Wenjian Mountain

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Wenjian Mountain

地址 :

No. 1信輝路 Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111

城市 : Taipei City

No. 1信輝路 Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
Tony Yan on Google

Walking from the old viewing platform, you can connect to Jiannan Road. Before reaching the triangle point, there is a place with a very good outlook. You can see the Forbidden City. You can only see the triangle point after walking through the road signs. Jianshan, is it the observation point or the triangle point?
Circle chuang on Google

The weather can still be sunny when climbing the mountain, the big floor is still a little slippery, the muddy ground is not difficult to walk, and there are few roads that are difficult to cross.
Shih-hsin Wang on Google

陳阿暄 on Google

臺北大縱走第五段路程會經過的一座山,登山口分別位在劍南路326巷(雨後多為泥地,不陡也不太難走,但路途較長)及臨溪路100巷(近銅心米粉寮,稍陡但路途較短)上。兩步道口間的登山步道常被稱為「文間山小徑」,因步道較為狹窄、較不為人所知且隱匿於山林之間而命名為小徑。 山頂的圖跟點旁平台是黃土地板,但有椅子可供休憩。山頂風景跟隔壁的劍潭山一樣,視野不太好,不過文間山小徑上有一處展望點,可往故宮、外雙溪方向眺望,可見自強隧道口及至善路一段等地段。 - 小建議:可與劍潭山連走。
A mountain you will pass through the fifth section of Taipei Dalong. The entrance to the mountain is located at Lane 326 of Jiannan Road (mostly muddy ground after rain, not too steep and not too difficult to walk, but the journey is long) and Lane 100 of Linxi Road ( Near Tongxin Mifenliao, slightly steeper but shorter). The hiking trail between the two trailheads is often referred to as the "Wenjian Mountain Trail", which is named because the trail is narrower, lesser-known, and hidden between the mountains and forests. The platform next to the map and point on the top of the mountain is a loess floor, but there are chairs for rest. The scenery on the top of the mountain is the same as the Jiantan Mountain next door, and the view is not very good, but there is a viewing point on the Wenjian Mountain trail, which can be seen in the direction of the Forbidden City and Waishuangxi. You can see the Ziqiang Tunnel entrance and the section of Zhishan Road. - Small suggestion: You can walk with Jiantan Mountain.
湯志翔(阿湯) on Google

搭乘捷運至劍潭站下車,出站後越過中山北路往圓山方向直走至圓山風景區牌樓,即為劍潭山親山步道登山口,開始石階上爬,途中叉路依指標往老地方方向取左,花崗石階一路緩上坡至「神人一體」,雙手合十虔誠參拜一下金身釋迦牟尼大佛。 先轉往左側的福德祠廟前廣場,俯瞰腳下的捷運劍潭站遠近風光,然後再沿階梯步道往上爬,經旭峯亭之後轉為下坡,山腰間緩下坡不遠有木棧階梯,取左上,途中有觀景平台,可見松山一帶基隆河、高架快速道路、機場停機坪及101大樓等景觀,主線步道再往前走,經過中央廣播電台圓山微波站,電塔總高度達187.3公尺。 經過「六美」觀景台所在,可俯瞰大佳河濱公園,松山機場停機坪上停著多架飛機,也能清楚望見。 稜線步道續經「七美」觀音夕照—觀音山夕陽西下的景色,早上藍天白雲風輕雲淡也很美,再前行5分鐘就到「八美」老地方。 八美老地方是登山客稜線上的中途休息站,步道旁設有長型木造涼亭,樹下一塊巨石繪出台灣輪廓,並鐫刻「老地方」紅字,另一側延伸突出懸空的三角形木棧觀景台,可觀看松山機場飛機,當然也是網美愛拍照打卡的景點。 離開八美老地方續直行山腰路緩下坡,途中有右叉路下往通北街(不取),直行往劍南路,又遇叉路依指標往鄭成功廟步道方向,水泥戰備道一路下坡,轉為平緩,經過少林亭,自老地方觀景台走1公里後至大彎道接柏油路,依「北縱走」路線指標,往鄭成功廟步道方向(老地方至鄭成功廟步道口約2.8K),此段也是走在界寮縱走的部分路段,沿途叉路有藍天隊【界寮縱走/基隆界寮←→台北劍潭】指標。 文間山,海拔高度184公尺,地上有土地調查局圖根點基石,可惜此處未有展望,蟬鳴鳥叫,涼風舒爽,便在樹下暫歇喝水。 文間山下來約150公尺至登山口,依北縱走指標續取左方向,柏油路一路緩下,經劍南路232號開台聖王成功廟右叉路(不取),再直走約300公尺抵達鄭成功廟步道口,老地方至此走了約1小時。 鄭成功廟步道位於台北市士林區文間山與劍南山之間,登山口於劍南路上,因附近有座建築雄偉的鄭成功廟而得名。步道不長,全程由石板舖地,平緩易行,行走綠蔭竹林間十分幽靜,經過十字鞍部叉路再往前,左有原始登山小徑
Brad Adams on Google

Quick hike with a view!
Betty Wang on Google

Beautiful view
李好命 on Google

A small hill on the Taipei Crossing Trail, section 5th. The view is normal.

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