南築雅室Tainan Travel Inn(成大館) - Lane 159

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 南築雅室Tainan Travel Inn(成大館)

地址 :

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Lane 159, Donghe Rd, 21號南築雅室Tainan Travel Inn(成大館)

電話 : 📞 +889878
網站 : http://www.tainantravelinn.com/
城市 : Donghe Rd

701, Taiwan, Tainan City, East District, Lane 159, Donghe Rd, 21號南築雅室Tainan Travel Inn(成大館)
Ivy on Google

一顆星給Mima~服務親切和善 再一顆給裝潢~真的很美很夢幻 但我必須老實說⋯ 1.冰箱裡提供的抹醬好像放太久⋯ 但因為只提供烤吐司機,沒有烤箱 吃了肚子真的不太舒服 2.浴巾有很重的異味⋯很刺鼻 3.提供的沐浴乳有股消毒味⋯不知道什麼牌 4.洗髮精也有痱子粉味⋯超神奇 5.雙人床有點迷你,我身高165無法躺直睡 5.睡起後一早,廁所一打開衝出廢氣味 總體來說 除了服務好和外觀美外, 沒有一個地方是讓我想再二訪的理由 兩晚3400的品質⋯雖非貴,但也不廉價 不該是4.8顆星水準的民宿
A star to Mima ~ cordial and good service One more decoration~ it's really beautiful and dreamy But I must be honest... 1. The spread sauce provided in the refrigerator seems to be too long... But because it only provides grilled toasters, there is no oven I really don't feel good after eating 2. The bath towel has a heavy peculiar smell...very pungent 3. The shower cream provided has a disinfectant smell... I don't know what brand 4. The shampoo also smells like prickly heat powder... super magic 5. The double bed is a bit mini, my height is 165 and I cannot lie down and sleep 5. Early in the morning after going to bed, the toilet smells of exhaust gas when the toilet is opened In general In addition to good service and beautiful appearance, There is no place that makes me want to visit again The quality of 3400 for two nights is not expensive, but not cheap It shouldn't be a 4.8-star hotel
闕33 on Google

Clean and tidy, the surrounding environment is quiet, the overall CP value is high
Ricefish吳米魚 on Google

民宿老闆娘親切 但是附近屬於 住宅區 音量要控制 會吵的團體可能要三思
The hostess of the homestay is kind But the neighborhood is a residential area, the volume should be controlled Noisy groups may want to think twice
Masaomi Kida on Google

雖然房子已經有點年紀 但裡面基本配備跟保養都很不錯 然後要說缺點的話 一開始第一個洗澡的水壓很小 但是第二個開始水壓就沒問題了 再來就是閣樓冷氣打開的時候味道很重 不過都還在能接受範圍CP值也算高 附近停車還算方便
Although the house is a little old But the basic equipment and maintenance are very good Then talk about the shortcomings The water pressure in the first shower was very low But the water pressure is ok from the second start. Then there is the strong smell when the air conditioner in the attic is turned on However, it is still within the acceptable range and the CP value is also considered high. Easy to park nearby
方祥宇 on Google

Good place to stay !
Lighter Lai on Google

Nice B&B,cheap,convenient,comfortable, without breakfast
Tristan Labetoulle on Google

The owner was very nice and accomodating to me. The rooms are very nice and cleaned and it is very nice to hang out in the living room with snacks and water machine. A night at the male dorm is 800/personn. The only problem was the bathroom : only one and the shower has some problems... But appart from that I highly recommend this place !
Chong Yeng Yeng on Google

The landlord is really friendly & helpful *thumbs up*. Room is comfortable, toilet is clean and they provide everything you need - free WiFi, public computer, fridge, washing machine etc. Its location is good as it's near to the train & bus station. Most importantly the price is relatively cheap. It's a really nice place! I will definitely stay there again the next time I travel to Tainan & I totally recommend this place =D

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