惡棍廚房 Thug.Kitchen - Lane 48

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Contact 惡棍廚房 Thug.Kitchen

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Lane 48, Guangming Rd, 50號惡棍廚房 Thug.Kitchen

電話 : 📞 +889787
網站 : https://instagram.com/thug.gentleman%3Figshid%3D1nse2fxohia4a
城市 : Guangming Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Lane 48, Guangming Rd, 50號惡棍廚房 Thug.Kitchen
gloomyding on Google

甜甜圈漢堡調味非常好吃 現點現做,需要久候 點的是牛肉堡 漢堡肉多汁又不會腥
Donut burger seasoning is very delicious Do it now, it takes a long time I ordered beef fort The burger is juicy and not fishy
Paul liao on Google

炸魚薯條跟甜甜圈堡都不錯吃 但惡棍老闆從點餐到吃完問盤子放哪裡心情都不太美麗,餐點好不好吃是一回事,至少做生意還是要稍微笑臉迎人吧?
Fish and chips and doughnuts are good But the villain boss is not very beautiful from ordering to asking where to put the plate. It is one thing whether the meal is delicious or not, at least you should smile a little while doing business?
chichi Huang on Google

用甜甜圈做的漢堡,有鳳梨 起司 花生醬 生菜…好邪惡的肥胖料理??好吃滿足,但是牛味有點重⋯⋯很有特色的料理
Burgers made of doughnuts, with pineapple cheese peanut butter lettuce... such an evil fat dish?? delicious and satisfying, but the beef taste is a bit heavy... very distinctive dishes
Liao Yun han on Google

Beef burgers, the beef is the softer kind, but I like solid and juicy beef steaks... So it's not very suitable for my appetite! Donuts are special when hamburgers are full, full of matching! The fries are a bit oily but crispy, my friends like it but not the kind that suits my taste...
Nai Le on Google

The bun of the hamburger is a donut with a whole piece of pineapple on the inner layer. Although it is a canned pineapple, it has an unexpected combination of salty and sweet. The lettuce is very fresh, and the hamburger beef is very juicy. Overall, it is very good. good to eat
J Brian Andersen on Google

One of my best burger experiences in Taiwan. One of the best places to visit when you are in the area!
K.C Chang (不孤獨的美食家) on Google

The Best berger in Taiwan, you know what I’m saying!
Yang Sung-Yin on Google

They use doughnut for the bun, the sweet and crispy is not too shocking but good balance with the ingredients. They also have no meat version, using mushroom and eggs, very delicious. It is freshly make so you might need to wait a bit. Also the size is kind of tiny so with some side dishes might be a good option.

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