Tuchengxianxing Park

3.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Tuchengxianxing Park

地址 :

Tucheng District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 236

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : New Taipei City

Tucheng District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 236
Chen BB on Google

Don't go too deep in this park, because there are about 20 stray dogs in the area near the woods, and it seems that some people are feeding them.
Huang Andy on Google

The park is small but it is also a Pokémon Secret Treasure Land and also a VIP road, so there are often motorcycles and motorcycles parking illegally, so please drive carefully when passing by here on holidays.
Pin. on Google

The park is good but there are many black mosquitoes!
雲中君 on Google

The basketball court is neglected to maintain and repair. There is a ditch on the floor in the court, which is very dangerous for the players. The lights are also half on. I hope the relevant units can deal with it.
Marcel Liao on Google

Below is the MRT Bannan Line (to the maintenance machine factory), and above is the basketball court and large lawn. However, there are many stray dogs outside the fence beside the basketball court, pay attention to safety!!
Baptiste Lam on Google

Very empty park, but the equipment feels old and needs good maintenance
Arthur on Google

2022/05/03 14:10 土城線形公園 最近的機車格在中央路的檳榔攤附近人行道上,但是很敷衍的設計,格子太小,一旦有機車停了,根本就過不去,只能從馬路上硬上硬下。距離最近的YouBike微笑單車 1.0: 華德公園步行650公尺,距離最近的捷運是藍線亞東醫院站步行750公尺,有無障礙入口,公園沒有兒童遊樂設施,沒有成人體健設施,只有移動廁所,有些遮蔭大樹,沒有涼亭,有椅子,有溜冰場,籃球場,但是地面垃圾一堆,感覺老舊破爛,不如去浮洲橋浮洲環保公園籃球場有4個全場8個籃框或者浮洲運動公園有4個全場,16個籃框。今天遇到的動物:鴿子,燕子,籃球場邊鐵網外有十數隻會對人叫的無膽黑狗,只要一跟我對上眼睛就夾著尾巴跑了,然後就有另外一隻開始叫。
2022/05/03 14:10 Tucheng Linear Park The nearest locomotive grid is on the sidewalk near the betel nut stall on Zhongyang Road, but the design is very perfunctory. The grid is too small. Once the locomotive stops, it will be impossible to pass through. Distance to the nearest YouBike 1.0: Walk 650 meters from Huade Park, and 750 meters from the nearest MRT is Yadong Hospital Station on the Blue Line. There is a barrier-free entrance. Mobile toilets, some shade trees, no pavilions, chairs, ice skating rinks, basketball courts, but the ground is full of rubbish, it feels old and shabby, it is better to go to Fuzhou Bridge Fuzhou Environmental Park basketball court, there are 4 full-court 8 baskets Or Fuzhou Sports Park has 4 audiences and 16 baskets. Animals I met today: pigeons, swallows, outside the iron net on the basketball court, there are more than a dozen fearless black dogs who only bark at people. As soon as they meet my eyes, they run away with their tails between their tails. Then there is another one. Start calling.
潘櫻 on Google

機車可以停在外圍人行道有畫著部分停車格裡,疫情下想要人少一點的運動空間是不錯的選擇,裡面有兩個籃框,且都維持良好狀態 生態意外的好,在大馬路旁的公園,5月蝴蝶跟喜鵲的數量可是多到數不清的 球場的電燈沒有像街道路燈一樣定時開啟的,開關在一旁電箱裡,有夜晚打球需求的人可以自己開啟,但離開後也要隨手關閉節約能源 雖然是個沒有設施,只有兩個球框和幾個石椅子的公園,但是依然備有乾淨的流動公廁 唯一讓我不能釋懷的是流浪犬數量太多了

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