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Contact 大樹藥局-台北龍江

地址 :

No. 242號, Long Jiang Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://www.greattree.com.tw/store/e7f5E2209A6c63e9
城市 : Taipei City

No. 242號, Long Jiang Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104

龍江門市每位服務人員不管男生女生,都非常親切且有問必答口氣不會不耐煩,真的對新手媽媽幫助良多。憑媽媽手冊可享好禮(海藻孕婦鈣30粒/靠得住產褥墊20入/舒摩兒護理噴劑20克)3選1,再贈送300元折價券,但不能當場換要下次,且有品項限制喔! 已經調查過所有小獅王奶瓶蘿蔓系列市場價格,就大樹藥局最便宜!不管什麼1111還1212優惠,各種平台優惠組合或折價都比大樹藥局的售價貴。更何況嬰兒用品又再打九折,且又送了奶瓶刷組,等於我買四大兩小一個奶瓶才157.5元! 這次買的是四大(270ml)+兩小(180ml),生過孩子的朋友都說不要買120ml的因為很快就會超量!有另外購買了馬卡龍蓋六個,可以當母乳儲存瓶,或是寶寶糧食密封罐。希望我的分享能幫助到跟我一樣頭一胎的新手媽媽! 另外因為我跟先生都是過敏兒,所以奶粉首選是「雀巢能恩水解」。今天去大樹才發現新的「雀巢能恩全護」,而店員告知全護多了一種母奶類含有的益生菌,整個讓我眼睛一亮!但買不買單都等寶寶出生後她自己選囉!
Every service person in Longjiangmen City, regardless of boys and girls, is very kind and has no questions and will not be impatient. It really helps a lot of moms. According to the mother's manual, you can enjoy the gift (seaweed pregnant women calcium 30 capsules / rely on calving mat 20 into / Shumoer care spray 20 grams) 3 choose 1, and then give 300 yuan discount coupon, but can not be changed on the spot next time, and There are product restrictions! Already investigated the market price of all the small lion king bottles, the banquet is the cheapest! No matter what 1111 or 1212 offers, all kinds of platform discounts or discounts are more expensive than Dashu Pharmacy. What's more, baby products are again 10% off, and the bottle brush set is sent, which is equal to 157.5 yuan for me to buy four big two small bottles! This time I bought four big (270ml) + two small (180ml), and my friends who have given birth to children say that they should not buy 120ml because they will soon be overweight! There are six additional macarons, which can be used as breast milk storage bottles or baby food sealed cans. I hope that my sharing can help my new mother who is the same as me! In addition, because I am allergic to Mr., the preferred milk powder is "Nestlé can be hydrolyzed." Today, I went to the big tree to discover the new "Nestlé Energizer", and the clerk told the whole nurse that there was a probiotic in the mother's milk, which made my eyes shine! But if you don't buy a bill, wait for the baby to choose after the baby is born!
Boris Fu on Google

大樹連鎖藥局_台北龍江店 體驗感受: 服務態度禮貌親切 環境衛生採光優 出入口為無障礙空間設施 店內商品種類多元化 現場藥師服務人員多 結帳可分流收銀消化人龍 藥品諮詢很OK 有新鮮進貨之特別商品會主動告知顧客~ 讚! 貼心提醒: 為健保特約藥局 可領一般/ 連續處方簽 該店「無」配合政府實名制口罩之販售 店內現場有「溫熱飲水機」可供顧客使用 孕媽咪新生兒有「免費賀禮」 可供顧客… 奶粉寄放、全台宅配、分期零利率 現場購物可免費加入成為大樹藥局會員 會員優點為~ 消費滿百累積一點 一點折抵一元 營業時間: 每日 09:00-22:00 消費支付方式: 新台幣 信用卡 國際三大感應支付 誠心建議: 該店也許因商品多而導致通道稍許狹窄 奶粉區附近需要整理騰出空間為宜
Dashu Chain Pharmacy_Taipei Longjiang Branch Experience feeling: Service attitude is polite and kind Good environmental sanitation The entrance and exit are barrier-free space facilities Diversified product types in the store Many on-site pharmacist service staff The checkout can be divided into cashiers Drug consultation is OK Customers will be notified of freshly purchased special products~ Great! Intimate reminder: For health insurance special pharmacy, general/continuous prescription can be obtained The shop "None" cooperates with the sale of government real-name masks There is a "warm water dispenser" on site for customers to use "Free gift" for pregnant mothers and newborns Available for customers... Milk powder storage, home delivery throughout Taiwan, zero interest rate in installments On-site shopping can join for free to become a member of Dashu Pharmacy The advantages of membership are ~ Accumulate one point after spending over a hundred, one point is discounted to one yuan Business hours: Daily 09:00-22:00 Consumption payment method: New Taiwan Dollar Credit Card International Three Major Induction Payment Sincere advice: The store may have a narrow aisle due to a large number of products It is advisable to organize and make room near the milk powder area
kai kai on Google

今天去買n95口罩,雖然賣完了 但女店員很溫柔很親切 還告訴我民生東路還很多庫存。最後順利買到了 感謝妳
Anna Chou on Google

快篩劑實名制第一天販售,貴藥局銷售規則很透明與態度非常的好,告知銷售時間,前15分鐘逐一發號碼牌及手部酒精消毒,3位店員們您們辛苦了,謝謝您們! 相較附近藥局銷售方式不透明直接回答銷售完畢或是以物流送貨時間不明等藉口,感覺就是銷售對象早以內定好,貴店服務非常的好,推薦大家有需要買商品可以去大樹龍江店,優良店家可以支持!
The first day of the real-name system of the quick screening agent is sold. Your pharmacy has very transparent sales rules and a very good attitude. Inform the sales time. The number plate and hand alcohol disinfection will be issued one by one in the first 15 minutes. The three shop assistants have worked hard, thank you you! Compared with the opaque sales method of the nearby pharmacies, the direct answer is that the sales are completed or the logistics delivery time is unknown. The store can support!
Mia Yang on Google

快篩實名制的銷售規則公開化,及服務人員態度很好,也會主動告知銷售時間(門口也有立牌) 當天提早一小時排隊,店員們前15分鐘發號碼牌及噴手部酒精消毒,也會提醒大家保持排隊安全距離,可以推推推的好店家!
The sales rules of the real-name system of Quick Screening are made public, and the attitude of the service staff is very good, and they will also take the initiative to inform the sales time (there are also signs at the door) Line up one hour earlier on the day, the store staff will issue number plates and spray hand alcohol disinfection in the first 15 minutes, and will also remind everyone to maintain a safe distance in line, a good store that can be pushed!
Donny Dong on Google

Very professional and friendly pharmacist. Served lots of local residents.
huey huey kuek (Huey) on Google

Pharmacist very friendly. I bought a product specifically for blackhead that recommended by a girl pharmacist, it’s really work out for me. Thanks to her.
Evie Chen on Google

Can improve overall services with additional professional training. Friendlier staff and pharmacists would be nice.

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