丘尼兒幼兒園 - North District

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首頁 Home | 臺中市私立丘尼兒蒙特梭利幼兒園 - Joinermontessori.com

本園於台中市太平區經營之母校已有三十餘年之歷史,創辦人有感於啟蒙教育對社會之重要,於是在千禧年成立本園,因尊崇聖賢孔子之有教無類、因材施教,故將本園以孔夫子名丘字仲尼來命名,此即「丘尼兒」校名之由來。 丘尼兒幼兒園位於天津服飾商圈附近的文昌東二街,在清新幽靜的梅川旁難得能擁有三百多坪,二層樓的環境。並由蒙特梭利專業老師們的引導,讓孩子仿如在自己的家中,充分發揮內在需求,歡迎您與孩子一起加入我們的大家庭。 我們於2015年更成為美國AMS蒙特梭利學會的指定實習學校,期能為老師和孩子們提供優質的蒙特梭利教育品質。

首頁 Home | 臺中市私立丘尼兒蒙特梭利幼兒園 - Joinermontessori.com


      The mission of Joiner Montessori Preschool is based on Dr. Montessori's insight.  We will focus on two aspect one is the role of adult and the children's need to satisfy children's potential development.  Meanwhile, we still keep the professional development for our staff and parents service in order to keep everyone stay together and provide best care for our children. "the children is always our first priority." 


Contact 丘尼兒幼兒園

地址 :

No. 105號, Wenchang East 2nd St, North District, Taichung City, Taiwan 404

電話 : 📞 +8899
網站 : https://www.joinermontessori.com/
城市 : Taichung City

No. 105號, Wenchang East 2nd St, North District, Taichung City, Taiwan 404
el imei on Google

The teacher is serious, the principal is kind, the environment is clean, and the school is very professional.
language imei on Google

"小孩在這一段時間的成長有目共睹, 短短半年之間 他儼然是一個小大人了"
"The growth of the child during this period of time is obvious to all. In just six months, he has become a little adult."
楊大熊 on Google

學校主任在談話中相當的客氣,也很有禮貌,老師的感覺也很親切,小朋友很棒客人來了馬上地上茶水,環境上感覺還OK,但是清潔上就有待加強。 巡迴1
The school director was very polite and polite in the conversation, and the teacher felt very kind. The children were great. The guests came to serve tea immediately. The environment felt OK, but the cleaning needs to be strengthened. Tour 1
yatin chen on Google

The environment and the students felt very good in class ... everyone was quiet during the visit @@ 大门 is remotely controlled and cannot be opened directly by children, which is safer ...
沈樺(PP) on Google

The teacher was impatient and shouted at the newly-entered child. The instruction words were ironic and ridiculous. The child was very self-confident after going to school. He often talked to himself and criticized himself. After sleeping at night, he had nightmares and deprived the students of snacks. Right, children have nothing to eat and ask teachers for snacks and are scolded. Snacks are big bags of groceries wholesale, and the reward given to students by teachers is candy. The children of several friends are often attacked by classmates in class and often go home with injuries on their faces.
Pei Ting on Google

Classes are arranged in accordance with Mongolian education, and the children have adapted to class so far and have no adverse reactions! Although the campus is small, at least it is transparent and bright! The director and principal will greet the parents enthusiastically.
xuan Lyu on Google

Can I take the kids out to play in the afternoon? It's really noisy to play outside in the morning
聖哲 on Google

Good quality nursery, peace of mind, healthy growth

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