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Contact 拾午gatherdelicious

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Cihui 1st St, 127號拾午gatherdelicious

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/gatherdelicious/%3Fref%3Dbookmarks
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10:30AM–7PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7PM
Friday 10:30AM–7PM
Saturday 10:30AM–7PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7PM
Monday 10:30AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
城市 : st St

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Cihui 1st St, 127號拾午gatherdelicious
Hokou Lin on Google

老宅風格很有魅力,坐的位子有提供插座很方便。 為了肉桂捲而來,個人覺得店家用的肉桂粉偏辣,淋醬可以稍微中和辣感。 還點了一般少見的桂花釀咖啡,香氣十足又好喝。 很喜歡窗邊,可以看到外面幾棵植栽隨風飄動的樣子,非常舒服。?
The style of the old house is very attractive, and it is very convenient to sit with sockets provided. I came here for the cinnamon rolls. Personally, I think the cinnamon powder used in the store is too spicy, and the sauce can slightly neutralize the spiciness. I also ordered the rare osmanthus brewed coffee, which is full of aroma and delicious. I like the window very much. I can see a few plants outside fluttering in the wind, which is very comfortable. ?
00 on Google

老屋改造的咖啡店 整體空間的氛圍讓人喜歡 但是假日人潮眾多,店內有點吵 快速吃完就離店了 想在店內久待完全無法 餐點有點不符合個人口味 法國麵包早餐就是拼拼湊湊成一盤 味道跟個人想像差不多,沒有驚豔 提拉米蘇份量很大適合朋友們分食 但實在過甜,兩人吃不完 肉桂捲普通肉桂味不濃,覺得有點可惜
Old house converted coffee shop The overall atmosphere of the space is lovely But there are a lot of people on the holiday, the shop is a bit noisy Left the restaurant after a quick meal It is impossible to stay in the store for a long time The meal was a bit out of personal taste French bread breakfast is all about piecing together a plate The taste is similar to what I imagined, not amazing The portion of tiramisu is large and suitable for sharing with friends But it's too sweet, two people can't finish it Cinnamon rolls are not strong in ordinary cinnamon flavor, which is a pity
Yu-Qi Chang on Google

中壢的老宅咖啡廳 每個角落都讓人好喜歡✨✨✨ 餐點選擇非常多樣化 早餐盤、飯類、甜點、咖啡飲品 各個時段來吃都很適合 ✦日式乾咖哩 $250 讓人非常有食慾的乾咖哩 薑黃飯搭配咖哩醬 看似非常重口味 但實際上我覺得滿剛好的 當早餐吃也不會太鹹~ 旁邊搭配多種蔬菜 剛好可以解解膩 ✦南蠻雞腿三明治 $250 份量超級多! 整隻去骨雞腿都快要比三明治還大片了 搭配店家自製芥末籽醬微甜微酸 非常讚 旁邊有附一些薯條和炸香菇炸玉米筍 吃完一整份可以飽到晚上~ ✦小白咖啡 $120 ✦提拉米蘇 $130 看到提拉米蘇就想點 太貪心了差點吃不完 份量也是超級多 拾午的提拉米蘇對我來說偏甜了一點 但我還是吃光光了(´▽`) 餐點到環境都讓人很喜歡 建議要先訂位 當天平日早上去 一下子就客滿囉 生意非常好~
Old House Cafe in Zhongli I love every corner ✨✨✨ Meal options are very diverse Breakfast plates, meals, desserts, coffee drinks Suitable for eating at any time ✦Japanese dry curry $250 Very appetizing dry curry Turmeric Rice with Curry Sauce It seems very heavy, but I actually think it's full Not too salty for breakfast With a variety of vegetables on the side, it is just enough to relieve tiredness ✦ Nanban Chicken Thigh Sandwich $250 The portion is super! A whole boneless chicken thigh is almost bigger than a sandwich It is very sweet and slightly sour with the store's homemade mustard seed sauce came with some chips and fried shiitake mushrooms on the side Eat a whole meal and you will be full until the evening~ ✦Small White Coffee $120 ✦Tiramisu $130 When I see tiramisu, I want it I'm so greedy, I almost can't finish it The portion is too much Shiwu's tiramisu is a little too sweet for me But I still ate it all (´▽`) Love the food and the environment It is recommended to book in advance I went there on a weekday morning and it was full in no time. Business is very good~
羊咩咩 on Google

環島到桃園突然想吃早午餐 隨機選了一家 裝潢文青復古風 座位蠻多的 ?雞腿三明治-有夾生菜番茄及醬料 三明治整體是濕的配上馬鈴薯、炸杏鮑菇、玉米筍 一個女生吃很飽 甚至吃不完 ?黑又蝦堡-一樣配上炸物 漢堡裡的炸排有蝦味但吃不出吃蝦子 ?牛奶咖啡-份量比一般外面的咖啡還要大杯 口感滑順 很順口 (套餐換其他飲品折抵50) 整理來說對於北部這個價位是可以接受的份量也給的蠻足Cp值高 (加上自己又是麵包控 缺點:位於巷弄裡位子難停 外面紅線易取締
PERRY CHEN (p_cj63) on Google

◍ 拾午 gather delicious . 當天雖然訂位了到達只有我們一組客人 點了一份法國麵包早餐 選了一窗邊的位子坐下 欣賞突然下起的大雨 來來去去的人們 講一些沒用的垃圾話 整個空間很舒服 闆 也自在的處理行政工作 . 不知道哪根筋不對 選擇從火車站走路15分鐘 細數在中壢工作的8個月裡 還是很常把車子停在工作對面的停車場 在周邊走走 是最舒心的時刻 直到後來只想待在租屋處 離開後再也不想回來 卻想念租屋處附近75塊 還有半熟蛋的便當 . 這次來還是想到好多美好的回憶 例如: 在夜市裡的酒吧 奶油烤土司好好吃 領到年終 第一次買電動在家玩 來這一趟收藏好多口袋名單 等下次再來! . 好久沒來中壢了! 疫情重災區還是要生活 越危險的地方就越小心 越安全 . ?| #olympusem10m3 #17mmf18
◍ gather delicious . Although the reservation was made that day, only one group of us arrived. Ordered a French bread for breakfast I picked a seat by the window and sat down Admire the sudden heavy rain, the people who come and go Talking some useless crap, the whole space is very comfortable Board also handles administrative work with ease . I don't know which muscle is wrong Choose to walk 15 minutes from the train station Counting down the 8 months I worked in Zhongli I still often park my car in the parking lot opposite my work. Walking around is the most comfortable moment Until then I just want to stay in the rental place I don't want to come back after leaving But I miss 75 blocks near the rental house And the bento with half-boiled eggs . This time, I still have a lot of good memories For example: At the bar in the night market, the creamy toast is delicious It is the first time to buy an electric car to play at home until the end of the year Come here to collect a lot of pocket lists Come back next time! . It's been a long time since I came to Zhongli! The hardest-hit areas still have to live The more dangerous the place, the more careful, the safer . ?| #olympusem10m3 #17mmf18
Vicky Li on Google

主食餐點味道好,價格也不貴,非常值得去吃再用個電腦,甜點沒什麼選擇偏貴,沒吸引力,點了肉桂捲,香氣足含有核桃,麵包非常軟,中規中矩。 飲料部分值得去喝,拾橙午很甜,隨餐紅茶是桂花釀紅茶,覺得飲料很美適合拍照,下次應該會選無糖飲料。 最大敗筆是進去就聞到空氣瀰漫淡淡油煙味,果然廚房油煙設計不良沒抽乾淨,離開後衣服沾了滿滿油煙味?。
WC H on Google

老宅改造而成的復古咖啡廳,裝潢偏向簡單的現代感,卻可以在各個角落細節中發現店家特別保留傳統老宅的魅力。 服務人員有禮貌又不失溫暖的招待替這麼可愛的小店加分許多? 炸蝦松露炊飯280$ 主菜是三隻帶殼帶頭的炸蝦,比較不好下嚥,因為會一直咬到不好吞的硬殼。配菜有炸玉米筍、櫛瓜、杏鮑菇、還有熟的雙色花椰菜以及一小碗和風醬生菜沙拉。炊飯沒有太明顯的松露味,飯體口感偏向軟黏。 拾橙·午140$ 義式濃縮咖啡再搭配上店家自製的果汁,還可以吃到果肉。整體喝起來味道有點像是西西里咖啡,酸甜苦的味道都可以感受到~非常特別。 金沙甜薯140$ 炸地瓜薯條配上鹹蛋黃,實在是絕世匹配。只不過份量偏少,大約單點一份麥當勞地瓜薯條的份量,CP值不太高。
The retro coffee shop transformed from an old house has a simple and modern decoration, but it can be found in the details of every corner that the shop retains the charm of the traditional old house. The polite and warm hospitality of the service staff adds a lot to such a cute shop? Fried Shrimp Truffle Rice 280$ The main dish is three fried shrimp with shell and head, which is not easy to swallow, because it will keep biting into the hard shell that is hard to swallow. Side dishes include fried corn, squash, king oyster mushrooms, cooked bicolor cauliflower, and a small bowl of lettuce salad with Japanese dressing. There is no obvious truffle taste in the cooked rice, and the taste of the rice body tends to be soft and sticky. Picking Orange · Afternoon 140$ The espresso is paired with the store's homemade juice, and you can also eat the pulp. The overall taste is a bit like Sicilian coffee, the sour, sweet and bitter taste can be felt ~ very special. Sands Sweet Potato 140$ The sweet potato fries with salted egg yolk are a perfect match. It's just that the portion is too small, about the amount of a single McDonald's sweet potato fries, the CP value is not too high.
Lee Mandy on Google

IG:mandy19891026 桃園市中壢區美食-拾午gather delicious ?地址:桃園市中壢區慈惠一街127號 ⌚️營業時間:10:30-18:00 ☎️電話:(03)427-1270 ?餐點: - 拾橙.午 $140 - 牛奶咖啡 $130 - 泰奶焦香巴斯克乳酪蛋糕 $120 #一起防疫照片發庫存疫情後再去 ——————————————————————————— 中壢老宅咖啡廳,有超美的拉花、創意水果特調咖啡,還有美味甜點 拾橙.午:喜歡水果特調咖啡不能錯過!底部是店家自製的鳳梨蘋果醬、中層是新鮮柳橙汁、頂層加入均質化的綿密濃縮咖啡,喝之前要要攪拌均勻,酸甜滋味,非常有夏天氣息! 泰奶焦香巴斯克乳酪蛋糕:奶香濃郁的奶油乳酪,加入手標泰式奶茶,一入口就是濃濃茶香,畫龍點睛的鮮奶油增添滑順口感。 小可惜的是店內油煙味略重!
IG: mandy19891026 Chungli City, Taoyuan District cuisine - pick up lunch and gather delicious ? Address: Chungli City, Taoyuan District 127 First Street charity ⌚️ Yingyeshijian: 10: 30-18: 00 ☎️ Tel: (03) 427-1270 ? meals: - pick up orange. Lunch $ 140 - cafe au lait $ 130 - Thai milk and burnt Basque cheesecake $ 120 # Photos together epidemic outbreaks and then to send stock --------------------------- Chungli old house cafe, super beautiful garland, creative special tone coffee fruit, as well as delicious desserts Pick up orange. Afternoon: coffee special tone like fruit can not miss! The bottom is the store homemade pineapple applesauce, fresh orange juice middle, top to join the homogenized dense espresso, stir before drinking should be uniform, sweet and sour taste, very breath of summer! Thai milk Jiao Xiang Basque cheesecake: creamy cream cheese, join hands marked Thai tea, a tea entrance is thick, add a finishing touch of whipped cream smooth taste. Unfortunately, a small shop a little heavy smoke smell!

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