Guohua Junior High School

3.3/5 基於 8 評論

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No. 101, Guohua St, Luodong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 265

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城市 : Yilan County

No. 101, Guohua St, Luodong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 265
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Bananas are bad
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I am handsome
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Luodong Middle School is the strongest in Luodong
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We don't have a sleepover camp
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Good neighbors in the community sometimes open free parking to the public on holidays, although the traffic congestion often causes inconvenience to and from school.
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《本地資訊》 附近的生活單純,也沒有太多可以放學後去玩的地方。所以,整體來講是一個安心學習的地方。 《生活資訊》 原則上,台灣內的家庭環境,大多可以自己將大部分生活上的問題自己解決。所以,大多都不鼓勵外食和在外面的餐廳解決生活上的問題。如果生活上會遇到問題的話,通常建議是要多跟自己親近的家人往來,交換資訊,解決一些常見或是普及性的問題為優先考量。 《教育系統介紹》 學校經過多次的整理,教學內容符合現代發展的需要。大致上成績較好的人(前35%)會進普通高中,成績次之是進技職體系的高職。幾乎也沒有聽到學生有成績不好而跟不上的狀況。教育系統也有互相支援。教師們也都很有經驗的協助並輔導學生的成長。 兩者之間的差別在於普通高中的教學會比較偏重一般普及性的內容,像是:「醫學、物理、化學、文學」等。所以,行事上通常會需要多一些規劃來收集、整理、驗證、或是行動來產出有意義的資訊。所以,一般性的問題的解決能力會較好;技職教育的話通常是解決產業問題的針對,所以,通常行事風格都是在固定的地方做固定的事居多。行事上會比較單純低調一點,因為客戶或主管會主動來找你。在目前的環境來說,大多會有技術主管來協助管理。所以,也就不太需要太多的深度思考。在技術上能夠協助主管解決問題就可以了。有所積累之後也可以用同等學歷去一般大學做進修,去做一般大學的工作。來改善待遇和一般性的問題解決的能力。 一般來說會建議要在原有的職業環境下取得足夠的成功,也就是要有餘裕可以買第二間房子的狀況下,再去改變自己的職業環境。因為既有的工作大多都已經存在超過三百年以上,這樣的環境通常是沒有太多可以讓你參與、改變的機會。目前都是欠缺解決問題的人,不需要解釋自己問題的人。所以,都是需要自己有一定的本事或是資本能力才會有人採納你的意見。就是你不會被自己的習慣、舊有的習慣、或是輕易的被一些新手給打倒的情況下再去做。 《差異化》 和之前的中國皇室的進士、貢生的制度相較起來,西方世界的碩博士制度比較偏向專業度高的專業導向的「1對1的15分鐘內」的問題解決。問題的解決包含:「國家型問題、企業營運、和個人喜好」的問題都是可以被接受。由於特定問題會更貼近民眾的問題的解決而會受特定民眾的肯定;進士制度的話會比較偏向國家考試,所以,角色會比較是符合當時社會所需要、皇室所需要、或可以接受的「1對多的單一工作期達15年以上」的具備知識能力的人。所以,行事上會比較接近公務員並附帶一點皇室的政治背書。在集權政治下廣泛的解決政治性或宗教性問題而廣泛的受民眾接受。 所以,中國相關的事情必須要能夠長期接觸15年以上才有看到結果的機會。就是要有能力去影響現有法律的意思。如果接觸的不夠久,最後相關的內容可能都是別人的。由另外一個人接手去整理、去解決,然後會收到一句叫做「你不夠堅持」的總結。所以相對來講中國皇室偏好的是通才的人才,就是你的能力要能夠「容易且廣泛地跨到多個領域去的資歷深」的人才。 舉例來說,前總統陳水扁先生大致上就是走符合政治需要(由民轉法,再由法轉政)的這個路線。本身律師的工作就很容易接觸到社會上各式各樣的人身上的困難的問題。相關的事情就是由地方逐步往政府、甚至是領導端去逐一解決。 接觸的時間是從西元1,979到2,000年,高於標準的15年的約21年的更高標準的要求的時間之後,問題才算是收斂的比較好而當選民選總統而廣泛的被整體台灣社會上的人所接受。整體社會上才願意投入更多金錢、人力、和資源去解決。讓陳水扁先生使用總統的職權去更高於律師標準的解決問題的能力來解決問題。至於後續更多的事情,通常就是交給下一代繼續去參與。所以整體講起來就是本身要對於要參與的問題要有足夠的了解。 《專業分歧》 大致上台灣的社會還是對於普通高中的事情比較重視,相關的待遇會更好。技職教育體系的話一定程度還是會整併到「普通高中的問題」的解決去。兩者的關係就是技職體系通常是出產相關的工具給這些「面對一般廣泛性問題的人」去使用來提升問題解決的效率。 在較多的人參政之後,傾向將技術學院改制為普通大學來更多且更廣泛的解決一般普及性的問題。所以,導致技術性的人才的來源慢慢地變少了。 大致上在台灣目前的環境比較重視的技術性問題大多注重在:「電力、汽機車、資訊系統、個人輔具(電腦、手機)、和醫療用的輔具。」對於企圖心比較高的人,通常都會參與電力相關的事業來更大範圍且廣泛的接觸來獲得更多的有價值的內容。想要承擔更多責任、解決更多問題的人通常就是行醫、或是參與會指揮醫生的人事物。因為醫療行為大致上還是會將這些技術性的人事物給統包進去(醫療行為會同時用到大量電力、汽機車載具加速移動、電腦輔具、和醫用輔具來解決問題)。而延長了這些病人的壽命之後,這些原本具備專業等能力的人就能夠繼續或更高標準的去解決已知的相關的問題。在台灣的環境對應到的就是「輔」(工具)和「仁」(對人好)這兩個字。 絕大部分的宗教團體都和醫療體系建立良好或者是深入的關係,大致上的原因也是要「有夠多且長的經歷」的人身上才會有較多的對其他人好的空間存在著。這些「對人好」的人事物越多,才會更容易創造更多的新生命。生活和各方面等的餘裕就會比較多。目前的疫苗的相關問題和台北市長柯文哲先生(由醫師更高標準地轉任市長)大致上也是走仁道。 所以,行醫的人越多,理論上來講就是會更適合王權的需要。因為會逐漸的跨到其他專業領域去和成為通才型的人會更符合王權的需要去創造更多新的生命。就是資歷深且權威的人會越多而可以逐漸創造更多的餘裕。所以,會更針對這些權威的人的需要去解決問題來一步步走向王權來解決更困難的問題。這問題解決的能力積累的夠多之後,進一步的,單一個人就可以去解決更困難的問題。目前的國民黨對於王權的發展的表達也是越來越明確。就是要去解決重大問題的意思。 舉例來說,王建民先生旅美17年,美國大聯盟年資滿九年,薪資總額接近6億台幣。平均年薪6,666萬台幣。所以,是可以為自己和親近的人創造一定程度內的餘裕。至於沒有繼續獲得更多薪資的原因也是受傷(職業傷害)。 台灣的技職體系還有包含海事學校,就是在船上航行的相關的事情的解決。大致上的風評很糟,所以一般都是聽到「人生沒有太多的選擇的人」才會去做這樣的工作。所以,相對來說在台灣相關的發展狀況就不是那麼知名和突出了。近幾年在美國和英國等海權發展的比較好的國家的參與之後,也漸漸的獲得更好的待遇和重視了。 《技術專精》 目前在一般的大學裡會開設電機和資訊工程等技術性為主的教學,大致上都是以解決一般普及性問題為主的技術性的教學為主。 大致上還是要往美國等工程技術相關科系較為突出的環境去參與,才會受到比較好的待遇。例如美國的麻省理工學院(MIT),是以理工為主要的教學的學校。在國際上的表現有蠻多都是注重在電學與科學相關的研究的技術支援。美國的公司來台灣尋求技術支援或者技術代工是還蠻常上新聞。就是美國的本土的技術人才也是有限就是,大多也都是在美國的社會有人積極從政鼓勵民眾行醫、前總統歐巴馬推行健保等政策而排擠了相關的技術人員的發展。所以導致這些技術性的工作會在美國以外的地方完成,來解決美國的公司的營運問題。 相近的問題就是知名的摩爾定律,大致上美國的社會花了22年的時間才達到所謂的電學的技術專精。電學技術上可以和特斯拉250年前曾經做過的事情做連結。逐漸的,社會上出現以科技為主的公司團體。公司內出現技術長的職位來重視技術問題。 《國際化》 在國際參與的部分主要是跟美國在科學和科技上有較多的互動,大致上還是一個技術性為主帶一點一般普及性(因為對這些科學類的問題更難改變或產生影響)的問題的解決。在電力和資訊系統等各方面的技術性的要求都會高很多。就是你不能夠用一般普及性的技術能力去解決的要求。 最近20年最大的科學性的議題就是外星登陸的NASA的活動,大致上講起來是一種遠程交通工具的資訊系統的開發和問題解決。考驗的是:「交通工具究竟能夠以多快的速度運行無阻。」在駕駛員缺乏資訊的時候能夠提供相關的技術支援協助解決問題來增加駕駛員的運行的速度。在問題解決的比較好之後就會釋放一些技術給民間使用。台灣的福衛5號大致上也是走這樣的路線。 理論上,在物理的愛因斯坦等的知名的學家的研究下,事物是有可能以接近光速的方式去傳輸或運輸,但是實際上還是取決於人們所擁有的技術能力和實作能力。在成本可以接受的狀況下和各方面綜合的問題都能解決的很好的前提下,去發展適合的交通工具。 在中文的世界裡最相近國際性的科學活動就是歷史上的絲路。也是一種遠程交通工具的資訊系統的發展和問題解決。發展地圖等工具協助解決問題。相關的問題重要到需要皇帝去參與和解決。由於中國近年來也開始發展航太科技,相關的從業人員稱之為宇航員,在台灣是稱做太空人,所以中國對於國際上的技術深入的事情也算是在增加相關的關注之中。 其他,Uber Eats也可以看成一種絲路,就是在運輸這些食物的時候會不會受到什麼樣的人事物導致減速,而會需要使用導航工具來加速。大致上就是范瑋琪的歌詞:「我到不了~你所謂的訂單(將來)的地址(美好)」。 《交通資訊》 交通部分,上下學需要自己騎腳踏車或是家長接送。騎腳踏車的話大致上是5公里以內路程的交通狀況都是可以被接受的。校內有腳踏車的停車場。汽機車的停車暫時還是以提供給教職員為主。沒有提供給學生或是家長使用。 《知識教育為主》 校地本身不大所以大部分的活動都是在校內。本身也很少有校外活動,大多都是集中在課堂裡的教學。主要專注在課堂教育上,體育教育因為學校的空間不大所以著重點就比較少。一部分也會將體育課的時間拿來做其他科目的補充教學。 由於目前來說體育的出路和待遇也越來越好了。所以,喜歡往外跑的學生可以考慮校地大一點的學校。整體來說是適合附近居民的學校。所以,大型活動的話,學校可能會需要去往外租借場館來舉辦。所以,大致上就是存在一個有人數上限、活動舉辦人數上限的存在。
"Local Information" Life nearby is simple, and there are not many places to play after school. Therefore, overall it is a place to study with peace of mind. "Life Information" In principle, most family environments in Taiwan can solve most of the life problems by themselves. Therefore, most of them discourage eating out and solving life problems in outside restaurants. If you encounter problems in your life, it is usually recommended to communicate more with your close family members, exchange information, and solve some common or popular problems as a priority. "Introduction to the Education System" After many times of collation, the teaching content meets the needs of modern development. Generally speaking, people with better grades (top 35%) will enter ordinary high schools, followed by higher grades in the technical vocational system. Hardly ever heard of students failing to keep up with poor grades. The education system also supports each other. Teachers are also very experienced to assist and guide the growth of students. The difference between the two is that ordinary high school teaching tends to place more emphasis on general content, such as: "medicine, physics, chemistry, literature" and so on. Therefore, it usually requires more planning to collect, organize, verify, or act to produce meaningful information. Therefore, the ability to solve general problems will be better; technical and vocational education is usually aimed at solving industrial problems, so usually the style of behavior is to do fixed things in fixed places. It will be relatively simple and low-key, because customers or supervisors will take the initiative to come to you. In the current environment, most of them will have technical directors to assist in management. Therefore, it does not require too much in-depth thinking. Technically, it is enough to assist the supervisor in solving the problem. After accumulating, you can also use the equivalent academic qualifications to go to general universities for advanced studies and to do general university work. To improve remuneration and general problem solving ability. Generally speaking, it is recommended to achieve sufficient success in the original professional environment, that is, to change one's own professional environment when there is margin to buy a second house. Because most of the existing jobs have existed for more than three hundred years, such an environment usually does not have many opportunities for you to participate and change. At present, there is a lack of people who can solve problems, and people who don't need to explain their own problems. Therefore, it is necessary to have a certain ability or capital ability before someone can adopt your opinions. That is, you won't be able to do it under the circumstances that you will not be defeated by your own habits, old habits, or easily by some novices. "Differentiation" Compared with the previous system of the Jinshi and Gongsheng of the Chinese royal family, the master and doctoral system in the Western world is more professional and professional-oriented, which solves the problem of "1 to 1 within 15 minutes". The solution to the problem includes: "national problems, business operations, and personal preferences" are all acceptable. Because specific problems will be closer to the solution of the people’s problems and will be affirmed by specific people; in the case of the Jinshi system, the national examination will be more biased, so the role will be more in line with the needs of the society at the time, the needs of the royal family, or the acceptable "1 To many people with knowledge and ability with a single working period of more than 15 years. Therefore, they will act closer to civil servants with a little political endorsement from the royal family. Under centralized politics, it is widely accepted by the public to solve political or religious issues. Therefore, China-related matters must be in contact for more than 15 years to have a chance to see results. It is to have the ability to influence the meaning of existing laws. If the contact is not long enough, the final relevant content may be someone else's. Another person will take over to sort out and solve it, and then you will receive a summary called "You are not persistent enough." So relatively speaking, the Chinese royal family prefers generalist talents, that is, talents with deep qualifications that can "easily and widely cross multiple fields". For example, the former president Mr. Chen Shui-bian generally followed a route that met political needs (from the civil to the law, and then from the law to politics). The work of a lawyer can easily come into contact with the difficult problems of all kinds of people in society. Related matters are to be solved one by one from the local government to the government and even the leadership. The contact time is from 1,979 to 2,000 AD, which is higher than the standard 15 years and about 21 years after the higher standard requirements. The problem is considered to be better and the elected president is widely accepted by the overall Taiwan society. Accepted by the people. The society as a whole is willing to invest more money, manpower, and resources to solve the problem. Let Mr. Chen Shuibian use the power of the president to solve problems with a problem-solving ability that is higher than the lawyer's standard. As for more follow-up matters, it is usually left to the next generation to continue participating. So speaking as a whole, it means that you have to have enough understanding of the issues you want to participate in. "Professional Disagreement" Generally speaking, Taiwanese society still pays more attention to ordinary high school matters, and the relevant treatment will be better. In the case of technical and vocational education system, to a certain extent, it will be integrated into the solution of the "problems of ordinary high schools." The relationship between the two is that the technical job system usually produces related tools for these "people facing general and widespread problems" to use to improve the efficiency of problem solving. After more people participate in politics, they tend to transform technical colleges into ordinary universities to solve more and more widespread problems. Therefore, the source of technical talents has gradually diminished. Generally speaking, the most important technical issues in Taiwan’s current environment are: "Electricity, automobiles, information systems, personal assistive devices (computers, mobile phones), and medical assistive devices." For those with high ambitions , Usually participate in power-related undertakings to have a wider range of contacts to obtain more valuable content. People who want to take on more responsibilities and solve more problems usually practice medicine or participate in people and things that will direct doctors. This is because medical behaviors will generally include these technical personnel and things (medical behaviors will use a lot of electricity at the same time, the accelerated movement of automobile and motorcycle vehicles, computer assistive devices, and medical assistive devices to solve problems). After prolonging the life of these patients, these people with professional abilities can continue to solve known related problems at a higher standard. The environment in Taiwan corresponds to the words "auxiliary" (tool) and "benevolence" (good for people). Most religious groups have established good or in-depth relationships with the medical system. The general reason is that people who have "enough and long experience" will have more room for others to be good to others. . The more people and things that are "good for people", the easier it is to create more new lives. There will be more leeway in life and all aspects. The current vaccine-related issues and Taipei Mayor Mr. Ke Wenzhe (who was transferred by a doctor to a higher standard to become the mayor) are generally benevolent. Therefore, the more people who practice medicine, the theoretically speaking, it will be more suitable for the needs of the royal power. Because people who will gradually move to other professional fields and become generalists will be more in line with the needs of the king to create more new lives. That is, the more senior and authoritative people there will be, the more surplus they can gradually create. Therefore, it will be more targeted at the needs of these authority people to solve problems, step by step toward the kingship to solve more difficult problems. After the ability to solve this problem is accumulated enough, a single individual can solve more difficult problems. The current Kuomintang's expression of the development of royal power is becoming more and more clear. It means to solve major problems. For example, Mr. Wang Jianmin has been in the United States for 17 years, and he has been in the U.S. Major League for nine years, and his total salary is close to NT$600 million. The average annual salary is 66.66 million Taiwan dollars. Therefore, it is possible to create a certain degree of leeway for oneself and those close to him. The reason for not getting more salary is also injury (occupational injury). Taiwan’s technical and vocational system also includes maritime schools, which are solutions for matters related to sailing on ships. Generally speaking, the wind reviews are very bad, so it is generally only when people hear that "people who don't have too many choices in life" will do this kind of work. Therefore, relative development in Taiwan is not so well-known and prominent. In recent years, after the participation of countries with better sea power development such as the United States and the United Kingdom, they have gradually received better treatment and attention. "Technical Specialization" At present, general universities will offer technical teaching such as electrical engineering and information engineering. Generally speaking, they are mainly technical teaching that solves general problems of popularization. Generally speaking, it is necessary to participate in a more prominent environment in engineering and technology related departments such as the United States to receive better treatment. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States is a school whose main teaching is science and engineering. Much of his international performance is focused on technical support for electrical and science-related research. It is quite common for American companies to come to Taiwan for technical support or technical foundry. Even the native technical talents in the United States are also limited. Most of them are in American society. Some people are actively engaged in politics to encourage people to practice medicine. Former President Obama implemented policies such as health insurance, which squeezed out the development of related technical personnel. Therefore, these technical tasks will be completed outside the United States to solve the operational problems of American companies. A similar problem is the well-known Moore's Law. It took roughly 22 years for American society to reach the so-called technical expertise in electricity. Electrical technology can be connected with what Tesla did 250 years ago. Gradually, companies and groups based on technology have emerged in the society. The position of chief technology officer appeared in the company to pay attention to technical issues. "globalization" The part of international participation is mainly to interact with the United States in science and technology. Generally speaking, it is still a technology with a little general popularity (because it is more difficult to change or have an impact on these scientific issues) The solution of the problem. The technical requirements for power and information systems will be much higher. It is a requirement that you cannot use general popular technical ability to solve. The biggest scientific issue in the past 20 years has been the activities of NASA, which is an alien landing. Generally speaking, it is the development and problem solving of an information system for a long-distance vehicle. The test is: "How fast can the vehicle run unimpeded." When the driver lacks information, it can provide relevant technical support to help solve the problem to increase the driver's speed. After the problem is solved better, some technologies will be released for private use. Taiwan's Fuwei No. 5 basically follows this route. In theory, under the research of well-known scientists such as Einstein in physics, it is possible for things to be transmitted or transported at a speed close to the speed of light, but in fact it still depends on people's technical and practical capabilities. Under the condition that the cost is acceptable and all the comprehensive problems can be solved well, develop suitable transportation tools. The closest international scientific activity in the Chinese world is the Silk Road in history. It is also the development and problem solving of the information system of a long-distance transportation tool. Develop tools such as maps to help solve problems. Related issues are so important that the emperor needs to participate and resolve them. Since China has also begun to develop aerospace technology in recent years, the relevant practitioners are called astronauts, and in Taiwan, they are called astronauts. Therefore, China is also paying more attention to the deepening of international technology. In addition, Uber Eats can also be regarded as a kind of Silk Road, that is, will it be slowed down by people and things when transporting these foods, and will need to use navigation tools to accelerate. It is roughly the lyrics of Christine Fan: "I can't get there~ Your so-called order (future) address (good)". "Traffic Information" For transportation, you need to ride your own bicycle or parents to pick you up and drop off to and from school. If you ride a bicycle, traffic conditions within 5 kilometers are generally acceptable. There is a parking lot for bicycles on campus. For the time being, the parking of automobiles and motorcycles is mainly provided to faculty and staff. It is not provided to students or parents. "Knowledge Education Mainly" The campus itself is not large, so most of the activities are on campus. There are few off-campus activities, and most of them are focused on teaching in the classroom. The main focus is on classroom education. Physical education is less focused because the school space is not large. Part of the time will also be used for physical education classes as supplementary teaching of other subjects. At present, the outlet and treatment of sports are getting better and better. Therefore, students who like to run outside can consider a school with a larger campus. On the whole, it is a school suitable for nearby residents. Therefore, for large-scale events, the school may need to rent out venues to hold them. Therefore, roughly there is an existence with an upper limit on the number of people and an upper limit on the number of people to hold events.
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