Taiwan Water Corporation

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Contact Taiwan Water Corporation

地址 :

No. 46, Minquan E Rd, East District, Chiayi City, Taiwan 600

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://www.water.gov.tw/dist5
城市 : Chiayi City

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自來水公司第五區管理處公園淨水場內,日治時期興建的沉澱井暨濾過井,迄今有101年歷史,獲嘉市古蹟歷史建築聚落及文化景觀審議委員會審議通過,107年3月9日公告為歷史建築。 園淨水場早年稱為嘉義第一水源地,是民國前一年所建,引流竹崎鄉水道、番路鄉觸口等地水源處理成飲用水,其中有一處沉澱井、四處過濾井,為大正三年(民國3年),日本殖民政府以巴洛克風格及石磚砌建,雖已停用,但控管水源的開關保存良好,仍可使用。 日本人以石磚打造沉澱井,透過開關控管水流。
In the water purification plant in the park of the 5th District Management Office of the Water Supply Company, the sedimentation wells and filtration wells constructed during the Japanese occupation period have a history of 101 years. It was reviewed and approved by the Jiashi Historic Building Settlement and Cultural Landscape Review Committee, March 9, 107 The announcement on the day is a historic building. In the early years, the Yuan Water Purification Plant was called the first water source in Chiayi. It was built one year before the Republic of China. In the third year of the Taisho era (Republic of China 3), the Japanese colonial government built it in Baroque style and stone bricks. Although it has been out of service, the switch to control the water source is well preserved and can still be used. The Japanese used stone bricks to build sedimentation wells and controlled the flow of water through switches.

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