Waian Grassland

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Waian Grassland

地址 :

Taiwan, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉 Waian Grassland


Taiwan, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉 Waian Grassland
Mary Chen on Google

整片草原沒人隨你拍美照XDD 天氣好時真的隨便拍都美麗,藍天白雲+湛藍海水+整片草原~
No one takes beautiful photos with you When the weather is good, it is really beautiful to take pictures casually, blue sky and white clouds + clear blue water + whole grassland ~
B MO on Google

必須經過一段非正式道路才能抵達的觀景點,可以一覽整個港口,圖片沒有經過修圖連濾鏡都沒有,真的很美,九月初去艷陽高照,還是建議大家注意防曬,海風徐徐吹,似乎憂慮都被帶走了,心情很好。 這邊不建議開車上來,因為從正規道路到懸崖需要經過大約200公尺左右的OFF ROAD,騎車都有些吃力了,旁邊可以看到廢棄的軍營,佇立在懸崖邊,彷彿至始至終守護著海灣與這邊的人們,地面沒有垃圾,希望可以繼續保持,不要因為人多造成環境破壞,以上提供給大家
The view point, which can only be reached through an unofficial road, has a view of the entire port. The pictures have not been retouched and there are no filters. They are really beautiful. If you go to the sun in early September, it is recommended that everyone pay attention to sun protection and the sea breeze is blowing slowly. It seems that all the worries have been taken away, and I am in a good mood. It is not recommended to drive up here, because from the regular road to the cliff, it takes about 200 meters to pass the OFF ROAD. It is a bit difficult to ride a bicycle. You can see the abandoned barracks beside the cliff, as if guarding from beginning to end. There is no rubbish on the ground. I hope that it can continue to be maintained. Don’t cause environmental damage due to overcrowding. The above is provided for everyone.
Wallis Lin on Google

You can see the changing scenery from day to night at sunset, the road is not very open, but it is worth seeing
I luv Socrates on Google

很適合取景 有如美西荒漠
Very suitable for framing, like a desert in the west
An-Sheng Huang on Google

When autumn comes, facing the northeast monsoon and looking at this desolate grassland, it feels like being abroad.
琬齡王 on Google

In mid-April, the northeast monsoon is affected and there is no sunshine, so I can't take photos of pseudo-going abroad. Friends who have the opportunity to go to the Lantern Festival can take pictures of the whole ship lighting up at night. The scenery is also super beautiful
Anusha on Google

View is great
Pavan L on Google

The county view is great on sea side.

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