藍天RC Planes - Sanmin District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

藍天模型購物網 – www.blueskymodel.com - Blueskymodel.com.tw

歡迎光臨 藍天模型購物網 (Bluesky model)

您好,歡迎光臨! 無需繁雜註冊, 可宅配、郵寄或7-11超商取件到付。任何問題,歡迎加入藍天官方LINE ID : @035skcxq,我們會線上與您聯繫討論。本站商品會隨市面售價而調整 , 我們會盡力提供給您最優惠的價錢與最好的服務給您. 訂購後會再以mail或即通 , MSN , SKYBE等網路工具跟您確認產品 . 感謝您的購買 , 藍天會秉持著跟大家一起快樂玩模型的經營態度 , 一起享受模型樂趣.

套裝產品代號解釋 : 
KIT : 成套用品。一般就是全機的散裝或已組裝組,不含任何電裝、遙控器、接收器、電池及充電器。

PNP : plug and play 隨插既用。一般就是全機+電裝都含在內,只需自備遙控器、接收器、電池及充電器。是否已完成部份組裝或散件,各廠商稍有不同。

BNF : bind and fly 對頻既用。一般就是全機+電裝都含在內且已包含接收器,只需自備同協定的遙控器、電池及充電器。

RTF : really to fly 立既可飛行,用在飛行套裝組。一般就是全機+電裝都含在內且已包含接收器及遙控器,只需自備電池及充電器。部份廠商是包含電池及充電器,各廠商稍有不同。

RTR : really to run 立既可跑動,用在車、船套裝組。一般就是全機+電裝都含在內且已包含接收器及遙控器,只需自備電池及充電器。部份廠商是包含電池及充電器,各廠商稍有不同。

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Contact 藍天RC Planes

地址 :

No. 79號, Rehe 2nd St, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 807

電話 : 📞 +88779
網站 : http://www.blueskymodel.com/
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 79號, Rehe 2nd St, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 807
Kyle Snaffu Cabiling on Google

Good service
Chris Daws on Google

friendly services as always...speaks good English
Tomas Juricek on Google

Go-to shop fo all RC stuff in Kaohisung. They have wide variety of things that either fly or make something fly :D
Gabriel Gasparyan on Google

good shop. boss very nice recommend?
El Degüello on Google

EXCELLENT service! Great guys!
Killxecial Xecxial on Google

very nice
Steve Cheng on Google

The boss is very kind, he always using internet to helping me solve some RC issues. Btw the price of the goods in his store are very cheap. I’m appreciate for him.
Trent Sheiles on Google

These guys are the best! Very knowledgeable on their products and also very helpful. Very responsive on LINE. They offer amazing customer service, they even drove us to a local night market as we wanted to get dinner after shopping. A+. If youre after a drone or accessories in Kaohsiung you must visit this store!!! Thank you guys for a fun shopping experience!

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