全國電子 育賢館 - Taiping District

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Contact 全國電子 育賢館

全國電子 育賢館 號, No. 163, Yuxian Rd, Taiping District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406
卉妡劉(Amy) on Google

Maybe I seem to be a customer who doesn't know how to buy. After shopping for less than 10 minutes, I used a 20,000 washing machine. The service staff did not explain the content of the product. I don’t want to buy other things because I can’t get professional explanations?
vicky le on Google

The service staff is very good and attentive ???
王裕祺 on Google

Bright shopping environment, many electronic products can be found. Recently, Xiaomi's products have also been added, which are more and more diverse.
佳莉 on Google

The service attitude is very kind, and the laptop will also give me good recommendations and introductions, and the price is also very favorable, thank you very much.
鄭偉宏 on Google

這間全國電子服務態度差 沒耐心又擺臭臉 要買三台冷氣 我連買都不想買 請大家去中山路燦坤,服務人員素質差很多
The attitude of this national electronic service is poor, I am impatient and show a bad face. I want to buy three air conditioners. I don't even want to buy them Please go to Tsan Khun, Zhongshan Road, the quality of the service staff is much worse
張華敬 on Google

方圓2公里內有兩間燦坤跟另一間全國電子,如果不是進去就直接撒錢買東西的客人,可以去其他間先問問看。 全國電子線上型錄小米空氣清淨機第4代一應俱全。 現場展示第2代。詢問小米4跟4 pro實機,想確認兩者尺寸。 帥氣瀟灑的男店員說要找相片給我看,想看實體建議去小米直營店。 要買有現貨,要先看實機沒有辦法,針對實際尺寸觀感或規格的差異也未有進一步說明。 風塵僕僕的小顧客心中問號 1. 現場沒有實機可看,沒有更精確的說明,只能看照片,那跟線上購物有何差異? 2. 堂堂數位家電體驗館,沒有最新家電產品體驗就算了,窺探了解最新產品的機會也沒有。要買就買、不買拉倒的態度,市井小民生活捉襟見肘,實在難以什麼都沒確認就砸錢下去。 3. 全國電子代理的各廠牌產品,是不是買dyson,要去dyson直營店看產品?買LG要先去LG確認型號?然後再來拜託帥氣男店員有沒有貨可以賣? by 曾經且被傷透心的忠實顧客
Within a radius of 2 kilometers, there are two Tsan Khun and another National Electronics. If you don't go in and just drop money to buy things, you can go to other rooms and ask first. The national electronic online catalogue of the fourth generation of Xiaomi air purifiers is readily available. The 2nd generation is on display. Ask the real machine of Xiaomi Mi 4 and 4 Pro, and want to confirm the size of both. The handsome and dashing male clerk said that he wanted to find a photo for me to see. He wanted to see the real thing and suggested that he go to the Xiaomi direct-sale store. If you want to buy in stock, you must first look at the actual machine. A question mark in the heart of a dusty little customer 1. There is no real machine to see at the scene, and there is no more precise description. Only photos can be seen. How is it different from online shopping? 2. In the dignified digital home appliance experience hall, there is no need to experience the latest home appliance products, and there is no chance to spy on the latest products. The attitude of buying it if you want to buy it, or pulling it down if you don't buy it, makes the life of ordinary people stretched, and it is really difficult to spend money without confirming anything. 3. Do you want to buy Dyson products from various brands of electronic agents across the country and go to the Dyson Direct Store to see the products? Before buying an LG, do you need to go to LG to confirm the model number? Then I'll ask the handsome male clerk if he has any goods to sell? by former and heartbroken loyal customers
Stacy on Google

進到店舖,連一句歡迎光臨也沒說, 現場3個店員,只有1位正在招呼客人, 其他2位稍微看一下我,就繼續做自己的事情。 離開時,其中1店員靠在櫃上滑手機, 全部的人連一句謝謝光臨都沒有, 產品相關問題讓人連問都不想問,算了。 全國電子,一點也不足感心。 馬上到斜對面的燦坤電子, 至少還有店員詢問我要找哪類的產品。
When I entered the store, I didn't even say a word of welcome. Of the 3 shop assistants on site, only 1 was greeting customers. The other two looked at me for a while and went on with their own business. When leaving, one of the clerks leaned on the counter and swiped the phone. All the people didn't even say thank you for coming, Product-related questions people don't even want to ask, forget it. National Electronics is not at all heartfelt. Immediately go to Tsan Kun Electronics diagonally opposite, At least one of the store clerks asked me what kind of product I was looking for.

很令人失望的服務及留了電話都完全沒有人跟進。過往幾年,高雄和台中住家添置的家用大小電器,90%都是跟全國電子購買。 事緣這個月初,已經鎖定想買的Hitachi吸塵器。去這店現場看實物。 到了3月中,我從高雄回到台中,再到店問店長,可否先示范操作,看吸力和運作時的聲音,才決定訂購。她說可以,只是那個連接機身的操控管要去貨倉找。說我可先留聯絡電話,找到後再過去看示范。 可是一等一個星期,都完全沒有人聯絡我!!!!!真的令人失望。在想,是你們不稀罕$6000的單子,還是你們把操控管子亂丟找不到????? 我很希望負責太平區分店的區域經理能看到我這段很不愉快的購物體驗,好好的整理一下分店同仁的服務水平。
Very disappointing service and no one followed up on the phone left. In the past few years, 90% of household electrical appliances purchased in Kaohsiung and Taichung homes were purchased from national electronics. At the beginning of this month, the Hitachi vacuum cleaner that I want to buy has been locked. Go to the store to see the real thing. In mid-March, I returned to Taichung from Kaohsiung, and then I went to the store and asked the store manager if I could demonstrate the operation first and see the suction power and the sound during operation before deciding to order. She said yes, but the control tube connected to the fuselage had to be found in the warehouse. Said that I can leave the contact number first, and then go to see the demonstration after I find it. But after a week of waiting, no one contacted me at all! ! ! ! ! Really disappointing. Thinking, is it that you don't care about the $6000 list, or are you littering the control pipes and can't find it? ? ? ? ? I very much hope that the regional manager in charge of the Taiping branch can see my unpleasant shopping experience and sort out the service level of the colleagues in the branch.

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