Hepan Restaurant

4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Hepan Restaurant

地址 :

No. 2號, Section 1, Zhongzheng Rd, Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 25172

電話 : 📞 +88997
網站 : https://www.goldentulip-fabhotel.com.tw/
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 2號, Section 1, Zhongzheng Rd, Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 25172
Tasso Lee on Google

用餐舒適,食物美味有特色 入庭的油畫& 室內藝品擺設相互輝映有梗 餐點簡單明暸,不複雜風味饒趣
Comfortable dining, delicious food The paintings in the courtyard and the interior artworks complement each other The meal is simple and clear, uncomplicated and interesting
Terence Lu on Google

11/28和家人一同享用豐盛的晚餐。在餐廳外看著河岸夕陽的美景,牽著妻女穿過飯店氣派的大腿廳走向河畔餐廳。迎接我們的剛好是主管人員,熱情禮貌的帶位還幫我們一家安排到靠窗且離食物區很近的座位,感覺很受重視歐。 戰斧豬排的份量口味不錯,服務人員親切又有效率的收拾使用完的餐盤。食材新鮮花樣多 白蝦和旭蟹至少被我吃了三大盤,最重要的哈根冰淇淋更是一碗又一碗 哈哈哈。 價位可能不是日常的開銷,但美景 新飯店的氣派裝潢 親切的服務 和有被重視的客戶感受是我覺得給五星的理由歐!! 順便分享幾張在餐廳外散步的照片吧 ??
11/28 Enjoy a sumptuous dinner with my family. Looking at the beautiful sunset on the riverbank outside the restaurant, he led his wife and daughter through the grand thigh room of the hotel to the riverside restaurant. The person in charge who greeted us happened to be the person in charge. The warm and polite guide also helped our family arrange a seat near the window and close to the food area. It feels highly valued. The portion and taste of Tomahawk Pork Chops are good, and the service staff kindly and efficiently cleaned up the used plates. The ingredients are fresh and varied. I have eaten at least three large plates of white shrimp and Asahi crab. The most important Hagen ice cream is bowl after bowl hahaha. The price may not be a daily expense, but the magnificent decoration of the new hotel with beautiful views, the friendly service and the customer experience that is valued are the reasons I think the five stars are given! ! By the way, share a few photos of walking outside the restaurant ??
ACT Tseng on Google

假日來吃 低消要一份主餐 才能享用沙拉吧吃到飽 但主餐很不便宜 旁邊的沙拉吧品項超少 熟食只有四樣 午餐時間12:30 就沒了 問服務生說之後會補 但到兩點半關門也沒補過 可以點披薩和薄餅算是特點 生魚片只有少少幾種魚 連醬油都沒有補充 蛋糕選擇也很少 比較優的是冰淇淋是哈根大使和莫凡彼 主餐很一般 上菜速度又慢 羊肉還沒熟 蝦有很重的腥味 很對不起這高昂的價格 不知道平日是不是會不一樣 但這樣的價格這樣的服務我是不會再訪 旁邊的草原平台倒是很適合去走走
Eat on holiday A low-cost main meal is required to enjoy the salad bar all you can eat But the main meal is not cheap The salad bar next to it has very few items and only four kinds of cooked food It’s gone at 12:30 for lunch But it didn’t make it up until the door closed at 2:30. You can order pizza and pancakes as a feature There are only a few kinds of fish in sashimi, and there is no soy sauce. There are very few cake choices The better one is that the ice cream is Ambassador Hagen and Mo Fanbi The main meal is average, the serving speed is slow, the lamb is not cooked yet Shrimp has a strong fishy smell I'm sorry for the high price I don't know if it will be different on weekdays But I won't visit again for this price and this service The grassland platform next to it is very suitable for walking
Tina Peng on Google

有聽說他們家的海鮮很新鮮,尤其是對愛蝦的人,超划算! 最近是荷蘭海鮮季,現場餐檯的荷蘭菜也蠻新奇的~ 假日用餐還會送半隻龍蝦! 龍蝦,師傅都剖好了輕鬆吃龍蝦好開心~ 冰淇淋有哈根達斯、莫凡彼兩種品牌 大人還有啤酒無限暢飲耶~ 小朋友115cm以下免費!小孩愛吃的食物蠻多的~胃口也很好 我們一家四口只要付兩個大人錢 素食區,個人覺得蠻豐富的耶~ 因為家人吃素,有時候節日聚餐挑餐廳好麻煩 buffet就是有這個好處,可以滿足每位家人的胃 結帳的時候發現 有四人同行一人免費,但需要至少前一天電話預訂 有興趣的朋友們,可以試試唷 交通:捷運步行約20分鐘、也可轉公車、接駁車可到,機車停車位免費,有內汽車停車場,消費可以折抵 。 服務:親子超友善,主動提供兒童餐具,食物品項也很多是小朋友喜歡的。 整潔:看得出來酒店很重視清潔,很乾淨。 環境:風景很美,地方寬敞,大台北很難得的風景。 餐點:食物多元,海鮮新鮮!
I heard that their seafood is very fresh, especially for those who love shrimp, it's a great deal! It's the Dutch seafood season recently, and the Dutch dishes at the on-site dining table are also quite novel~ Half a lobster for holiday meals! Lobster, the master has cut it out, easy to eat lobster, so happy~ There are two brands of ice cream, Haagen-Dazs and Movenpick Adults also have unlimited beer~ Children under 115cm are free! There are a lot of foods that children love to eat~The appetite is also very good Our family of four only pays two adults The vegetarian area, I personally think it is quite rich~ Because my family is vegetarian, sometimes it is troublesome to choose a restaurant for a holiday dinner Buffet has this advantage, it can satisfy the stomach of every family found at checkout Complimentary for one person traveling with four people, but need to book by phone at least one day before Interested friends, you can try Transportation: It takes about 20 minutes to walk by MRT, and you can also transfer to a bus or a shuttle bus. The locomotive parking space is free, and there is a car parking lot inside. . Service: Parents and children are very friendly, and they provide children's tableware on their own initiative, and many food items are also loved by children. Cleanliness: It can be seen that the hotel attaches great importance to cleanliness and is very clean. Environment: The scenery is beautiful, the place is spacious, and the scenery is rare in Taipei. Meals: Diverse food, fresh seafood!
萬彎達 on Google

✳️平日去的沒有buffet,單點吃到飽,就是菜單上的東西都可以點 ✳️裝潢漂亮 ✳️廁所有小朋友的階梯,蠻貼心的? ✳️海鮮的新鮮度不是很好? ✳️好幾道菜少一味,後來跟服務人員要了些蒜末搭配才好一些。? ✳️服務人員態度很好?,好像廚房缺蒜頭還去別的地方拿 ✳️鷹嘴豆與菠菜、馬鈴薯烘蛋、松露野菇湯比較好吃 ✳️西班牙蔬菜湯裡面不是用米麵,是用飯 ✳️大蒜蘑菇少蒜味? ✳️馬鈴薯塊佐辣醬沒有辣,有添加番茄糊的味道? ✳️白酒炒淡菜是類似東南亞加魚露的味道,肉不飽嘴都破破的? ✳️蛋糕只有2種口味,普普
✳️We don't have a buffet on weekdays, and you can order everything from the menu. ✳️ Beautifully decorated ✳️The toilet has a ladder for children, which is very considerate? ✳️The freshness of the seafood is not very good? ✳️Several dishes were lacking in taste. Later, I asked the waiter for some minced garlic to match it better. ? ✳️The attitude of the service staff is very good?, it seems that the kitchen is short of garlic and go elsewhere to get it ✳️Chickpeas and spinach, potato baked eggs, truffle and wild mushroom soup are better ✳️Spanish vegetable soup is not rice noodles, but rice ✳️Garlic mushrooms are less garlicky? ✳️Potato cubes with hot sauce is not spicy, it has the taste of tomato paste ? ✳️The mussels stir-fried with white wine is similar to the taste of Southeast Asia with fish sauce, the meat is not full and the mouth is broken? ✳️The cake has only 2 flavors, pop
Yume on Google

先生的生日餐1 其實是入住的當天晚上 淡水外面下大雨 懶得外出吃飯 所以直接在酒店的餐廳裡用餐? 因為疫情關係 所以當天就算是假日 也只有兩桌的客人? 我們主餐加點 紅酒洋蔥燉牛頰 $1299 美國菲力牛排8盎司 $1599 還有一成服務費 價格說貴不貴 因為其他前菜 湯品 焗烤麵 Pizza 麵包 飲料 冰淇淋 都是半自助吃到飽 以份量來說 我們吃的很飽 也沒有限時 對了這裡服務態度極好 很親切 每一位員工都很熱情?
mr birthday meal 1 In fact, it was the night of the check-in It's raining heavily outside Tamsui, I'm too lazy to go out to eat So dine directly in the hotel restaurant ? Because of the epidemic So even if it is a holiday, there are only two tables of guests? Add to our main meal Braised Beef Cheeks with Red Wine and Onions $1299 American filet mignon 8 oz $1599 There is also a service fee of 10%, the price is not expensive For other appetizers Soups Baked Pasta Pizza Bread Drinks Ice Cream All-you-can-eat semi-buffet We were very full in terms of portion size no time limit By the way, the service attitude here is very good and very kind Every employee is very enthusiastic ?
王米漿 on Google

飯店環境真的很美,很像美術館,適合來走走逛逛 假日晚餐一個人1399+10%服務費,會有半隻龍蝦和自助吧,但這個是我吃過飯店或連鎖自助餐菜色算很傻眼的 1.生魚片沒有鮭魚就算了,其他魚肉吃起來部位鮮度都很不ok 2.飲料只有咖啡機、可樂機、和葡萄汁少數幾樣,沒有手打果汁或特調飲料之類的,種類非常少 3.甜點的蛋糕就只有五種,而且為什麼要放王子麵跟鐵蛋?? 4.螃蟹的蟹腳完全沒什麼肉,肉質也不怎麼新鮮,腳用手輕輕捏就凹陷,裡面的肉塌扁 5.其他的熟食就普普通通,完全不算好吃 6.有看到牌子是可以現點現煮,以為是驚艷的餐點,結果是披薩和鐵板麵,不會有人想花1399來吃鐵板麵耶,就連其他比這價位便宜的buffet現點現做是蛤蜊湯或天使紅蝦之類的 8.看到湯原本還期待是高檔的湯之類的,結果竟然是味增湯、紅豆湯⋯⋯,味增湯連去外面吃個便當都免費附,至少也要紫米紅豆湯吧⋯⋯ 7.原本還有特別說明有分時段,有限時間,第一段時間只到7點,因為客人較少所以可以用餐到9點,這樣的品質還有限時趕人的話,當場會真的滿不爽的 全部吃下來就覺得水果很甜很好吃,哈根達斯口味也好吃,然後滿後悔來的,用餐環境很優美,服務態度也很好,收碗盤都很快,但這個價位已經比**天堂或其他自助餐都還要高,卻給出這樣的餐點菜色,真的不會讓人想來第二次 只是提供我內心和同行友人的想法,這真的不是符合價位的用餐品質⋯⋯
The environment of the hotel is really beautiful, like an art gallery, suitable for walking around Holiday dinner 1399 + 10% service charge per person, there will be half a lobster and a buffet, but this is the food I have eaten in a restaurant or chain buffet, which is very dumbfounded 1. Sashimi does not have salmon, and other fish are not very fresh. 2. There are only a few types of beverages such as coffee machines, cola machines, and grape juice. There are no hand-made juices or special drinks, and there are very few types. 3. There are only five kinds of cakes for dessert, and why are there prince noodles and iron eggs? ? 4. The crab legs of the crab have no meat at all, and the meat is not very fresh. The feet are sunken when gently squeezed, and the meat inside collapses. 5. Other cooked food is ordinary, not delicious at all 6. I saw the brand that it can be cooked to order and I thought it was an amazing meal, but it turned out to be pizza and sizzling noodles. No one would want to spend 1399 to eat sizzling noodles, even other buffets that are cheaper than this price. Made to order is clam chowder or angel red shrimp or something 8. When I saw that the soup was originally expected to be a high-end soup, it turned out to be miso soup, red bean soup..., the miso soup is even free to go out to eat a bento, at least purple rice and red bean soup... ⋯ 7. Originally, there was a special instruction that there are time slots and limited time. The first time period is only until 7:00. Because there are fewer guests, you can dine until 9:00. If the quality is still limited, you will be really unhappy on the spot. of After eating all of them, I feel that the fruit is very sweet and delicious, and the taste of Haagen-Dazs is also delicious, and then I regret it. The dining environment is very beautiful, the service attitude is also very good, and the dishes are collected quickly, but the price is already higher than the price. **Heaven or other buffets are even higher, but given such a meal, it really won't make people want to come back for the second time Just to provide my inner thoughts and the thoughts of my colleagues, this is really not the quality of dining at the price. …
Tina Hsu on Google

假日消費方式為半自助式,一份主餐加沙拉吧。 目前主餐部分餐廳規定點選龍蝦,價格1399。 官網公佈四月份當日壽星兩人同行可享有1399的價格折抵,壽星僅需支付140服務費。 然而到了現場才知道, ?壽星不能夠點選主餐,只能享用沙拉吧? 這部分真的有點無言,不含主餐的餐點還算是1399嗎? 餐廳做活動是好意,優惠消費者的同時也希望吸引更多消費者。但規則應寫清楚,不然只會徒增誤會。慶生壽星沒主餐真的滿瞎的。 整體而言東西品質ok, 服務人員親切。 松露野菇濃湯味道濃郁,非常推薦。 冷盤海鮮沙拉有特色,熟食水平一般般。 餐廳外有個漂亮的小公園可以散步。 ——————————————————- 更新: 後來店家有致電表達歉意,並說明是因為剛更換活動的關係現場比較混亂,其實壽星也是可以享用主餐的。以上資訊更新,提供大家參考。
Holiday consumption is semi-buffet, one main meal plus salad bar. At present, some restaurants for the main meal stipulate that lobster is ordered, and the price is 1399. The official website announced in April that two birthday stars can enjoy a price discount of 1399, and the birthday star only needs to pay a service fee of 140. However, when we arrived at the scene, we found out that ?The birthday star can't order the main meal, you can only enjoy the salad bar? This part is really a bit speechless, is the meal without the main meal still 1399? It is good intentions for restaurants to do activities, and they also hope to attract more consumers while giving preferential treatment to consumers. But the rules should be written clearly, otherwise it will only increase misunderstandings. Celebrating birthdays without a main meal is really blind. Overall, the quality of things is ok, and the service staff are friendly. The truffle wild mushroom soup is rich in flavor and highly recommended. The cold seafood salad is distinctive, and the level of cooked food is average. There is a nice little park outside the restaurant to take a walk. —————————————————————- renew: Later, the store called to express apology, and explained that the scene was chaotic because of the newly changed event. In fact, birthday stars can also enjoy the main meal. The above information is updated for your reference.

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