Taibei High School

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Taibei High School

地址 :

No. 240號福林里福林路 Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : http://www.tpsh.tp.edu.tw/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 240號福林里福林路 Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
鵝寶 on Google

強制晚輔至8:30才放人走 有理由不能參加還要開證明 還硬要我們上 寒假一天的訓練營也幾乎強制參加還貴又沒用浪費錢過來滑手機 不參加還要開證明 還說我們不上晚輔就會浪費時間 一週兩次朝會都講一樣的東西 浪費時間還不如讓我們在教室 早自習還不能吃早餐 上課吃老師又有意見 有時候還拖堂沒下課上課又不能睡又有巡堂 是要讓我們過勞死嗎 每個老師幾乎都多管閒事 領錢辦事話還這麼多
陳仕濟 on Google

士林鬧區旁的寧靜校區,交通非常方便,是一個很好的點。 位處於內湖、陽明山、天母、士林、大直的交界處。 每屆畢業生都有考取不錯的國立或公立前端學校,也有學生畢業後創業有不錯的成果。 校內環境優美,擁有標準操場、好幾座標準籃球場以及室內吸震木質地板的體育場。 合作社也有現做或現炸的熱食,在貴俗俗的台北裡,裡面的伙食相較親民非常多。 辦學用心,只要學生願意成長,師長會全力支持以及協助,在舞台中發光發熱。 近年來也增設國中部,平日提供住宿供餐,大大減少家長的負擔。
The tranquil campus next to the downtown area of ​​Shilin, with very convenient transportation, is a good point. It is located at the junction of Neihu, Yangmingshan, Tianmu, Shilin and Dazhi. Each class of graduates has been admitted to good national or public front-end schools, and some students have achieved good results in entrepreneurship after graduation. The school has a beautiful environment, with a standard playground, several standard basketball courts, and an indoor stadium with shock-absorbing wooden floors. The cooperative also has hot food that is cooked or fried. In Taipei, which is expensive and vulgar, the food inside is much more friendly to the people. With the intention of running the school, as long as the students are willing to grow, the teachers and teachers will give full support and assistance to shine on the stage. In recent years, the middle of the country has also been added, which provides accommodation and meals on weekdays, which greatly reduces the burden on parents.
Hannah Sun on Google

我是以前畢業的校友 某次回來申請資料發現學校變不一樣! 除了校舍及設備更科技及漂亮外,學生素質明顯不一樣。 學生不管是服儀或是氣質、讀書氛圍明顯感受變好了! 與以前的老師聊天後了解,學校活動還是很多元,對於青春期的國、高中生一定是難忘的三年。 還記得在泰北的三年中:學校環境很好、活動很多、老師會關心每個學生的動向。 對於學校的改變, 身為校友的我感到無比開心~~~ 真心推薦給要讀泰北的家長學生們!
I am a former graduate When I came back to apply for the materials, I found that the school had changed! In addition to the more technological and beautiful school buildings and equipment, the quality of students is obviously different. Whether it is clothing, temperament, or reading atmosphere, students feel better! After chatting with the former teacher, I learned that there are still many activities in the school, and it must be an unforgettable three years for the adolescent national and high school students. I still remember the three years in northern Thailand: the school environment is very good, there are many activities, and the teachers will care about the movements of each student. For school changes, I am very happy as an alumnus I sincerely recommend it to parents and students who want to study in Northern Thailand!
wen k on Google

強制上晚補,每天7. 40就要到學校上到6點,如果住比較遠的學生回到家都9點了。 功課又那麼多,做完作業都半夜2-3點。 早上又要早起上課 強制收手機保管,放學後才可拿到。 國中都沒管那麼嚴了。 況且,都已經不是小孩子了,是覺得好好講沒有辦法溝通嗎!上課玩手機屬於學生個人行為,有抓到在進行處置就好。 這樣給人的感覺只有不尊重以及不被信任 都已經什麼年代了,竟然還有在要求不能戴耳環以及飾品!說什麼會影響學生上課!有心想要學這些根本就不會成為問題。 而且,誰會盯著別人的耳環看一整節課! 如真要一一細數,絕對是千字以上了!
It is mandatory to make up in the evening. Every day at 7.40, you have to go to school until 6 o'clock. If the students who live far away come home, it will be 9 o'clock. There is so much homework, and I finish my homework at 2-3 in the middle of the night. Get up early in the morning Mobile phones are compulsory for safekeeping and can only be obtained after school. The country is not so strict anymore. Besides, they are no longer children, do you feel that there is no way to communicate properly! Playing with mobile phones in class is a student's personal behavior. It just feels disrespectful and distrusted It's been a while, and there is still a requirement not to wear earrings and accessories! What to say will affect the students in class! Deliberately wanting to learn these will not be a problem at all. And, who would stare at someone else's earrings for an entire class! If you really want to count them one by one, it is definitely more than a thousand words!
shelly kuan on Google

The children are kind and considerate, and the teachers are serious about teaching, which is really different from the rumors in the past. Now the school building is updated a lot! Look at the way the students usually go in and out, they are very young and fresh!
盧楚壹 on Google

The teachers are attentive and the students are also good on the campus. From kindergarten to high school vocational school, it has recruited students from kindergarten to senior high school. This year, it also began to recruit elementary school students, transforming it into a very good international bilingual school.
CHUN-HAO KAO on Google

In the design group of Taibei High School, you can see the exhibitions of students' works in many places, and the level of the students is also very good. Now it is rare to display so many works, such as painting, design, craftsmanship, electric painting, photography. Waiting for the variety of works to show, I can learn so many rich courses in the school, I am really happy~~~~~~
PDTeacher Ruth Yeh on Google

Great private school!

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