Wenhua Elementary School

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Contact Wenhua Elementary School

地址 :

No. 116, Wenhua 7th Rd, Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 333

電話 : 📞 +8879
網站 : http://sun.sshes.tyc.edu.tw/
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 116, Wenhua 7th Rd, Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 333
廖怡慎 on Google

Teachers are very responsible
瓜瓜yy on Google

母校,雖然成立時間不長,但還是很棒,設備很新(新學校的優點吧) 在這裡度過6年。也有一些很有趣的活動,像是植物闖關或是讀經闖關。 生活技能闖關也很不錯。
Alma mater, although not long established, it is still great and the equipment is very new (the advantages of the new school) Spend 6 years here. There are also some very interesting activities, such as plant crossing or reading the scriptures. Life skills are also very good.
Lee Edward on Google

This is a good school for education
羅友呈 on Google

學校裡的班機整潔很棒 學生們也有做好班級導師要他們做的事 而且上課還很認真 很踴躍參與班上的一些活動
The planes in the school are clean and tidy. The students also do what their class tutors want them to do. They are also very serious in class and actively participate in some activities in the class.
劉家雄 on Google

The campus environment is spacious and comfortable, and there are good drinking facilities.
嗯嗯 on Google

優質的老師佔多數 除了第20屆的某老男自然老師之外
High-quality teachers are in the majority Except for an old male nature teacher in the 20th session
陳建銓 on Google

桃園市龜山區文華國民小學 位於桃園的小學歇業時間 333桃園市龜山區文化七路116號 星期六休息星期日休息星期一07:00–16:00星期二07:00–16:00星期三07:00–16:00星期四07:00–16:00星期五07:00–16:00 03 327 9014 【建校緣由】 龜山鄉林口交流道附近新興社區如:長庚醫院週邊、長庚大學、華亞科技園區等近十年來蓬勃開發。為解決日後境內學童的就學問題及為了紓解境內就學人口逐漸飽和的問題,新校舍的設立勢在必行。因此在桃園縣政府的協助地方仕紳的努力奔走之下,於龜山鄉興華段設立學校。 【設校沿革】 桃園縣政府八十六年七月八日(八六)府教國字第一三○四五七號函籌設分校。由大崗國小蔡春惠校長及分校主任蘇玉桂,規劃設立大崗國小分校。 桃園縣政府八十六年九月八日(八六)府教國字第一六六七八八號函成立大崗國小西勢湖分校。 民國八十七年九月,招生七班學生人數一百七十二人,借用大崗國中校舍招生上課,由大崗國小邱富雄主任擔任西勢湖分校主任。 經地方仕紳兩次協調會議,決議將校名由西勢湖分校確定為文華國民小學。桃園縣政府於八十八年七月十二日(八八)府教國字第一四三○○三號函同意更名。 【協助籌設文欣國小】 民國九十一年五月二日,桃園縣政府函請文華國小負責籌設文華國小分校(林口文小十三),由文華國小林義方老師擔任分校主任。民國九十三年八月一日,文欣國小正式獨立招生。 【學校基地與環境】 本校位處桃園縣龜山鄉興華段,校地環境單純,呈完整四方形,面積24,034.4平方公尺,地勢由西向東傾斜,東南側地勢較低,落差約二米,創校初期基地四周多空地,東側緊臨公園,南側臨計畫綠帶,西、北兩側多為空地及住宅區。北側文化七路為重要道路,是基地對外的重要動線。近年來,因工商發達、交通便利、人口遷入,使周邊地區逐漸開發形成大坪頂地區都會中心,校地因位於新興社區內,在籍學童人數將大幅增加,近年申請並由市府核定為總量管制學校。
Wenhua National Elementary School, Guishan District, Taoyuan City Elementary school closing hours in Taoyuan No. 116, Wenhua 7th Road, Guishan District, Taoyuan City 333 Saturday closed Sunday closed Monday 07:00–16:00 Tuesday 07:00–16:00 Wednesday 07:00–16:00 Thursday 07:00–16:00 Friday 07:00–16:00 03 327 9014 【The reason for the establishment of the school】 Emerging communities near Linkou Interchange in Guishan Township, such as Chang Gung Hospital, Chang Gung University, and Huaya Science and Technology Park have been developed vigorously in the past decade. In order to solve the problem of school attendance of domestic students in the future and to alleviate the problem of the gradual saturation of the domestic school population, the establishment of new school buildings is imperative. Therefore, with the efforts of the Taoyuan County Government to assist the local gentry, a school was established in the Xinghua section of Guishan Township. 【School history】 Taoyuan County Government's letter No. 130457 dated July 8, 1986 (86), Fu Jiao Guozi was preparing to set up a branch school. The Dagang Elementary School was planned to be established by the principal of Dagang Elementary School, Cai Chunhui, and the director of the branch, Su Yugui. On September 8, 1986 (86), the Taoyuan County Government issued a letter No. 166788, the word of the government, to establish the Dagang Elementary School Xishihu Branch. In September of 1987, the number of students enrolled in Class 7 was 172, and they borrowed the school building of Dagang Middle School to recruit students for classes. After two coordination meetings of local gentry, it was decided that the name of the school should be determined by Xishihu Branch as Wenhua National Primary School. Taoyuan County Government approved the change of name in letter No. 【Assist in the establishment of Wenxin Elementary School】 On May 2, 1991, the Taoyuan County Government wrote to Wenhua Elementary School to be responsible for the establishment of a branch of Wenhua Elementary School (Wenhua Elementary School 13 in Linkou), with Wenhua Elementary Teacher Lin Yifang as the branch director. On August 1, 1993, Wenxin Elementary School officially enrolled students independently. 【School base and environment】 The school is located in the Xinghua section of Guishan Township, Taoyuan County. The campus environment is simple, complete and square, with an area of ​​24,034.4 square meters. The terrain slopes from west to east. The terrain on the southeast side is relatively low, with a drop of about two meters. The open space is adjacent to the park on the east, the planned green belt on the south, and the open space and residential areas on the west and north sides. On the north side, Wenhua 7th Road is an important road and an important moving line for the outside world of the base. In recent years, due to the development of industry and commerce, convenient transportation, and population immigration, the surrounding areas have gradually developed into a metropolitan center in Dapingding. Because the school site is located in an emerging community, the number of registered students will increase significantly. Quantitative Schools.
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