National Chi Nan University Library

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact National Chi Nan University Library

地址 :

No. 500, Daxue Rd, Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 54561

電話 : 📞 +88999
城市 : Nantou County

No. 500, Daxue Rd, Puli Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 54561
齊格飛 on Google

Librarians, both boys and girls, are super patient
袁捷樂活小哥 on Google

Quite comfortable to read :)
金都餐飲集團 on Google

中午在「暨大印象」辦理自助餐宴,撈起南投美味慰勞師生們的心胃 #金都餐廳 #暨南大學 #NCNU #自助餐 #buffet #南投美食
A buffet banquet was held at "Ji Da Impression" at noon, to salvage the hearts and stomachs of Nantou's delicious food and comfort the teachers and students #金都美食 #济南大学 #NCNU # Buffet Meal #buffet #南投美食
Desmond Lau on Google

[歷史沿革] 本校圖書館於民國84年7月成立,建校初期本館暫借暨大附中(原埔里高中)校舍營運,民國85年5月遷入本校綜合教學大樓,並於88年3月再遷入科技學院四館後棟(1至4樓)服務全校師生,但旋於民國88年因921地震而閉館。民國89年5月復校後本館暫時分置於中餐廳地下室一樓及科四館一至二樓重新營運並開始規劃籌建圖書資訊大樓。本校圖書資訊大樓於民國91年9月20日開始動工,歷時4年施工、驗收、裝修等歷程,在民國95年9月1日正式全面開放本校教職員生使用,提供新穎、舒適的閱覽空間。 [特色發展] 【服務內容精緻化】 **自動化系統更新:本館引進國際知名系統(與牛津大學圖書館、大英圖書館、清華大學圖書館相同)作為本館新自動化系統,於102年9月上線,以提供更為完整且便利的資源查詢系統。 **行動圖書館APP 圖書館於106年推出行動圖書館APP服務,提供Android與iOS兩種版本,滿足師生運用手機查詢館藏等相關服務。讀者可直接使用手機掃描書背之條碼,即可得知本館是否有該館藏,亦可藉以推薦圖書。此外,無論是續借、預約皆可在手機上操作。安裝軟體程序簡單:可於APP Store輸入「暨南大學圖書館」,或掃描圖書館首頁所提供之QR-Code即可下載,讓讀者無論在何處,都可以享受圖書館的各項服務。 **便利讀者:為提昇服務品質和創新,也便利讀者使用圖書館,本館增加及修改許多服務項目與規則,如: 修改部份借閱規則(增加冊數和天數,部份館藏逾期三天免罰則)。 **提供借書袋服務。 **考試期間自修室提供咖啡等飲料。 **公用電腦設定不同的拼音輸入法供不同國籍讀者使用。 **定期發放新訊快遞。 **推薦圖書與視聽資料。 **二手教科書新鮮送。 **海選圖書服務。 **研究支持:本館於102年即加入RAPIDILL聯盟,取得更豐富的學術資料,目前免費提供,以利師生進行學術研究;透過文件公告系統,將學術資料採購進度,即時回覆予各系所教師;積極配合國家圖書館學位論文電子檔上傳,年年均達到上傳率100%,並受到表揚;同時提供各項利用指導,如: ***新生圖書館利用教育活動。 ***「Endnote書目管理軟體」教學。 ***各學院資料庫使用講習。 教學輔助:提供多樣空間與設備於教學使用,本館規劃有:討論室8間、視聽室5間,並可出借筆記型電腦和IPAD2,數位相機,數位攝影機。 內部效能:本館為落實學校節能減碳計畫,104年至106年合計節省用電為272,183度,以本校106年平均用電單價2.5(元/度)計算,節省用電費用為680,458元。在本館的節能努力下,本校參加「教育部校園節能減碳輔導團計畫」105年度節能績優學校評選活動,本校獲選為大專院校組第1名。作法如下:書庫區改感應式燈管,自動感應開啟或關閉照明設備,進行空調及照明管控,各樓層(南、北、東)加裝節能風扇,加強空氣循環對流。 【功能特色差異化】 意象塑造:本館期許成為「大學圖書館中的誠品」,設計有櫻花館徽、資源探索LOGO,除將此些圖樣運用於各類文宣品,設計成書籤和資料夾外,並設置櫻花館徽造型之大廳頂燈及檢索桌,打造圖書館品牌意象。 空間發展:為營造舒適的閱讀氛圍,於一樓設置咖啡區(大廳及新書展示區)及休閒桌椅,並以異國風格布置二樓外語悅讀區,營造特別之閱讀空間;105年於三樓增設休閒樂讀區,並重新裝修三至五樓之討論室,作為讀者學習共享空間;106年於一樓大廳增設舒適沙發,並開放可以輕食,提供往來圖書館的讀者一個休閒交誼的場域;並精心規畫成立海選書區,營造溫馨的氛圍,精選現有館藏,提供讀者享受閱讀的園地。 多功能特色:本館開放館內空間借用,可提供校內師生及社團借用,讓其舉辦各項主題展覽、講座、讀書會等;並關注學生有興趣、有利學習與職涯發展之議題,不定期邀請校外講者到本館演講。 資源整合:各學校的資源有限,本館為求持續向上成長,積極連結校外資源,103年與中央研究院數位文化中心合作,舉辦「時空旅行」和「雲端上的寶藏」特展,以及與埔里鎮立圖書館、暨大附中圖書館、埔里高工圖書館合作組成「埔里閱讀聯盟」,以增加本校能利用之資源;為運用圖書館資源,配合暨大「重僑教」、「暨東南」教育目標,深化與東南亞的互動交流,凸顯暨大發展東南亞的特色,達到暨大跨足全球,放眼國際發展目標,於104年配合20週年校慶暨全國大專校院校長會議,與東南亞學系及海外聯招會共同舉辦「多元與燦爛~望見東南亞」特展;105年舉辦齊柏林空中攝影公益巡迴展,邀請到齊柏林導演親臨現場導覽解說;106年10月份與台北市中華書畫藝術學會、南投縣青溪新文藝學會聯合舉辦「十月暨墨書畫聯展」,11月份舉辦「星雲大師贈書典禮暨一筆字書法展」,12月份舉辦「余光中紀念書展」,營造校園藝文氛圍,提升書畫知能涵養。每年以櫻花資訊展及現場書展方式,主動參與暨大櫻花季活動。 社會關懷:大學負有實踐社會責任的義務,由曾任暨大校長的博幼基金會董事長李家同向現任暨大校長蘇玉龍提及請暨大協助博幼基金會募童書,以協助基金會的課輔老師及同學,豐富教材及充實課外讀物內容,蘇校長大力響應,交由暨大圖書館主辦「愛心送博幼‧一起捐童書」活動,為博幼基金會募書,至106年4月底,由暨大圖書館與「埔里閱讀聯盟」合作館(包括暨大附中圖書館、埔里高工圖書館與埔里鎮立圖書館)共同號召各校師生、鎮民們一起加入此公益活動的行列。本次募得的童書,計有圖書3,586冊、視聽82片,所募的書籍主要類型為中英文兒童繪本、青少年小說等,涵蓋中國歷史、台灣歷史、科幻、傳記…等主題,實為大學回饋社會的具體表現。 【館藏發展國際化】 東南亞館藏:本校設有全國最早成立之東南亞特色系所,本館積極與其合作,建置東南亞特色館藏,亦密切配合教師大型研究計畫,蒐羅相關研究資料作為特色館藏,目前已完成東南亞研究特色館藏網頁;106年為配合學校「新南向計畫緬甸區域經貿文化及產學資源中心計畫」添購平床式A2彩色掃描機進行東南亞報紙之數位化,並採購東南亞國家語文之圖書,以豐富東南亞語文之館藏。 外語悅讀區:本館與語文中心合作成立英語悅讀區,近年為納入多種語文之圖書,改為外語悅讀區。其圖書經語文中心老師薦購之小說、讀本、繪本、漫畫為主,期望同學能在輕鬆愉悅閱讀圖書,增進語文能力。 贈書國際化:本校教師在國際上的學術交流活動頻繁,為本館爭取許多特色之館藏,近年收錄典藏有:英基文庫、中嶋嶺雄文庫、美國在台協會、香港浸會大學贈書等。
[History] The school library was established in July 1984. At the beginning of the establishment of the school, the library was temporarily borrowed and operated by the University Affiliated High School (formerly Puli High School). In May 1985, it moved to the school’s comprehensive teaching building, and then moved to science and technology in March 1988. The rear building of the fourth building (1st to 4th floor) of the college serves the teachers and students of the whole school, but it was closed due to the 921 earthquake in 1988. After the school was reopened in May 1989, the building was temporarily located on the first floor of the Chinese restaurant basement and the first to second floors of the fourth building were reopened, and planning for the construction of a library and information building began. The library and information building of our school began on September 20, 1991. It took 4 years of construction, acceptance, and decoration. On September 1, 1995, it was officially opened for use by faculty, staff and students, providing a novel and comfortable reading space. [Characteristic Development] 【Exquisite service content】 **Automation system update: The library introduced internationally renowned systems (same as Oxford University Library, British Library, Tsinghua University Library) as the library's new automation system, which was launched in September 102 to provide more complete and convenient resources Query the system. **Mobile Library APP The library launched the mobile library APP service in 106, providing both Android and iOS versions to satisfy teachers and students using mobile phones to inquire about collections and other related services. Readers can directly scan the barcode on the back of the book with their mobile phone to know whether the library has the collection and to recommend books. In addition, both renewal and reservation can be operated on the mobile phone. The software installation procedure is simple: you can enter "Jinan University Library" in the APP Store, or scan the QR-Code provided on the library's homepage to download, so that readers can enjoy various services of the library no matter where they are. **Convenience to readers: In order to improve service quality and innovation, and to facilitate readers to use the library, the library has added and modified many service items and rules, such as: Modify some borrowing rules (increase the number of books and the number of days, and some collections are exempt from penalty for three days overdue). **Provide book bag service. **Coffee and other beverages will be provided in the study room during the exam. **Public computers have different pinyin input methods for readers of different nationalities. **New News Express will be distributed regularly. **Recommended books and audiovisual materials. **Used textbooks are sent fresh. **Overseas selection of books service. **Research support: The library joined the RAPIDILL alliance in 102 to obtain richer academic materials. It is currently provided free of charge for teachers and students to conduct academic research; through the document announcement system, the academic materials procurement progress will be responded to the departments in real time Teachers; actively cooperate with the electronic file uploading of the National Library of China's dissertations, with an average annual upload rate of 100%, and are praised; at the same time provide various usage guidance, such as: ***New student library use educational activities. ***Teaching of "Endnote Bibliographic Management Software". ***Teaching on the use of database in each college. Teaching aids: Provide a variety of spaces and equipment for teaching use. The library is planned to have: 8 discussion rooms, 5 audio-visual rooms, and can borrow laptops and IPAD2, digital cameras, and digital cameras. Internal efficiency: In order to implement the school's energy-saving and carbon-reduction plan, the museum saved a total of 272,183 kilowatt-hours of electricity from 104 to 106. Based on the school's average electricity unit price of 2.5 (yuan/kWh) in 106, the electricity cost saved was 680,458 yuan. Thanks to our energy conservation efforts, our school participated in the 105th Annual Energy Conservation School Selection Activity of the Ministry of Education’s Campus Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Counselling Group Project. Our school was selected as the first place in the college group. The method is as follows: the library area is changed to induction lamps, which automatically turn on or off the lighting equipment, perform air-conditioning and lighting control, and install energy-saving fans on each floor (south, north, and east) to enhance air circulation and convection. [Differentiation of features] Image molding: The library is expected to become "Eslite in the University Library". It is designed with a cherry blossom hall emblem and resource exploration LOGO. In addition to applying these patterns to various cultural publications, it is designed as bookmarks and folders, and a cherry blossom hall is set up The hall ceiling lamp and retrieval table in emblem shape create a brand image of the library. Space development: In order to create a comfortable reading atmosphere, a coffee area (hall and new book display area) and leisure tables and chairs are set on the first floor, and the foreign language reading area on the second floor is arranged in an exotic style to create a special reading space; A leisure reading area was added to the building, and the discussion rooms on the third to fifth floors were renovated as a shared space for readers to learn; in 106, a comfortable sofa was added to the lobby on the first floor, and it was opened for light meals, providing readers with a leisure and social interaction. The site; and carefully planned the establishment of a sea selection book area to create a warm atmosphere, select existing collections, and provide readers with a place to enjoy reading. Multi-functional features: The open space in the library can be borrowed by teachers, students and clubs in the school to hold various themed exhibitions, lectures, reading clubs, etc.; and pay attention to topics that students are interested in, and are beneficial to learning and career development. Regularly invite speakers from outside the school to give lectures in our library. Resource integration: The resources of each school are limited. In order to continue to grow upwards, the museum actively connects external resources. In 103, it cooperated with the Digital Cultural Center of the Academia Sinica to hold special exhibitions on "Time Travel" and "Treasures in the Cloud", as well as with Puli The Town Library, the Library of the High School Affiliated to Jiulong University, and the Puli High-tech Library jointly formed the "Puli Reading Alliance" to increase the resources that the school can use; "Educational goals, deepen the interactive exchanges with Southeast Asia, highlight the characteristics of JJU’s development in Southeast Asia, achieve JJU’s global expansion, and look at international development goals. In 104, it will cooperate with the 20th Anniversary Celebration and the National Conference of College Principals to cooperate with Southeast Asian Studies. The department and the Overseas Joint Admissions Association jointly organized the special exhibition "Diversity and Brilliance-Seeing Southeast Asia"; held the Zeppelin Aerial Photography Public Welfare Tour Exhibition in 105, and invited Zeppelin directors to visit and comment on the scene; October 106, Taipei City Zhonghua The Painting and Calligraphy Art Society and the Qingxi New Literature and Art Society of Nantou County jointly organized the "October and Ink Painting and Calligraphy Joint Exhibition", in November the "Xingyun Master Book Donation Ceremony and One-Stroke Calligraphy Exhibition", and the "Yu Guangzhong Memorial Book Exhibition" in December to create school gardening Literary atmosphere enhances the knowledge and ability of calligraphy and painting. Every year, take the initiative to participate in the grand cherry blossom season activities in the form of cherry blossom information exhibition and on-site book exhibition. Social care: Universities are obliged to fulfill their social responsibilities. Li Jiatong, chairman of the Boyou Foundation, who was the president of the University of Jilin, mentioned to the current President of Jiu University, Su Yulong, that the University should assist the Boyou Foundation in raising children's books to assist the fund. The assistant teachers and classmates of the meeting enriched the teaching materials and enriched the content of extracurricular reading materials. Principal Su responded vigorously and handed over to the JIU Library to host the "Send Love to Children and Donate Children's Books Together" activity to raise books for the Children’s Foundation. At the end of April 106, the JIU Library and the "Puli Reading Union" cooperative libraries (including the JIU High School Affiliated High School Library, Puli High Technical Library and Puli Township Library) jointly called on teachers, students, and residents of all schools to join together The ranks of this charity event. The children's books collected this time consist of 3,586 books and 82 audio-visual books. The main types of books raised are Chinese and English children’s picture books, youth novels, etc., covering topics such as Chinese history, Taiwan history, science fiction, biography... The concrete manifestation of the university giving back to the society. 【Internationalization of Collection Development】 Southeast Asian Collection: The school has the first Southeast Asian characteristic department established in the country. The library actively cooperates with it to build a Southeast Asian characteristic collection. It also closely cooperates with teachers’ large-scale research projects and collects relevant research materials as a characteristic collection. Currently, the characteristic collection of Southeast Asian studies has been completed. Website; In 106, in order to cooperate with the school’s "New Southbound Project Myanmar Regional Economic, Trade, Culture, and Industry-University Resource Center Project", a flat-bed A2 color scanner was purchased to digitize Southeast Asian newspapers, and books in Southeast Asian languages ​​were purchased to enrich Collection of Southeast Asian Languages. Foreign Language Reading Zone: The library has cooperated with the Language Center to establish an English Reading Zone. In recent years, it has been changed to a foreign language Reading Zone for books in multiple languages. The book, classics and language center teachers recommended to buy novels, reading books, picture books, and comics. We hope that students can read books easily and happily and improve their language skills. Internationalization of donated books: The teachers of our school have frequent international academic exchange activities and strive for many unique collections for the library. In recent years, the collections include: English Foundation Library, Nakajima Lingxiong Library, American Institute in Taiwan, Hong Kong Baptist University, etc.
林曜 on Google

很棒的圖書館 但猴子太多扣一顆星
黃尋道 on Google

Very beautiful campus, walk into the library, novel equipment, rich collection of books, comfortable seats, gracious librarians, studying here is really happy, the environment outside the library is like a world of paradise, and the atmosphere inside the library is no less than academic paradise.
Vick Pan (K) on Google

環境真的很棒~設備與空間也很足夠! 教職員工跟學生實在是太幸福了! 也會舉辦特展喔~ 非在校人士辦理借書證需要1吋頭貼跟押金$2000。
The environment is really great ~ the equipment and space are also sufficient! The staff and students are so happy! There will also be special exhibitions~ For non-school students to apply for a library card, a 1-inch head sticker and a deposit of $2000 are required.
Nanda Fernando NG on Google

Nice and huge library. Have a beautiful view from here.

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