Mega International Commercial Bank

3.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Mega International Commercial Bank

地址 :

No. 99號, Section 3, Chongyang Rd, Sanchong District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 241

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 :
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 99號, Section 3, Chongyang Rd, Sanchong District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 241
陳和順 on Google

公司轉正職需要兆豐戶頭,公司同事都說辦理開戶至少兩小時 甚至有一位同事從9點開戶,弄到下午4點才開戶完成,害我好擔心自己也是,但兆豐三重分行 新開戶只要一小時不到就辦理好了 ,這效率真是高的沒話說 ,感謝兆豐三重分行 有像6號窗口這樣服務好效率高的行員,應多多珍惜!
The company needs to pay for the official position of the company, the company colleagues said that at least two hours to open an account, or even a colleague opened an account from 9:00, until 4 o'clock in the afternoon to open an account, I am worried that I am also, but Zhaofeng triple branch new account as long as I can't handle it in less than an hour. This efficiency is really high. I would like to thank Mega's triple branch for having a high-efficiency service like the No. 6 window. You should cherish it!
Christine LIN on Google

I came here a while ago to open an account. Although I have been consulted a lot, fortunately, the service from the counter Miss Lin is very good~ kind and friendly, and the credit card explanation is very detailed. Thank you very much for the service.
YUAN on Google

The same is that the cash transfer at the counter is very fast in other branches, and there will be a lot of unprofessional questions here...It is obviously the same as Mega, why is it different...If you don’t understand, you should ask the supervisor instead of stopping there. The client looks at you and thinks...
洪小義 on Google

Good efficiency, fashionable environment and good service attitude~
林小宏 on Google

今早857分開門前就在門口等開門 一進去我第2個第一個是存提款的 警衛大哥問我辦什麼 我回 我數位帳戶要約定帳號轉帳 於是他幫我按了一張 一般櫃臺的號碼牌 櫃臺小姐不知道是新人還是怎樣 問了半天問了隔壁 才拿一張很大張的申請書給我 請我去服務台辦理 此時 服務台已經有一個先生辦理開戶 我9點進去 快10點才輪到我 後來我才知道 原來數位帳號辦約轉 還要經過所謂升級權限 我想 警衛大哥疏忽了 他沒先問我是要辦一般約轉(櫃臺可辦) 還是要升級權限(服務台才可辦)如果一開始就讓我去服務台 我是不是不用等那一小時 另外 可能貴銀行 沒有所謂支援的制度 我看一般櫃臺到了10點 才20多號 人力應該尚足吧 為甚麼不能多一個人來服務台 還是我這所謂的數位帳戶升級 一般櫃臺沒權限做 我9點就去了 辦到10點40才好 真的很誇張 ps服務台小姐很客氣 接到我一般櫃臺小姐也很客氣(不過感覺有點菜)警衛大哥應該問清楚再幫抽號碼牌
This morning, 857 left the door and waited for the door to open as soon as I went in. My second one was the guard who deposit and withdrawal. Brother asked me what to do. I returned to my digital account and wanted to make an agreement for account transfer. So he helped me press a general counter. The lady at the number plate counter didn't know if it was a newcomer or how to ask for a long time and asked the next door to give me a large application form and asked me to go to the service counter to handle it. At this time, there is a gentleman at the service counter to open an account. I went in at 9 o'clock. It was my turn until I realized that the digital account transfers had to go through the so-called escalation of permissions. I think the guard had neglected. He didn’t ask me whether I want to do general transfers (can be done at the counter) or upgrade permissions (service desk) Can only be done) If you ask me to go to the service desk at the beginning, I don’t have to wait for that hour. In addition, your bank may not have a support system. I think that the general counter is only at 10 o’clock and there are more than 20 numbers. The manpower should be enough, why can’t there be more than one person? I came to the service desk or my so-called digital account upgrade. The general counter didn’t have permission to do it. I went at 9 o’clock and did it until 10:40. It’s really an exaggeration. The ps service desk lady was very polite. It feels a bit of a dish) The guard should ask clearly before drawing the number plate
Danni Liu on Google

I came back from overseas to apply for a paid account at the counter, and I was lucky to meet Miss Lin at the counter at that time! The kind service and detailed explanation awakened my good impression of Sanchong. I just returned to Taiwan for many unclear account opening rules. Thanks to Ms. Lin’s enthusiastic explanations one by one, I completed the account opening task smoothly. Thank you ??
Angel on Google

I came to open an account this afternoon. Ms. Zhang’s attitude was very poor. She was not professional and polite. When I asked about the company name, I told her. She wanted me to give the company registration information. After showing it to her, she asked me to send her an email. I said that it was not convenient to have my name and the content of the registration. The lady said that I wanted me to call the company. After I gave her, she said that she couldn't get in without this extension. It felt like I was going to set up a head account? Later, ask her to broadcast 9 to contact the switchboard to get in touch. The whole feeling is very bad. I won't come to this branch next time.
趙持岳 on Google

陪朋友開外幣戶而已,等了2小時,前面一位就辦了2小時?我黑人問號?? 明明之前自己在安和分行辦外幣戶也才花30分鐘,這間竟然要那麼久? 三重分行承辦人員竟然只有一位? 還邊辦邊教另一個行員? 再來,等待時間做受不了的是,這間分行是沒有開冷氣嗎? 空調熱得要死⋯
I only accompany my friends to open a foreign currency account. After waiting for 2 hours, the first one did it for 2 hours? My black question mark? ? Obviously, it took only 30 minutes to open a foreign currency account in Anhe branch before, but this one took that long? There is only one undertaking staff in the Sanchong branch? Teaching another clerk while doing it? Next, the waiting time can’t bear, is there no air conditioner in this branch? The air conditioner is terribly hot...

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