Tainan City Anping District Household Registration Office - Anping District

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Contact Tainan City Anping District Household Registration Office

地址 :

No. 318, Yuping Rd, Anping District, Tainan City, Taiwan 708

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://anpinghro.tainan.gov.tw/
城市 : Tainan City

No. 318, Yuping Rd, Anping District, Tainan City, Taiwan 708
陳欣欣 on Google

辦理登記結婚的余小姐 您是嫁不出去在羨慕別人來辦理登記嗎? 不爽當公務員不用屌成這樣喔!
Ms. Yu who registered the marriage Are you envious of others to register if you can’t get married? You don’t need to be like this when you are a civil servant!
愛吃愛玩美甲師 on Google

謝謝戶政事務所姐姐們服務態度很好 讓我們順利的完成囍事 可惜想要的囍字跟金鏟子佈景已經換成網美風了 但是一樣好拍 ❤️
Thank you sisters from the household registration office for their good service attitude Let us complete the affair smoothly It’s a pity that the set of the 囍 and the golden shovel have been replaced by the beauty of the net But it's also good to shoot
hsin-hui huang on Google

謝謝戶政事務所人員且服務態度好 讓我們順利的完成囍事❤️還幫拍了美美的照片
Thank you to the staff of the household registration office and the service attitude is good Let's finish the happy thing smoothly ❤️ and also helped to take beautiful photos
俊玠 on Google

我們2021.12.30登記結婚? 我們想要給安平戶政事務所的服務人員們一百個星星⭐一千個讚?謝謝大家很親切地慶祝我們的結婚~很開心喔? 特別感謝16號櫃檯蔡文琳小姐幫我們辦理得順順利利,還為了我的日本的登記資料也一起整理到完成✨把我的煩惱都解決掉了~很感恩
We register to get married 2021.12.30? We want to give one hundred stars ⭐1,000 likes to the service staff of Anping Household Registration Office? Thank you everyone for celebrating our marriage very cordially~ Very happy? Special thanks to Miss Cai Wenlin at Counter No. 16 for helping us to go through the process smoothly, and also sorted out my registration information in Japan to complete it ✨ solved all my worries~ I am very grateful
陳麗玉 on Google

To Miss Fangmei ~ You sacrificed your holiday (on Mother's Day on Sunday) to attend the "marriage registration" procedure for your daughter and son-in-law. I would like to express my gratitude to you, thank you! Thanks for your hard work! In particular, your work efficiency is high, and you have great personality traits (kind and easy-going & very patient), which is very impressive, and I have to give you 100 likes  …?
Jamie K on Google

Professional and efficient, and then I met Miss Chen and Miss Zhang. The two undertakers were very kind and caring, and they spoke softly. Even if they wore masks, they knew the other party smiled.
Maru Wang on Google

我在110年9月7日拿著爸爸的委託書去到戶政辦理身份證。在隔天也通知我去拿一切正常!因為那時我爸是住在榮民之家所以說陳小姐去辦理一切手續上都有人在一旁的才對! 而在今年的三月初陳小姐打電話請我過去一趟!說我妹打電話罵她要她把我身上爸爸的身份證銷毀掉!因爲上面沒有我爸的親手簽名!這個疏失造成了我身上爸爸的身份證要銷毀!當天事務所的秘書凶的狠。講說可以不要經過我的同意他們電腦ㄧ按就取消掉了的話語等等!這就是我們的民主國家!明明就是你們做錯了事被人抓到了再來兇我這個不知道怎麼處理的人!心有千不甘!那還以爲15日他們就銷毀了,哪知道又寄了一封催告書來給我。變成你們的疏失我沒地方申訴?反又被成我的不是一堆條款看不懂只知道今天再不去就要罰錢!這就是我們的政府!你們都沒罪反變成我是罪人了!你們一層一層的掩護下去!真的都沒有是非黑白了嗎?老天爺會治你們的!秘書你當初所講的都沒有做到?我不知道ㄧ個秘書就能隻手遮天了!上面的長官都在幹什麼? 一個小市民的無奈、、、
On September 7, 110, I took my father's power of attorney and went to the household administration to apply for an ID card. In the next day also informed me to pick up everything is normal! Because my dad lived in the Veterans House at that time, it was right that Miss Chen went through all the formalities with someone by the side! And in early March of this year, Miss Chen called me to come over! Said my sister called and scolded her and asked her to destroy my father's ID card! Because it doesn't have my dad's signature on it! This negligence caused my father's ID card to be destroyed! The secretary of the office that day was fierce. Talking about the words that they can cancel the computer without my consent, etc.! This is our democracy! Obviously you did something wrong and got caught, and then you will kill me, someone who doesn't know how to deal with it! I am very unwilling! I thought they would be destroyed on the 15th, but they sent me another reminder letter. It becomes your negligence and I have no place to appeal? Instead, it wasn't because I didn't understand a bunch of terms that I didn't understand, I just knew that if I didn't go today, I'd be fined! This is our government! You are not guilty but I am a sinner! You cover up layer by layer! Is it really not black and white? God will take care of you! Secretary, you didn't do what you said at the beginning? I didn't know that a secretary could cover the sky with only one hand! What are the officers above doing? The helplessness of a small citizen,,,
蘇柏誠 on Google

綜合受理櫃檯的張清桂小姐 態度超好 很有耐心 ,這是報戶口的體驗 超好的
Ms. Zhang Qinggui at the comprehensive reception counter has a very good attitude and is very patient. This is the experience of applying for an account, which is very good.

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