Tianzhujiaodarennuzigaoji High School

3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Tianzhujiaodarennuzigaoji High School

地址 :

No. 314, Section 2, Neihu Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan 114

電話 : 📞 +8879899
網站 : https://www1.trgsh.tp.edu.tw/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 314, Section 2, Neihu Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan 114
張嘉淳 on Google

身為今年的畢業生,我得承認在達人的六年並非每天都開心,但若對這段時光做個總結絕對是瑕不掩瑜。 自己特別珍惜高中時每天午休晚休和朋友到圖書館讀書、聊天、討論論文的日子,還有和老師間亦師亦友的互動。 雖然達人和校外學生間的平行互動微乎其微,但學姊妹間的良好情誼和一年多次的外校參訪都是能認識不同人的機會。 學校對特殊情況的學生也很照顧,六年來都靠著修會和學校獎學金在無金錢擔憂的情況下完成學業。 人數少也讓每個老師都和學生關係更緊密,能了解學生特長,提供給學生相對應需要的比賽或學習資訊。 美中不足的就是因為是私立學校,許多人以為花了錢就是大爺。師者,傳到、授業、解惑。不是來學校當包尿布擦屁股的奶媽。要當小公主就請離開,不要因為一件事不順心就來這留捏造作假的負評,作賤學校,你傷害到的不只是學校的名聲,更是指著我們在這六年的回憶罵是垃圾。
As a graduate this year, I have to admit that I am not happy every day for six years, but it is absolutely unremarkable to summarize this time. I especially cherish the days when I took a lunch break every day in high school and my friends went to the library to study, chat, discuss papers, and interact with teachers and teachers. Although the parallel interaction between the Daren and the off-campus students is minimal, the good friendship between the sisters and the many years of visiting the foreign school are opportunities to meet different people. The school is also very caring for students in special situations. For six years, the school and the school scholarship have completed their studies without financial worries. The small number also makes each teacher more closely related to the students, can understand the student's specialty, and provide the students with the corresponding game or learning information. The fly in the ointment is because it is a private school, many people think that spending money is a grandfather. The teacher, passed on, taught, and confused. Not coming to school as a nurse who packs diapers and wipes my butt. If you want to be a little princess, please leave, don't come here because of one thing, if you don't feel good, let's leave a negative comment. As a school, you hurt not only the reputation of the school, but also the memories of our six years. It is rubbish.
鈺瑩Milly on Google

There are bad enough, the students are a bunch of young ladies who mess with other people's things, and the teachers who teach are extremely bad. Only a certain English teacher, a certain physics and chemistry (chemistry) teacher and a history teacher in the middle of the two countries can teach them. Okay, I have to write a bunch of novels in the real class, compress students' reading time, and appeal to everyone not to come to Daren Women's Senior Prison!
zie min Huang on Google

I am an alumnus and I do not recommend this school very much. If you are not a student, I would advise you to leave as soon as possible. The cramming-style education method gives people the feeling that reading is supreme. Unsuitable, it made me almost melancholic. After leaving school, I found what I liked and made myself less psychologically stressed.
黃思蓉 on Google

Fortunately, I took a break from school and re-examined, and I cried every day at the end of the half term ?
Yu-ning Tsao on Google

I'm super upset that my friend wants to turn over, plus the other reviews are terrible, only one star is your problem ?
無名 on Google

真的不是一間好學校 學費貴 老師做樣子 之前打疫苗時校長跑過來關心卻只為了拍照,拍完之後直接走人,向教育局檢舉早上上課時間遲到五次記警告不符合規定還用家長期望或是裝作沒這回事說謊帶過,總之學校不遵守教育部規定還說謊、老師做做樣子、危機處裡很糟糕……要來讀的請三思!其實我連半顆星都不想給
It’s really not a good school. The tuition is expensive. Before the vaccination, the principal ran over and cared about taking photos. After the shooting, he left directly and reported to the Education Bureau that he was late for class five times in the morning. Expecting or pretending to have never lied about it, in short, the school did not abide by the Ministry of Education’s regulations and still lied, the teacher behaved, the crisis department was terrible...Think twice if you want to come to read! Actually, I don’t even want to give half a star
Louis Fu on Google

此校國際部非常誇張,不建議來讀! 收很多錢,但得到的資源跟其他台灣的國際學校落差很大,課程既不是全英文,問老師國外的學校他們也都說不出內容....現在看到榜單,老實說跟學校沒有關係, 升學要三思!
The international department of this school is very exaggerated, and it is not recommended to read it! I charge a lot of money, but the resources I get are very different from other international schools in Taiwan. The courses are not all in English, and they can’t tell the content if I ask the teachers about foreign schools... Now I see the list, and I honestly agree with you. School doesn't matter, think twice about entering a higher school!
王君任 on Google


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