Qiyan Park

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Qiyan Park

地址 :

Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112

城市 : Taipei City

Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112
濃湯棒 on Google

A good place to walk and meet cute cats
陳清城 on Google

很適合來這裡運動 環境好 花花草草也不錯哦
Crystal Yang on Google

北投的世外桃源,住附近吃完飯過來走走很舒服,有一個人造湖,養很多鴨子?。 - ✨遊山玩水看ig: crystalyang1024
A paradise in Beitou, it’s very comfortable to walk around after eating and eating nearby. There is an artificial lake with many ducks ?. - ✨See the mountains and the water ig: crystalyang1024
錢妹 on Google

開放時間為9-12 14-17 人太多就沒排隊進入(怕群聚) 旁邊好多人爬到大樓的公設拍照真的很危險 從網子洞洞拍一張照就離開
Open 9-12 14-17 Too many people did not line up to enter (fear of gathering) It's really dangerous to take pictures with a lot of people climbing to the public facilities of the building. Take a photo from Wangzidong and leave
Kent Chen on Google

鳥類族群豐富 除了放養的蕃鴨“太多隻了 會有愛心人仕餵食剩飯剩菜造成鼠輩橫行” 我喜歡這個每天運動的地方
好聰明 on Google

在北投公館路旁的奇岩抽水站為整治河川,並開僻了公園讓附近市民朋友,有休閒活動的好所在。 這裡目前還有栽種各種樹木,如榕樹,喬木,梅花,落羽松,,,有空的話,可以帶著小朋友或是毛小孩,來這公園放電遛躂一下,是個不錯的選擇!
The Qiyan Pumping Station beside the Gongguan Road in Beitou is to rectify the river, and a secluded park has been opened for nearby citizens and friends to have a good place for leisure activities. There are also various trees planted here, such as banyan, arbor, plum blossom, larch, and, if you have time, you can bring children or hairy children to this park for a walk. It is a good choice!
Sara Neswald on Google

Tiny park, nothing kept up.
povl wise on Google

Very nice park. Beautiful and clean.

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