Fuzhi Park

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Fuzhi Park

地址 :

Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111

城市 : Taipei City

Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
Mia Mia on Google

對三歲兒子來說, 攀岩有挑戰性, 會特地來爬! (類似這樣有高度的攀岩算稀有? ) 溜滑梯速度也很不錯。 大動作發展不錯的孩子, 兩歲半可以試試看。
For a three-year-old son, rock climbing is challenging and he will come to climb specially! (Climbing with a height like this is rare) The speed of the slide is also very good. Children with good movements can try it at two and a half years old.
Richard Chen on Google

2022/02/12 是個宜居的公園住宅區,傍水眺山,溪畔開滿櫻花。
2022/02/12 It is a livable park residential area, overlooking the mountains by the water and full of cherry blossoms by the river.
泉松團體服 on Google

士林區福志公園與 雙溪河濱公園,至善公園,至德園,至善園,連成一線,非常幸福,活動範圍很大。現在整修中。期望更完善。
Fuzhi Park and Shuangxi Riverside Park in Shilin District, Zhishan Park, Zhide Garden, and Zhishan Garden are connected in one line. They are very happy and have a large range of activities. Now under renovation. Expect more perfection.
Lorretta Yang on Google

社區型公園,有老樹、草坪,有石桌、鐵椅,不大但足以讓人感到舒適放鬆,以前的忠勇新村和雨後新村的所在地… 唯有石板地不知道是品質、還是技術問題,破損翹裂頗多,要小心謹慎點。
A community park, with old trees, lawns, stone tables, and iron chairs, it is not big but enough to make people feel comfortable and relaxed. The former Zhongyong New Village and Yuhou New Village are located… Only the slate floor does not know whether it is a quality or technical problem. There are many damages and cracks, so be careful.
沙拉飯團 on Google

Nice little park, good place for locals to rest
jenny su on Google

1110216 從天元宮賞櫻歸途意外在雨農路100巷(福志公園旁),發現外雙溪河堤上數十顆櫻花怒放。
1110216 On the way back from viewing cherry blossoms from Tianyuan Palace, I accidentally found dozens of cherry blossoms on the Waishuangxi River embankment at Lane 100 of Yunong Road (next to Fuzhi Park).
王郁翔 on Google

S L on Google

The windy sweetest little park where the elderly love to hang around and the children love to picnic there. Very very well maintained. ?

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