Foundation Dasi area Longshan Temple

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Foundation Dasi area Longshan Temple

地址 :

No. 1125號, Xinyi Rd, Daxi District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 335

電話 : 📞 +888788
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 1125號, Xinyi Rd, Daxi District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 335
Wayne Lee on Google

It still retains the taste of the early Taiwanese temples. In addition to experiencing faith, it also brings a sense of sentimentality.
楊逢元 on Google

The temple is closely connected with the local history and has a beautiful environment with hiking trails behind it. The temple wife is super Nice, and she is eager to share the stories she knows.
陳Bo on Google

At Longshan Temple in Daxi, Guanyin Buddha is solemn and solemn, and he pays homage to peace. On the way to Taiwan 3 from the Three Gorges, it is also a resting place for practicing cycling.
妙音(Toyota) on Google

大溪永福龍山寺是由台北艋舺(萬華)龍山寺分靈而來,始建於清同治7年(西元1868年),但於清光緒21年(西元1895年)日據時代因推行「皇民化運動」,日軍將其毀壞,所幸被善心人士及時將寺內觀音佛祖請往蜈蚣崙下土地公廟安置,得保存金身,直至民國7年(西元1916年)在原址重建易名「香雲庵」。後歷經多次翻修整建,於民國70年才落成建醮,並復名為「龍山寺」。 永福龍山寺特色 大溪永福龍山寺正殿主祀觀音、天上聖母及福德正神,左廊供奉三仙道祖,右廊則安奉地藏王菩薩,並立有開山黃氏芷船、莘船祿位及前住持圓崑、圓湛牌位。每年的農曆2月19日及9月19日為觀音佛祖聖誕及成道日,大溪永福龍山寺皆會舉辦盛大慶典,是當地最隆重的祭祀與酬神節日。此外,大溪龍山寺位於桃園市台三號省道上,沿途風景迷人,週遭環境古意樸實,是一處很好的休憩站。
Longxi Temple in Daxi Yongfu Temple was built by the Longshan Temple in Taipei (Wanhua). It was built in the 7th year of Qing Tongzhi (AD 1868), but was implemented in the Japanese era in the 21st year of Qing Guangxu (1895). The "Emperor of the People's Republic of China", the Japanese army destroyed it. Fortunately, the benevolent people in time sent the temple's Guanyin Buddha to the land of the temple to preserve the golden body, until the Republic of China 7 years (AD 1916) in the original site reconstruction The name "香云庵". After many renovations and renovations, it was completed in the 70th year of the Republic of China and was renamed "Longshan Temple". Yongfu Longshan Temple Features The main hall of the Longshan Temple in Daxi Yongfu Temple is Guanyin, the Virgin of Heaven and the God of Ford, the left gallery is dedicated to the Sanxian Taoist ancestor, the right gallery is the pilgrimage to the Bodhisattva, and the Kaishan Huang’s raft, the boat and the former abbot Kun, Yuan Zhan brand. On the 19th and 19th of the lunar calendar each year, the Guanyin Buddha Christmas and Enlightenment Day, Daxi Yongfu Longshan Temple will hold a grand celebration, which is the most solemn festival of sacrifice and reward. In addition, Daxi Longshan Temple is located on the Provincial Highway No. 3 in Taoyuan City. The scenery along the way is fascinating, and the surrounding environment is simple and simple. It is a very good resting place.
雨鄉蘭園邱顯寶 on Google

下雨天來造訪 雲煙裊裊更顯莊嚴 恭祝 龍山寺 香火鼎盛 護佑眾生
Visit on a rainy day, Yunyan curls more solemnly Congratulations to Longshan Temple for the prosperous incense and bless all beings
林CH on Google

兒時於白沙灣海水浴場受觀世音菩薩相救撿回一命:七歲那年不會游泳海邊遊玩 想訓練自己 不知不覺飄游遠處…腳尖已漸漸蹬不到底…腳底冰涼 越飄越遠 水面快淹近鼻孔處 心想這下完了…說時遲那時快…水底瞬間冒出兩名巨漢…其一將我以新娘抱方式救起 二位相貌堂堂且高大壯碩 又見著巨漢胸前掛有一塊觀音大士之玉珮 抱我至岸上要我別再游遠 我亦向他們道謝 事發過程不到一分鐘隨之回頭想看他們甚再道聲謝謝 殊不知轉身即不見蹤影 至今來無影去無蹤令我百思不得其解之神奇!隨著年紀增長亦漸漸與菩薩結緣 時而亦均各處參拜 直至三十歲那年再度回憶起原來救我的二名巨漢應當是您我寺廟中所見的左右護法神 以上為個人解讀 然而親身經歷事隔數十年印象依舊深刻 在此誠摯感謝南無大慈大悲救苦救難觀世音菩薩 及左右護法神救命之恩!
Timer Dio Ryu on Google

The special sense of quietness in the noisy makes people calm. The resting space is large, the shade of the tree is much, and the underneath is cool and not hot.
allen Lin on Google

During the reign of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Huang Longan cultivated Yongfu with "Huang Anbang", but he suffered from confrontation with the aborigines of Darongkan. Jingtuo Meng was separated from the spirit of Mengka Longshan Temple, and the Guanyin Temple was established in 1868. There is a one-step trail at the back, which is 723 meters long in a circle. There are six hundred-year-old trees at the beginning, and there are stories about the old trees next to them. The trails are almost all stairs. According to the map, if there is a flowering season, you can see the yellow-flowered suzuki, the mountain cherry, the Yoshino cherry and the safflower. Unfortunately, during the non-flowering season, the trail landscape is limited. On the way, there are Fushan Pavilion, Lushan Pavilion and Shoushan Pavilion. The Shoushan Pavilion is 186 meters high. If you continue to move forward, it is a climbing route. The ground is a dirt road. Generally, tourists are not recommended to go forward. The downhill fork that circles around is between Lushan Pavilion and Shoushan Pavilion, so be careful not to miss it. There are rotten leaves on the stairs down the mountain, which is extremely slippery! Extremely slippery! Walk with great care and fall easily. Although there are occasionally tung flowers all over the ground along the way, the mosquitoes are too fierce, and even anti-mosquito liquid can not prevent the mosquitoes from biting, so there is no leisure to enjoy the tung. The conclusion is that this trail does not need to be listed as a priority trail.

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