Prada Taiwan Taipei Breeze Center

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Prada Taiwan Taipei Breeze Center

地址 :

No. 39號, Section 1, Fuxing S Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105

電話 : 📞 +888777
網站 :
城市 : Taipei City
Description : Retailer of upscale apparel, handbags, fragrances & more from the Italian designer.

No. 39號, Section 1, Fuxing S Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
西小羽 on Google

I often go shopping (although many of them are my favorites every time), the service of Dori and Willa is very good.
Jessica Lin on Google

店員態度很差,一副不想讓人試背的樣子,回答包包款式問題時也不想回答, 真不是服務業該有的樣子!
The attitude of the clerk is very bad, he doesn't want people to try the back, and he doesn't want to answer when answering the bag style question. It's not what the service industry should be!
Charles Wang on Google

之前去你們店裡,就覺得接待我的那位店員小姐講話態度很差,現在事後想起來就覺得她處理我的事情還有給我的解釋非常不符合邏輯(現在有點閒,所以我把整個事情的來龍去脈非常詳細的寫出來,不然可能會有誤會): 我那天剛好經過Breeze進到店裡後跟她詢問一款小型的側肩包,我在Prada官網上找不到那個包,所以跟他說了那個包長什麼樣子(顏色、大小、外觀)因為我之前在另外一家店(101)有看到過,後來又在youtube上看到所以決定要買。一開始她先入為主的以為我是要找她心中想的一個包,然後跟我說那一款的黑色都賣完了,只剩下一些特殊的顏色,但拿出來那些給我看之後並不是我所描述的(到這裡我覺得沒什麼問題)。然後我秀給她看一張那個包在YouTube上的截圖,然後她跟我說她找找請稍等一下,然後開始滑她的iPad,我在那裡整整呆站了10分鐘等她(這也倒沒什麼),後來有另一個店員過來幫她然後我再把那一張圖片秀給第二個店員看,後來又等了個三、五分鐘終於那個第一個店員在iPad上找到了,然後她直接跟我說“那個包是一萬八千”(我忘了精確價格) 然後我就說”好那你們有貨嗎” 她說”沒有只剩下101有貨,只剩一個” 我說”好那可以告訴我這款包的名稱或是型號是什麼嗎?” 她說”不行耶我們不能提供名稱跟型號” (你們公司網站上每一件商品都有名稱跟型號,這不是公布大眾的訊息嗎???我附的圖片就是他們官網上隨便的一件商品,就有名稱和型號) 我就說 “那我到了101要怎麼跟他說我要找什麼包” 她就說”就跟你問我的方式一樣啊, 直接給他看YouTube截圖” (我給你看YouTube截圖就等了你快15分鐘,不然我為什麼跟你要名稱跟型號...) (而且她是以非常輕蔑的語調跟我說的,好像我是白痴一樣...) 我再次跟她要名稱跟型號但她就是不提供。(奇怪了一件商品的名稱和型號又不是什麼公司機密為什麼不能提供???整個不合邏輯,我知道了一件商品的名稱和型號就能要挾他們公司或是出去做仿冒品嗎??? 如果你們能想到合邏輯的原因請指點我?) 我就只是想要到了101之後快一點請店員找到我要的商品啊,查名稱或是型號是最快的。 所以我最後整個非常不滿意的走了,而且要聲明當時我進去的時候是店裡面唯一的一個客人,店裡根本不忙,她最後也沒有要幫我請101的店幫我留貨的任何動作。只能說101 Prada的服務真的比微風的好, 之前去那裡的體驗都很好。
When I went to your shop before, I felt that the lady who received me had a bad attitude. Now that I think about it later, I think she handles my affairs and the explanations she gave me are very illogical (now a little busy, so I took the whole thing The ins and outs are written in great detail, otherwise there may be misunderstandings): I went into the store after Breeze just that day and asked her about a small shoulder bag. I could n’t find the bag on the Prada website, so I told him what the bag looks like (color, size, appearance) because I have seen it in another store (101) before, and later on youtube so I decided to buy it. At first, she prejudiced that I was looking for a bag in her mind, and then told me that the black one was sold out, only some special colors were left, but after showing them to me, it was not what I was Described (I think there is no problem here). Then I showed her a screenshot of that package on YouTube, and then she told me that she would wait for a while, and then began to slide her iPad, I stayed there for 10 minutes waiting for her (this also It's nothing), then another clerk came over to help her and then I showed the picture to the second clerk, and then waited another three or five minutes to finally find the first clerk on the iPad, and then She told me directly "That bag is 18,000" (I forgot the exact price) Then I said, "Okay, do you have any goods?" She said, "There is not only 101 left in stock, only one left" I said, "Well, can you tell me the name or model of this bag?" She said "No, we can't provide the name and model number" (Every product on your company website has a name and model number. Isn't this the announcement of the public ???? The picture I attached is a random item on their official website. , There is the name and model) I said, "How do I tell him what bag I'm looking for when I get to 101" She said, "It's the same way you asked me, just show him a YouTube screenshot" (I will show you a YouTube screenshot and wait for you for 15 minutes, otherwise why I asked you for the name and model ...) ( And she told me in a very contemptuous tone, as if I were an idiot ...) I asked her for the name and model again but she didn't provide it. (It ’s strange that the name and model of a product is not a company secret. Why ca n’t you provide it? The whole is illogical. I know that the name and model of a product can threaten their company or go out to make counterfeit products. ??? If you can think of logical reasons, please point me ?) I just want to ask the clerk to find the product I want after 101, the name or model is the fastest. So I ended up very dissatisfied and told me that when I went in, I was the only customer in the shop. The shop was not busy at all. She did n’t want to ask me to ask the 101 shop to help me keep any goods. action. It can only be said that the service of 101 Prada is really better than that of Breeze, and the experience before going there is very good.
Ashely “Vanessa” on Google

上週末陪朋友看包 殊不知某位櫃姐態度之敷衍 難以想像這是來自於精品櫃姐的服務素質 麻煩學學Ysl跟LV好嗎? 整個連帶我對微風廣場的印象都下滑 勸大家要買精品可考慮別家 免得想花錢反受罪!
Watching bags with friends last weekend I don't know the perfunctory attitude of a certain cabinet sister It’s hard to imagine that this comes from the service quality of the boutique cabinet sister Could you please learn Ysl and LV? My impression of Breeze Square has declined throughout Advise everyone to buy fine products and consider other homes Lest you want to spend money against suffering!
Aaron on Google

Willa is a very enthusiastic salesperson! Service attitude is very good ?
C Arthur on Google

This year changed the elegant style before, a lot of colors are amazing
今天 on Google

店員主管服務態度有待加強 貴品牌主管叫我去別的品牌購買 精品 不代表你妳們本身就是精品的資格說話
The service attitude of the clerk supervisor needs to be strengthened Your brand supervisor told me to buy from another brand boutique It doesn't mean that you and you are qualified to speak.
Fairy Moonlight on Google

4/13 I didn't expect to be rolled my eyes by the clerk when I wanted to buy a boutique bag, I was stupid too! If I want to choose a bag for boys, pick it up and look at it as if I will wear it out. I don't stay in the store for more than 5 minutes. A short-haired female clerk really doesn't have to be so exaggerated. ??

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