墾丁衝浪店 Kenting Surf Shop - Hengchun Township

3.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 墾丁衝浪店 Kenting Surf Shop

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Kending Rd, 21號墾丁衝浪店 Kenting Surf Shop

電話 : 📞 +888888
城市 : Kending Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Kending Rd, 21號墾丁衝浪店 Kenting Surf Shop
tony905513 on Google

老闆娘態度不佳 只有少數幾位員工還可以 若要渡假有好心情千萬不要選這家
Poor attitude boss Only a handful of employees can To holiday in a good mood, do not choose this
劉芯瑀 on Google

In the middle of the night, someone will open the door and want to force in. The store's handling method is not positive. The reason is that our door is unlocked and the other party is drunk! Wow ... what is this?
蘇郁雯 on Google

Although the room is ok, but the service attitude really needs to be strengthened. Although the final check-out time is a little bit late, but we did n’t say that we would charge extra money after the check-out time. Dumbfounded! We immediately called back several times and no one answered, and afterwards we said that the waiter might go to the toilet. Don't choose this if you want to have a good vacation!
ic chiang on Google

我是8/26~8/27住307 的房客。 1)態度差又死要錢,已經匯款的部分在收尾款時還故意忘記。 2)租衝浪板沒點交,歸還時再說有損壞要賠償。 3)問晚上店面打烊後要怎麼進出,一副超跩的樣子答說:你們晚上就知道了,不用問那麼多! 以後絕對不會再考慮這家無良店家。
I am a tenant who lived 307 from 8/26 to 8/27. 1) The attitude is bad and the money is dead. The part of the remittance is deliberately forgotten at the end of the payment. 2) There is no point in renting the surfboard. If you return it, you will be compensated for damage. 3) Ask how to get in and out after the night of the store, a super-sounding look: You know at night, don't ask so much! This unscrupulous store will never be considered again in the future.
Ari Tseng on Google

這是我這十年來旅遊遇上最不知所謂的民宿了: 1.沒禮貌、不敲門。 2.對話不和善、感覺不到熱忱、很不耐煩的對待問題。 3.民宿制度僵化,11點退房,人員在10:56分告知。(原話:現在剩四分鐘退房,超過11點要收300元,超過11:31分要再加收300元)口氣毫無親切可言。 4.衝浪教學每人收1200元,我們總數十人報名,教學品質不佳,平均每人在海上被教練助推約三次,海流方向也沒說明,海域、海像也沒告知(同行很多都是第一次衝浪),同行朋友二、三位被海流沖了5、600公尺遠,才知離下水點很遠了,被同伴趕緊叫上岸,一臉驚魂未定的模樣。 5.結論,就是一整個品質不佳,不會再造訪這家店了。
This is the most unknown bed and breakfast I have encountered in tourism in the past ten years: 1. Be rude and don't knock. 2. Dialogue is not kind, does not feel enthusiastic, and is impatient. 3. The bed and breakfast system is rigid. Check out at 11 o'clock. The staff will inform you at 10:56. (The original words: There are now four minutes to check out, and it will be charged 300 yuan after 11 o'clock, and another 300 yuan will be charged after 11:31.) There is no cordial tone at all. 4. Surfing teaching costs 1200 yuan per person. We have dozens of people enrolled. The teaching quality is not good. On average, each person is pushed by the coach about three times at sea. The direction of the current is not specified. The sea area and the sea elephant are not informed. (Both of them were surfing for the first time), two or three of my friends who were rushed 5,600 meters away by the current, only to know that they were far away from the launching point, and were hurriedly called ashore by their companions with a look of consternation. 5. The conclusion is that the whole is of poor quality and will not visit this store again.
Jemmy Hao on Google

Good varieties
kade goldstone on Google

Good place to check out, surfboards and good clothes even local ones.
Zandri Snyman (Topknot Traveling) on Google

My boyfriend and I are a little bit disgusted by the attitude of the shop keeper. After my boyfriend and I (foreigners) were picking out clothes and trying them on he proceeded to make a rude comment about Americans and Taiwanese sizes in Chinese to his colleague, a female worker. After I tried on my bathing suit, I handed it back to him because the size was too big and gave me a snarky look as if it was actually too small. My boyfriend tried on a medium sized shorts first and asked me to step out and fetch a small which fitted him better. When he gave back the medium and said he wanted to buy the small, the man specifically asked, "are you sure? Is the size not too small?" How pathetic. What's more pathetic is he was saying these things in front of us in Chinese thinking that we don't understand. My message for them is 小心你說的話。 很多外國人懂中文。?? We're not even Americans you stereotypical child.

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