Taiwan Water Corporation Xinzhuang Service Center

2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Taiwan Water Corporation Xinzhuang Service Center

地址 :

No. 32號, Siyuan Rd, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 242

電話 : 📞 +88998
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 32號, Siyuan Rd, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 242
Augustus on Google

The older lady at the counter has a bad attitude. But the gentleman behind, the younger lady and the guards were kind, and they would also take the initiative to see if I need help, and give them a star each.
SKY on Google

已經事先電話確認 是否可以跨區服務 客服回答沒問題。 剛好抽到2號櫃檯 辦理結清 開頭就說 這裡是新莊 查詢板橋大蓋需要20-30分 要不要去板橋查詢比較快! 我說現在分行只有我一個 方便快一點嗎? 小姐回覆 沒辦法喔 還是你要去板橋。 天啊 辦理結清 也有準備水表相片 還叫我開去板橋 感覺沒有想要處理問題 只是把問題丟出去。 接下來 我說 有趕時間 這樣真的有點久 有人任何方式 可以快一點嗎? 小姐回覆 還是你要去板橋........ 我說那我離開一下10分回來(想去外面買飲料) 她又說 不行喔 你ㄧ離開 我馬上取消喔。 正常人不會火嗎? 當下我真的趕時間只好安靜接受。 重點來了 最後我等不到10分 就辦好了! 為何用 恐嚇時間超久的方式 來把問題丟出去。 把自己職務權力拿翹!不可取!
Confirmed by phone in advance Is it possible to provide cross-regional service? The customer service answered no question. I happened to be drawn to counter 2 for settlement I said at the beginning that this is Xinzhuang It takes 20-30 minutes to query the Panqiao cover Do you want to go to Banqiao to inquire faster! I said there is only me in the branch Is it convenient and faster? Miss reply, there is no way, you still have to go to Banqiao. Oh my goodness, I have cleared it and prepared a photo of the meter And told me to drive to Banqiao Feel that I don't want to deal with the problem Just throw the problem out. Next, I said in a hurry It's really a long time Can anyone do it faster? Miss reply, you still have to go to Banqiao... I said that I will leave for 10 minutes and come back (I want to go outside to buy drinks) She said again, no, you leave, I will cancel immediately. Isn't normal people angry? I was really in a hurry and had to accept it quietly. Here comes the point Finally, I waited less than 10 minutes and it was done! Why use the method of intimidating for a long time Come throw the question out. Take up your position and power! Not advisable!
菜卜兒 on Google

一個星都不想給,請我在線等然後電話那頭妳們同仁在吵架,同一個問題問了三次⋯這個服務夠爛夠爛爛死了 打電話詢問要三思
I don't want to give a single star, please wait online and then your colleagues on the other end of the phone are arguing, and the same question has been asked three times... This service is bad enough. Think twice about calling and asking.
阿肥 on Google

1/13無預警停水12小時 4/13又停水都沒有通知,自來水公司直接斷線
1/13 No water cut for 12 hours without warning On 4/13, the water was cut off again without notice, and the water company directly disconnected
on Google

謝謝後勤陳小姐 幫我追水利局退費部分 以及折扣部分……後續如何都有回覆 也耐心解說…… 真的很感謝後勤陳小姐的幫忙!感謝再感謝 謝謝有您的幫忙……
Thank you, Ms. Chen from the logistics department, for helping me track the refund part and the discount part of the Water Conservancy Bureau... I will reply you in the follow-up and explain patiently... Thank you very much for the help Ms. Chen! thanks again Thank you for your help...
愛趴趴照的吳小山 on Google

貴單位的國旗,破損已久請盡速更換 小弟之前已有和櫃台人員提過,沒預算的話不然就先將國旗降下吧!
The flag of your unit has been damaged for a long time, please replace it as soon as possible My brother has already mentioned it to the counter staff before, if you don't have a budget, you can lower the national flag first!
Gingping Xi on Google

看到這麼低分完全不意外 這家的服務人員就是白爛 我一個代書去別的台水結都沒問題就你們毛最多 同樣一顆錶只是靠近下班時間去結而已在那邊話劇社演技不結就是不結 說啥錶錯了怎麼樣的但是地址就貼在錶下面是要怎麼錯,還找另外兩個人一起演給我看 趕下班也不要這麼明顯好嗎 然後拿去淡水的秒過 還有一次因為度數差太多在那邊哎呀這差很多耶會不會是漏水要不要問清楚再結 結果呢? 我他媽回去同事跟我說他派業務去你們那邊問你們竟然說我堅持是那個度數? 撒謊也要有點邏輯好嗎?誰那麼低能騎這麼遠更過去堅持讓自己的工作無法完成的 度數都是直接拿照片問你們多少欸 反正準備吃客訴啦 標準的廢物公務人員
Not surprised to see such a low score The service staff here are rubbish I can go to other Taiwan as a proxy, no problem, but you have the most hair. The same watch is only finished near the end of get off work time, and the drama club over there is not finished if it is not finished. What's wrong with the watch? But the address is posted under the watch. What's wrong with it? I even asked two other people to show it to me. Don't be so obvious about getting off work, okay? Then take the fresh water for a second There was another time because the degree was too different. Oh, it's a lot worse. Could it be a water leak? Do you need to ask clearly and then fix it? The results of it? I went back to my mother and my colleague told me that he sent business to your side to ask you what degree I insisted on? Lying has to be logical, okay? Who is so incompetent to ride so far and insist on making his work impossible in the past The degree is to directly take the photo and ask you how much Anyway, ready to eat customer complaints standard waste civil servants
Jo Huang on Google

The Lady at the counter is very helpful and she explain how to fill up and so on.

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