims over the colorful tropical fish Niugangsheng (Da Niu) Lionfish Queping coral from the sea snake. It is the first time to walk back to the shore from the bottom of the water with the bottle BC in hand and the fins. In the water Hungry and enthusiastic brother e immediately recommended the lamb stove The taro in the store is really good. The powder is fragrant and slightly salty. I can’t go back with the Taiwan dollars in my pocket. (By the way, Brother e invites us to have pot roast noodles at noon) After eating, Brother e immediately recommends local drinks A sister's Roselle flower tea and chrysanthemum tea are healthy without burden On the third day there are new classmates, firefighters and two younger sisters Watch the video in the morning and practice in the swimming pool in the afternoon Mask drainage, flat pressure, stepping into the water, back into the water, sideways into the water Spin in the air and enter the water. We play back and forth in the water by ourselves. Swim 25 meters in fins and practice freestyle (remember that there are black snowflakes in the pool with shower cap) I really want to admire Brother E. If you want to eat it, you have to ask Brother E. Eat Hengchun’s best duck bento at noon. The flesh is easy to separate, the duck meat is not firewood, the skin is fragrant and the meat is tender and juicy Eat Vietnamese food at night, Xiaocui Vietnamese food, Ajia Gengyu Visual impact. The weight of the Big Mac is best for our hungry bodies On the morning of the fourth day, there are many stand-up paddles in the mini-bar. The special terrain and the calm waters are very suitable for families to experience. In the afternoon because of the southwest airflow, it started to wind and rain heavily Finally, I chose the fish feeding area of ​​Houbi Lake. I wanted to go to Queping Coral. Unfortunately, the visibility was too low about 1~2 meters and the gas cylinder was not enough (according to the person with the least gas). Brother Black Bear used a buoyancy bag at about 5 meters. Press here for 3 minutes Everyone slowly surfaced together Hot pot at night is delicious and reasonable price I stayed for the fifth day in the morning at the rear wall of the fish feeding area. This time I brought saury to feed, and I saw 2~3 silver and dark small carts of Niugang raw fish, sun tunnel feet, striped shrimps and fish. If your goal is to experience a safe, beautiful and unforgettable diving journey, this must be a great choice.
吳彥岐 on Google

Brother e is a professional diving instructor, and there is absolutely no problem with safety! During the whole trip, you can feel the enthusiasm of Brother E at any time, which makes diving more interesting!

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