Yongming Police Station

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Contact Yongming Police Station

地址 :

No. 101號, Section 2, Shipai Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://pt.police.gov.taipei/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 101號, Section 2, Shipai Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112
Annie Yang on Google

於石牌夜市吃晚餐 只檢舉我們唯一停在轉角的車輛 其他紅線或轉角車都沒有被開單 打電話想檢舉該名員警 派出所電話打了15分鐘,193通全部忙線中 請問我應該可以合理懷疑 該名員警是否包庇其他車輛?
Dinner at Shipai Night Market Report only our only car parked around the corner No other redline or corner cars were billed call to report the officer It took 15 minutes to call the police station, and all 193 calls were busy. I should be able to reasonably doubt Did the officer shield other vehicles?
邊康喬 on Google

Rong Zong's alley is blocked after get off work, the design is poor, the police do not help to clear it, deliberately stand in front and wait for the locomotive to cross the double yellow line to bill, and drive several times in a row, and choke that I am standing here on purpose to wait for you, with a bad attitude to earn performance , very good at billing!
鄭宗 on Google

The locomotive was destroyed, and I went to report the crime with the monitor screen and the address of the other party, but I couldn't catch anyone. What can you do if you can only shake your head for this kind of police officer? Do you want me to arrest the person to the police station myself?
林香芸 on Google

都停下來給行人邊講電話慢慢過馬路了也要開 後面車潮排隊塞爆 只會守株待兔站在那等 旁邊有汽車違停不開 讓用路人要閃避違停的汽車 還歪眼斜嘴的叫我去申訴 根本欺負沒行車紀錄器的機車族!?
Stop and talk to pedestrians, talk on the phone, slowly cross the road, and have to drive behind the car crowd The one who asked me to complain about bullying the locomotives who didn't have a driving recorder at all! ?
;-; on Google

At the traffic lights in front of Shipai MRT Station, a bunch of people will run through the red lights every time, and the frequency is so high that people think they can run through. Only when you are billed will you know that this is wrong. It makes people feel like they usually don't care about it, and only if they occasionally gamble, someone will catch them.
hsals63 on Google

前兩天在下午時間致電詢問事項,接電話的員警口氣不是很優,感覺很『派』。抓壞人,派,那就算了,我們這些升斗小民也這麼凶?最好你們可以跟網路劇『華燈初上』裡的成哥一樣凶,然後當上副局長@@ 這裡週邊塞車嚴重,我覺得你們應該遷走,把房屋拆掉,土地拿來拓寬道路。看是要搬到隔壁保一總隊呢?還是榮總醫院都可以,這樣你們口氣就不會那麼囂張,寄人籬下才會知道人民痛苦。
Two days ago, I called in the afternoon to ask about the matter. The policeman who answered the phone was not very polite, and felt very "pie". Catch the bad guys, send, then forget it, we are so fierce as ordinary people? It's better that you can be as fierce as Brother Cheng in the online drama "Hua Deng Chu Shang", and then become the deputy director@@ There is a serious traffic jam around here. I think you should move out, demolish the house, and use the land to widen the road. It looks like you are going to move to the next-door security team? Or Rong General Hospital, so you won't be so arrogant, and you will know the people's pain only when you rely on others.
陳羿汶 on Google

00:58從軍艦岩親山步道下來,遇到一群野狗,和朋友沒激怒野狗,其中兩隻一直對我們低吼、炸尾巴,且已作勢要衝過來,我們打電話報案,員警說會派人過來。打第二通電話時,員警問我們為什麼這時間點會在山上,我說我們爬山在上面待比較久、現在才下山(軍艦岩當時有7個人),員警:「看夜景?」我:「對」員警:「所以妳們現在看夜景然後動用社會資源?」好在陽明大學警衛剛好騎車巡邏,詢問我們是否需要幫助。 這不是動用社會資源,且下山後員警要我提供姓名及身份證號碼,說是報案用;但沒有派人處理,為什麼要我們提供資料? 我們向員警說當時該位員警說的內容,電話中得員警回應是:「我們有派人過去了」這沒回答到問題吧? 態度非常不佳,且我們並沒有對野狗做出任何挑釁行為,什麼叫動用社會資源? 不需要這樣柿子挑軟的吃吧??? 大家未來有這類的事,寧可求助於消防局(之前發生火警,這裡消防局態度非常好,而且對事情負責),也不要求助於永明派出所,無法獲得幫助還要被欺負。
At 00:58, we came down from the Yanqin Mountain Trail of the Warship, and encountered a group of wild dogs. We didn’t provoke the wild dogs with our friends. Two of them kept growling at us, blowing their tails, and were already trying to rush over. We called the police and the police said Will send someone over. On the second call, the policeman asked us why we were on the mountain at this time. I said that we climbed the mountain for a long time and stayed on the mountain for a long time, and now we are only going down the mountain (there were 7 people at Warship Rock at the time), the policeman said, "Watching the night view?" I : "Yes" Police officer: "So now you watch the night scene and use social resources?" Fortunately, the guards at Yangming University happened to be patrolling by bicycle and asked us if we needed help. This is not the use of social resources, and the police asked me to provide my name and ID number after going down the mountain, saying it was for reporting the case; We told the police what the policeman said at the time, and the police responded, "We have sent someone over there." This didn't answer the question, right? The attitude is very bad, and we have not made any provocative behaviors to wild dogs. What is the use of social resources? No need to pick soft persimmons like this, right? ? ? If you have this kind of thing in the future, you would rather ask for help from the fire station (there was a fire before, the fire station here has a very good attitude and is responsible for the matter), rather than ask for help from the Yongming police station. If you can't get help, you will be bullied.
Huyen Chloe Tran on Google

The policeman was really helpful and supportive. I don’t know if my problem can be solved but their attitude lighten me up already.

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