Wugu Motocross Track

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Wugu Motocross Track

地址 :

No. 166號中港西路 Taishan District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 243

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/pages/%25E4%25BA%2594%25E8%2582%25A1%25E8%25B6%258A%25E9%2587%258E%25E5%25A0%25B4/246333525493915
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 166號中港西路 Taishan District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 243
Andrew S on Google

This is not a motocross track, it's a small Trials bike practice track. 這個是一個障礙技術越野摩托車的的小練習場地
This is not a motocross track, it's a small Trials bike practice track.
swordcherry on Google

64線下的越野練習場。 原廠野狼也可以找到樂趣的地方。
Cross-country driving range under 64 lines. The original wolf can also find fun.
陳保宏 on Google

The riders learn from each other. Take care of each other
游明鴻 on Google

The only small off-road field in the north, where many friends often have fun
晉瑞鴻 on Google

Very nice urban jungle playground. Although there is no dedicated person to maintain and manage it, all senior riders spontaneously and silently maintain it. There will be no cigarette butts on the ground, and there is sports spirit and generous guidance. Thank you for planting trees. Provide such a convenient place to play
Jung Tsan Chang on Google

越野摩托車在台灣是少數族群的極限運動,有空的話來這裡走走看看,如果有機會欣賞到高手玩家的美技,是很棒的。 周邊環境不佳,有很多垃圾、廢棄物、廢棄車,還散發著微微的臭味。
Cross-country motorcycles are an extreme sport of a minority group in Taiwan. If you have time, come here to take a look. If you have the opportunity to appreciate the skills of expert players, it is great. The surrounding environment is not good, there are a lot of garbage, waste, abandoned cars, and it emits a slight smell.
tham tran on Google

jesse denersen on Google

Track is in poor condition old and small. wanted to do some jumps, but the landing is not smooth. children in there backyard could make a better track.

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