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Contact 加留沙埔海岸

地址 :

Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County,Taiwan

城市 : Yilan County

Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County,Taiwan
Nana Cat on Google

2018.08 靠海邊的廍後社區,擁有大量的漂流木資源,當地居民會用漂流木來創作,鞦韆是在地阿伯們辛苦日曬完成的作品,拜託大家靜靜拍照就好,不要大力擺盪破壞,垮了阿伯回來修,而你弄壞跑掉,惡有惡報。 2018.05 清朝時期政府提供給北噶瑪蘭村原住民的海岸沙丘保留地,舊名 「加留沙埔」。現代「加留沙埔」被壯圍官方引用為辦觀光活動的名稱。 整個「加留沙埔」海岸都是欣賞日出月昇的好地方。每週六下午都有牽罟活動,自由參觀。 沿海側有一條南北向的自行車/步道,由本處往北 10公里到達竹安,往南 2.5 公里到達蘭陽溪口。本路線早期由縣政府建設,現由東北角風管處經營管理。 這一觀景區標地處,是改造原有的垃圾掩埋場而成。官方名稱好像是「公館景觀涼亭區」。 每年11月開始 是居民抓鰻魚苗的時候, 這裡的海邊就會搭起一間間俗稱的蒙古包,作為短暫休息的地方。
2018.08 The Driftwood community near the sea has a lot of driftwood resources. The local residents will use driftwood to create. The swing is a work done by the locals who work hard in the sun. Please take pictures quietly. Don’t swing and destroy it. Uncle came back to repair, but you broke it and ran away, and the evil will be rewarded. 2018.05 During the Qing Dynasty, the government provided a coastal sand dune reserve to the aborigines of North Kavalan Village. The old name was "Kalyu Shapu". The modern "Karausha Po" was officially cited as the name for tourism activities in Zhuangwei. The entire coast of "Karausha Po" is a good place to enjoy the sunrise and moonrise. Every Saturday afternoon, there is a dragging activity, free to visit. There is a north-south bicycle/walking trail along the coast, 10 kilometers north to Zhu'an from here, and 2.5 kilometers south to Lanyang Xikou. This route was constructed by the county government in the early stage, and is now operated and managed by the northeast corner air management office. The landmark of this viewing area is the reconstruction of the original garbage landfill. The official name seems to be "Mansion Landscape Pavilion Area." Every November, when the residents catch eel fry, a yurt, commonly known as a yurt, will be set up on the beach as a place for short rest.
Wade Chen on Google

Tread the waves and listen to the sea on the beach
呱? on Google

因為是細沙的關係 風大的時候沙子真的亂飛到眼睛超級痛~而且全身都是沙子 而且對呼吸道會很不好哦! 如果真的要去海邊的話建議去外澳沙灘
Because it is a fine sand, when the wind is strong, the sand really flutters to the eyes. It hurts. And the whole body is sand, and it is very bad for the respiratory tract! If you really want to go to the beach, it is recommended to go to Waiao Beach
Nelson Huang on Google

A place to watch the sunrise quietly
陳明達(Yves) on Google

You can overlook the Pacific Ocean and the sandy beaches of Guishan Island. Staying away from swings means staying away from the noise, and away from anglers. You can watch the sea quietly; the road to go is small, and it may be difficult for those who are not driving or have poor skills.
Y H on Google

It is an excellent place to enjoy the sunrise. The road is a little bumpy, but the view is excellent. Remember to wear slippers. You can also ride the waves when you are watching the sunrise, which is very comfortable.
Kunta Hsieh on Google

When the sky is clear, visiting this beach and overlooking Guishan Island in the distance will make you feel relaxed and happy, and there are relatively few people, and the level of spiritual feeling will be further improved.
Chen Chien Lin on Google

我是車子停在壯圍沙丘旅遊服務園區,然後走路約400公尺左右到這沙灘的。 這沙灘最棒的是可以很清楚的看到龜山島,沙子算乾淨,整個沙灘範圍很大,很適合來這裡踏浪,散步,因為此海域沒有救生員,所以玩水的話就相對危險。 在這裡走走,聽聽海浪聲感覺很棒,走完後如果腳髒了還可以去遊客中心的洗腳區。可以很悠閒旅遊的地點。
I parked my car at the Zhuangwei Dune Tourism Service Park and walked about 400 meters to this beach. The best thing about this beach is that you can see Guishan Island very clearly. The sand is clean, and the entire beach is very large. It is very suitable to come here to ride waves and take a walk. Because there are no lifeguards in this sea area, it is relatively dangerous to play in the water. It's great to walk here and listen to the sound of the waves. After walking, if your feet are dirty, you can go to the foot washing area in the visitor center. A place to travel leisurely.

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