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Contact ​霧峰悅心診所

地址 :

No. 1121號, Zhongzheng Rd, Wufeng District, Taichung City, Taiwan 41344

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://medical-clinic-9751.business.site/
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

No. 1121號, Zhongzheng Rd, Wufeng District, Taichung City, Taiwan 41344
Ru Chen on Google

林醫師很用心也很親切 用針灸方式幫每位病患緩解不舒服症狀 推薦給大家!
Dr. Lin is very attentive and kind Use acupuncture to help each patient relieve uncomfortable symptoms Recommend to everyone!
林昭志 on Google

Yuexin can be combined with Chinese and Western medicine. Dr. Lin's acupuncture is very precise and highly recommended.
黃先生 on Google

Dr. Lin is very powerful and patient. Dad’s diabetes relies on Dr. Lin’s acupuncture and teaching his father’s dietary concepts. At present, his blood sugar is well controlled. Thank you Dr. Lin for his help.
outside shchurch002 on Google

感謝函 六年前生第一胎的時候,初為人母滿心歡喜,總想要給寶寶最好的,從生產完那一刻起就決定開始我的母乳之路。 可惜奶媽不是人人都能當的,產後第4天開始脹奶後我就乳腺發炎、夜間發高燒,趕緊到醫院掛急診,前前後後為了給孩子最好的母乳,坐月子期間共跑了急診室4次,都是因為乳腺發炎、夜間發高燒,中間也曾找過通乳師來通乳,但就那一天有效,通乳師走了之後一樣塞奶、石頭奶,塞奶的痛楚及多次跑急診室讓我幾乎崩潰想放棄母乳之路,此外,每天看著孩子喜歡喝奶但又吃不到、吃不飽而大聲嚎哭,心裡面真是像針扎一樣痛!身為媽媽卻無法餵飽孩子的愧疚感,像一塊大石頭深深壓在我的心房,我天天就在鬱鬱寡歡、渾渾噩噩裡度過。 出月子中心回到家後,情況仍然沒有改善,我媽媽看我每天愁雲慘霧,也幫忙詢問身邊好友是否有解法,恰巧一位友人說她的女兒也是塞奶、石頭奶試了所有方法都沒用,最後看了林燦醫師的門診終於乳腺疏通,且源源不絕,還成了冷凍奶的專業大戶,親餵母奶一年!我聽了後半信半疑,因為從來沒聽說過針灸可以通乳,但我實在非常羨慕這樣神奇的經歷,讓我覺得無論如何一定要去見見林醫師。 林燦醫師曾任職中國醫藥大學附設醫院副院長、亞洲大學附屬醫院副院長,林醫師非常擅長針灸,特別對乳腺疏通針灸有獨到解法。說明朋友介紹後,林醫師就開始療程,林醫師說明只要針灸3次,乳腺就會暢通,持續餵母乳就會源源不斷。當天我針灸完,回家的路上就開始感覺脹奶、乳汁慢慢滴出,到家後剛好寶寶餓了便開始親餵,我第一次聽到寶寶喝奶時大口吞嚥的聲音,也第一次看到寶寶喝到滿足最後安穩睡著的臉龐(之前都喝不飽,需要喝很多次),我心裡真是太震驚了,針灸1次就馬上看見效果,實在太神奇了!看到寶寶滿足而酣睡的模樣,讓我心裡面更是滿足、喜悅,第一次在餵母乳的事上享受到身為母親的成就感!我真是太感謝林醫師了!我的母乳之路就這麼順暢開啟,我最後也成為了冷凍奶達人,冰滿家裡的冰箱還不夠、借用了朋友家的冰箱,成功餵滿了一年母乳,期間因哺乳和寶寶建立的親密情感,至今仍讓我記憶猶新、回味不已:孩子喝奶時純真仰望、獨鍾母親的眼神與臉蛋是我印象中鮮明且難以抹滅的一幕!非常慶幸當時的決定,在進了4次急診室後我仍沒有放棄哺育母乳,有幸遇到了林燦醫師,拯救了我的母乳之路!哺育母乳雖然辛苦但是好處多多:孩子有滿滿一年的母親抗體、對媽媽而言可促進產後子宮收縮與降低乳癌風險、與孩子從小就建立親密的連結並給予足夠的安全感。 六年後當我懷了二寶,信心滿滿地以為我都有一年成功哺育母乳的經驗,這次絕對沒問題!誰知產後第三天,我又開始重演:脹奶、塞奶、石頭奶,擠不出奶,乳汁積鬱在乳房腫脹,身體開始有發炎、低燒的感覺,六年前一個月進出急診室4次的慘絕經歷突然在腦中響起!還好二寶是自然產的,第四天就可以出院,離開醫院到月子中心報到放好行李後,立刻馬上投奔林醫師的懷抱,找林醫師針灸去了!果然奶媽不是人人都能當的,第一胎的母路之路結束後,我的乳腺管竟然又打回原形了,還好林醫師仍在中部地區服務,讓我求救有門!一樣神奇的第一天針灸完,乳腺管開始暢通、脹奶、乳汁慢慢滴出,終於免去我對塞奶、石頭奶的恐懼與痛苦,又可以開開心心哺育二寶了!雖然二寶比起大寶有點乳頭混淆問題(瓶餵+親餵),是我另一個要克服的題目。但在這新冠肺炎疫情的期間,(孕程間有幸排到施打兩劑莫德納疫苗),小寶寶沒有疫苗可打的情況下,母奶中的抗體就是對他/她們最佳的保護!母乳是我們送給小寶寶出生的第一份禮物,且更是在這百年難得一見的疫情下最獨特且滿了母愛的禮物。 這次到林燦醫師的診所,發現改了新的裝潢,等待期間也看了幾份公佈欄上的醫學報導,才發現從2003開始,針灸就被世界衛生組織(WHO)認定為有效療法並且推薦有效治療100多種病症,其中就包含了「哺乳期缺乏症」,哇,老祖宗的智慧(針灸)真是太神奇了,而且還被外國人所認可!這次因為二胎比較有經驗了,也順道問林醫師能否幫我把產後的一堆毛病也針灸了?例如:子宮收縮、餘尿頻尿、痔瘡、皮膚暗沉等,林醫師說當然沒問題!哇,真是太奇妙了,這些症狀也能針灸啊!結果在針灸後的一週左右這些產後問題幾乎都已明顯改善,比起生完第一胎時恢復得更快速,讓我這次更能好好坐月子。 非常感謝林燦醫師,如果沒有遇見林醫師,我也許就像母親一代的人都使用配方奶來哺育小孩,沒有機會經歷哺育母乳的美妙經歷。看見身邊友人、住在月子中心的其他媽媽們,發覺很多人都跟我有一樣的經歷(或體質),深陷欲哺育母乳而不得的痛苦中,因此鼓舞我將自己的經歷寫出來,希望能幫助到更多的媽媽們,知道乳腺疏通有更絕佳的解法! 2021/9/13
Thank you letter When I gave birth to my first child six years ago, a new mother was full of joy and always wanted to give her the best for her baby. From the moment I finished giving birth, I decided to start my breastfeeding journey. It’s a pity that not everyone can be a nurse. After the fourth day of postpartum, I started to swell my breasts and developed a high fever at night. I hurried to the hospital for emergency treatment. I went to the emergency room 4 times, all because of breast inflammation and high fever at night. I also asked a nurse to pass the breast in the middle, but it was effective on that day. After the nurse left, the pain of stuffing milk, stone milk, and stuffing milk was the same. And running to the emergency room many times made me almost collapsed and wanted to give up breast milk. In addition, every day I watched my baby crying loudly because they liked to drink milk but couldn't get enough of it, and my heart really hurt like a needle stick! The guilt of being a mother but not being able to feed the child was like a big rock pressed deeply in my heart. After returning home from the confinement center, the situation still hasn’t improved. My mother sees me being sad every day, and she also helps to ask her friends if she has a solution. A friend happened to say that her daughter is also stuffed with milk, and the stone milk has tried all the methods to no avail. Finally, after seeing Dr. Lin Can’s outpatient clinic, the breasts were finally dredged, and there was an endless supply, and he became a professional company of frozen milk, breastfeeding for one year! I was dubious after hearing this, because I have never heard that acupuncture can help breastfeeding, but I really envy such a magical experience, and I think I must go to see Dr. Lin anyway. Dr. Lin Can once served as the deputy dean of the affiliated hospital of China Medical University and the deputy dean of the affiliated hospital of Asia University. Dr. Lin is very good at acupuncture and moxibustion, especially for breast dredging acupuncture and moxibustion. Explain that after a friend's introduction, Dr. Lin started the course of treatment. Dr. Lin explained that as long as three times of acupuncture and moxibustion, the breasts will be unblocked and breastfeeding will continue. The day I finished the acupuncture and moxibustion, I started to feel swelling and milk dripping out on the way home. After I got home, the baby was hungry and started to feed the baby. It was the first time I heard the sound of the baby swallowing while drinking milk. I was shocked to see the baby's face after drinking to the satisfaction and finally falling asleep (I didn't drink enough before and needed to drink many times), I was really shocked. I saw the effect immediately after acupuncture and moxibustion. It was amazing! Seeing the baby's contented and sleepy appearance made me feel more satisfied and joyful in my heart. For the first time, I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment of being a mother in breastfeeding! I am so grateful to Dr. Lin! My breastfeeding journey started so smoothly. I finally became an expert in freezing milk. The refrigerator at home was not enough. I borrowed a friend’s refrigerator and successfully fed breast milk for a year. During this period, the intimacy established by breastfeeding and the baby was established. Emotions are still fresh in my memory and aftertaste: the innocent look of the child while drinking milk, the eyes and face of the mother who are fond of the mother is a vivid and indelible scene in my impression! I am very grateful for the decision at that time. After entering the emergency room four times, I still did not give up breastfeeding. Fortunately, I met Dr. Lin Can and saved my breastfeeding road! Although breastfeeding is hard work, there are many benefits: the child has a full year of maternal antibodies, for the mother, it can promote postpartum uterine contraction and reduce the risk of breast cancer, establish a close connection with the child since childhood, and give enough sense of security. Six years later, when I was pregnant with a second treasure, I was confident that I had a year of successful breastfeeding experience, this time it was absolutely no problem! Unexpectedly, on the third day after childbirth, I started to repeat it again: milk swelling, stuffed milk, stone milk, no milk, milk accumulation in the breast swelling, the body began to feel inflammation, low-grade fever, six years ago, I entered and left the emergency room a month 4 This tragic experience suddenly sounded in my mind! Fortunately, Erbao was born naturally. You can leave the hospital on the fourth day. After leaving the hospital to report to the confinement center and put your luggage, you immediately went to Dr. Lin’s arms and went to Dr. Lin for acupuncture! Sure enough, not everyone can be a nanny. After the motherhood of the first child was over, my mammary duct returned to its original shape. Fortunately, Dr. Lin is still serving in the central region, so I have a way to ask for help! After acupuncture and moxibustion on the same magical day, the mammary ducts began to unblock, the milk swelled, and the milk slowly dripped out. Finally, I was relieved of my fear and pain of stuffed milk and stone milk, and I was able to nurture my second treasure happily again! Although Erbao has a bit of nipple confusion (bottle feeding + pro-feeding) compared to Dabao, it is another problem I have to overcome. But during this new crown pneumonia epidemic, (fortunately to have two doses of Modena vaccine during pregnancy), when the baby has no vaccine to fight, the antibodies in the mother’s milk are the best protection for him/them. ! Breast milk is the first gift we give to a baby when it is born, and it is also the most unique and full of maternal love in the rare epidemic in this century. This time I went to Dr. Lin Can’s clinic and found that the new decoration was changed. While I was waiting, I read several medical reports on the bulletin board. I found that since 2003, acupuncture and moxibustion have been recognized and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as effective treatments. Effectively treat more than 100 diseases, including "lactation deficiency", wow, the wisdom of the ancestors (acupuncture) is really amazing, and it is recognized by foreigners! This time, because the second child is more experienced, I also asked Dr. Lin if he could help me with acupuncture and moxibustion for a lot of problems after childbirth. For example: uterine contractions, frequent urination, hemorrhoids, dull skin, etc. Dr. Lin said that of course there is no problem! Wow, it's amazing, these symptoms can also be acupuncture! As a result, almost all of these postpartum problems have been significantly improved within a week or so after acupuncture, and they recovered more quickly than when I gave birth to the first child, allowing me to confine my confinement better this time. I am very grateful to Dr. Lin Can. If I had not met Dr. Lin, I would be like a generation of mothers who have used formula milk to feed their children and have not had the opportunity to experience the wonderful experience of breastfeeding. Seeing my friends and other mothers living in the confinement center, I found that many people have the same experience (or physique) as me, and are deeply in the pain of breastfeeding, so I encouraged me to write about my experience. Hope to help more mothers, knowing that there is a better solution for breast dredging! 2021/9/13
寶拉Paula on Google

A very good doctor, after listening to my symptoms carefully, finally diagnosed a suspected anxiety disorder. I didn't prescribe drugs randomly, I found the solution to my own heart disease, thanks to the doctor's advice, I didn't fall into a vicious circle.
張育嘉 on Google

一直以來我都受到“過敏性鼻炎”的困擾,自有記憶以來鼻子從沒兩顆暢通過… 但最近開始針灸及吃藥治療,就在剛剛第一次兩顆一起通,覺得原來是這麼舒服的感覺! 又再次覺得人們眼中稀鬆平常的事情,對於一些未曾擁有過的人,一旦擁有那個美好真的難以言喻
I have been plagued by "allergic rhinitis" for a long time, and since I can remember, two noses have never passed through... But recently I started acupuncture and medicine treatment. It was just the first time I used two pills together. I felt that it was such a comfortable feeling! Once again, I feel that the ordinary things in people's eyes, for some people who have never had it, once they have that beauty, it is really indescribable.
李默默 on Google

Two weeks ago, I felt that my heart was beating wildly and I couldn’t eat or sleep well. I went to Yuexin Clinic to see a doctor. Doctor Lin’s professional judgment and precise medication were used. The symptoms of arrhythmia were quickly relieved, and I could return to normal life again! Dr. Lin is really amazing?Recommended to everyone
貓小妞 on Google

林醫師很親切! 我爸爸多年的疼痛,去中國附醫做過電腦斷層、核磁共振都檢查不出原因! 來找林醫師針灸治療幾次之後就改善很多了! 推薦給大家!
Dr. Lin is very kind! My father has been in pain for many years, and he went to the Chinese Affiliated Doctor to have computed tomography and MRI, but he couldn't find the cause! After coming to see Dr. Lin for acupuncture treatment a few times, it has improved a lot! Recommended to everyone!

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