Shin Yeh Taiwanese Cuisine Main Restaurant

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Shin Yeh Taiwanese Cuisine Main Restaurant

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No. 34之1號, Shuangcheng St, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10491

電話 : 📞 +889
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城市 : Taipei City

No. 34之1號, Shuangcheng St, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10491
Bobby Sumarkho on Google

Very good taiwanese cuisine. Braised pork belly was cooked to melt-in-your-mouth tenderness. Should try some of these: pork kidney cooked with ginger and chinese wine, crispy fried pork marinated with fermented bean, 3 kind chicken, fried pomfret fish. An absolute satisfying lunch on our 1st day in Taipei.
V O on Google

The service is attentive and the decor and ambience is one of a usual Taiwanese restaurant. It serves traditional Taiwanese food such as goose, braised meat, oystee egg etc at reasonable price level. Alcohol selection is reasonable. Closes late and thus good venue for late night suppee
Nick Chang on Google

餐點品質還不錯、是一個蠻有水準的台灣料理餐廳。但是上菜的速度有待加強,份量也有點少。 Taiwanese cuisine (Chinese: 臺灣菜; pinyin: Táiwāncài; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tâi-oân-chhài, or 臺灣料理; Táiwān liàolǐ; Tâi-oân liāu-lí) has several variations. In addition to the following representative dishes from the majority Hoklo, there are also indigenous Taiwanese peoples, Hakka, Waishengren, and local derivatives of Japanese cuisine, as well as other types of Chinese cuisine from outside Taiwan or Fujian. Taiwanese cuisine itself is often associated with influences from mid to southern provinces of mainland China, most notably from the south of Fujian (Hokkien) which often leads to it being classified or grouped with 'Southern Fujianese cuisine'. However, influences from all of mainland China can easily be found after the Kuomintang retreat to the island which brought along many mainland Chinese cuisines. A notable Japanese influence also exists due to the period when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. Traditional Chinese food can be found in Taiwan, alongside Fujian and Hakka-style as well as native Taiwanese dishes, including dishes from Guangdong, Jiangxi, Chaoshan, Shanghai, Hunan, Sichuan and Beijing. 臺灣菜(簡稱臺菜)在廣義上指在臺灣創造、或富有臺灣特色的菜餚,狹義上則限定於傳統臺灣閩南人的菜色。整體而言雖然和傳統的中華料理大部份相同或接近,但是因為在臺灣能夠取得的食材與中國大陸不盡相同,隨著時間的演變,當年以閩南與客家為大宗的在地菜色,已融合原住民、外省、外國而發展成各式有新意的美食,聞名全球的牛肉麵、珍珠奶茶都是不斷演進的特色餐飲。 且因地處亞熱帶地區,蔬菜、水果種類繁多、香甜可口,有「水果王國」的美譽,所以「水果入菜」也是台菜一大特色。而每遇節慶,台菜師傅喜愛以中藥材熬燉各種食材作為藥膳食補,因此依節氣進補也是台灣飲食的主要習慣之一。另外,臺灣茶葉聞名於世,也有一些料理以茶入菜,如客家美食。糖、醬油、米酒、麻油、豆豉、九層塔、油蔥酥、香菜是台菜最常使用也最有特色的調味料與香料。
Katie Chuang on Google

The original Shin Yeh is still the best. There is usually a wait here but it is so worth it. Every dish is some how cooked to perfection both in terms of flavour balance and texture. The ingredients are really fresh - prawn cutlets are not the frozen ones you get everywhere else. Make sure you order the omelette with dried radish, whole fish, braised pork belly, fried pork liver (if you like things like that) and almond jelly for dessert.
Jerry Yang (Jerry Yang) on Google

Tasty cuisine with culture. Famous restaurant by serving Taiwanese cuisine, never let me down even I have been trying several time. Most of cuisine were not pricy, we tried many dishes this time and it costed not much. Suitable for family or office meeting. Highly recommend! Proud of it, what a Taiwanese brand.
Andrew Chwee on Google

Food wise it’s so so. Getting a table here require you to book and it’s not really very accessible. The Furong Egg is nice actually. The herbal chicken soup tasted bland. Pork chop was not crispy. The braised pork rice is strangely executed where it has 2 pieces of meat but non-existence of sauce. We upgraded ourselves to a dedicated room but the service is weak. Perhaps it’s a Sunday that’s may be a reason for service delay. Overall experience is average. For that price we paid, I rather go somewhere else.
Sienna Kim on Google

I'd have to say that this was the most memorable restaurant from my recent business trip to Taiwan. All the locals have at least heard about this place. With a history of more than 35 years, they have several locations throughout Taiwan, but the atmosphere is completely different depending on the location you visit! The one I went to was the main location, where most of the time, is full of customers dining with their families. The day I went too, looked like there were many regular customers who have been coming here for decades. Who I think are the owner president, Vice President, and upper management staff were all walking throughout the restaurant, checking on the food and greeting all the customers. To describe the food in one phrase, it is what your mother may cook for you after you are away from home for a long time. It is nostalgic taste of home, something you are very familiar with. Apparently, the owner, a female in her 60's or 70's goes to the midnight market every day to carefully select the freshest ingredients to be used at the restaurant. I had some bamboo shoots that were just picked that day, simply stir fried with no unnecessary seasonings. It was so fresh that I was able to sense a hint of the dirt that it was grown in. It really felt like I was eating this seasonal vegetable straight from the farm. And the shrimp in chili sauce! Typically, this dish is sweet with some tartness, but it was neither sweet nor sour. I tasted only the juicy meat of the shrimp, flavored with chili garlic sauce (I'm not even positive if they actually use chili garlic sauce in this dish though!). But the best part of this meal was the almond tofu that I had for dessert. I really wanted to take some home with me, it was so delicious! The secret is that they make everything by hand. Even the almonds are grated by hand, so you get the full roasted flavor of the nuts. And the consistency is just the perfect firmness, which I can't even describe in words. I didn't even know that this was almond tofu when I had my first bite! You should definitely try it if you are in Taiwan. And the cost is quite reasonable too. Everything I had came out to just under 7000JPY. I'm so glad that I followed my friend's recommendation to come here. I'd like to come back with my family next time. I can't recommend this place just need to try it yourself the next time you're in Taiwan! 先日の台湾出張の中で最も思いに残った台湾料理のお店です。台湾人であれば一度は耳にしたことあるでしょう。35年の歴史を持っていて、台湾には何店舗かあるみたいですが、場所によっては雰囲気や使い方も変わるみたいですね!私が伺ったのは本店。こちらは家族で利用されてることが多いみたいで、当日も何十年も通われてる方々がほとんどみたいでした。店内には創業者である会長から副会長含め、経営層の皆様がテーブルを回りながら料理をチェックされたり、挨拶を交わしたりされてました。ここの料理を一言で言いますと、お母さんが久々に実家に戻る子供の為に作った助やるディナーって感じでしょうか?心が落ち着く優しい味です。(おそらく)60代?70代?の会長(女性)は毎日夜中の市場の仕入れに行かれて直接食材を厳選されてるみたいですね。この日も採りたてのタケノコがでてきたのですが、余計な味付けはせず、シンプルに炒めたタケノコはほのかな土の香りが口の中広がって、それこそ旬!って感じでした。そして、エビチリ…今まで食べたエビチリは甘酸っぱい味付けが多いですが、ここのエビチリは甘くないですし、酸っぱくもありません。エビの味がして、優しい豆板醤の味がします(豆板醤が使われてるかどうかは分かりませんw)そして、衝撃に近い感動をしたのはDessertの杏仁豆腐。ここの杏仁豆腐はお土産で買って帰りたいと思ったくらい!味の秘密は手作りだそうですね。アーモンドを手作業ですり下ろして作られてるらしく、香ばしい風味!そして歯ごたえのある弾力は食べてみないと想像もつかないと思います。最初は杏仁豆腐だと思わず、これはなんですか?と質問したら「杏仁豆腐」と言われてびっくりしました。台湾に行かれる際には是非召し上がって欲しいですね。そしてリーズナブルです。あれだけ食べて7000千円弱。ここを紹介してくれた友達に本当に感謝です。次回は家族一緒に伺って是非食べてもらいたいお店です。私の言葉では伝えきれないと思いますが…本当にお勧め!台湾に行ったら絶対行ってみてください。
matthew lee on Google

You have here Taiwanese home styled dishes perfectly paired with the humble sweet potato porridge for that ultimate satisfying combo. Recommend always making a reservation and coming in with a larger group such that you can order a wider variety of dishes to be shared. $$$ Pricey but you do get really good service.

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