Yuanta Securities - Xiaogang District

3.6/5 基於 8 評論

元大證券 - Yuanta.com.tw


About Yuanta Securities


因應微軟(Microsoft)宣佈將在2022年6月15日正式終止支援IE(Internet Explorer),為強化網路交易安全,元大證券官網將進行元件升級,並自2022年6月15日起不再支援IE應用程式,為確保您的權益,請改用Microsoft Edge/Google Chrome瀏覽器,或本公司其他電子下單平台。



Contact Yuanta Securities

地址 :

No. 381號, Hanmin Rd, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 812

電話 : 📞 +88788
網站 : https://www.yuanta.com.tw/
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 381號, Hanmin Rd, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 812
劉員良 on Google

陳興吉 on Google

闇使徒(陳文敬) on Google

Chen Scott on Google

Is the service really bad?
錢榮廷 on Google

走到櫃台前面準備要開戶,剛好有一組人在開戶,另2位集保交割的老姊也沒有在忙,正眼也都不看一下,我就站在櫃台前看你們什麼時候要抬起金頭,站了大約3-5分鐘,後面的主管看不下去過來詢問,才一起幫忙,接手後服務態度也不佳,冷到讓我以為3月底了還有寒流,這種服務品質,居然是出自台灣第一大劵商,果然各元大證券的營業據點,google map上的負評都是居多,第一大劵商的教育訓練居然如此失敗,認真一點好嗎!
I walked to the counter and prepared to open an account. It happened that a group of people was opening an account, and the other two elders were not busy, and they didn’t even look straight at it. I just stood in front of the counter to see when you are going to raise the money. I stood there for about 3-5 minutes. The supervisor behind couldn’t stand to come and ask, so they helped together. After taking over, the service attitude was not good. It was so cold that I thought there was a cold wave at the end of March. This kind of service quality was unexpectedly good. It is from Taiwan's largest brokerage firm. Sure enough, the business locations of Yuanta Securities have mostly negative reviews on the google map. The education and training of the largest brokerage firm has failed so much. Can you be more serious!
汪崇光 on Google

以前的服務如何我不清楚,目前的服務不錯 還有現在要開銀行戶頭的話必須跑一趟銀行 開戶一個人要半小時,最好是早上一上班就來
I don’t know how the previous service was, but the current service is good And if you want to open a bank account now, you have to go to the bank It takes half an hour for one person to open an account. It is best to come as soon as you go to work in the morning
徐局局 on Google

There is no guide, everyone is busy, as if it is irrelevant and hangs up high, and no one will ask you what you want to do. I stood there for ten minutes and no one paid any attention!
王碩群 on Google

The service of the salesperson is poor enough. When I applied for Mr. Investment’s app, I didn’t know how to use it, but I thought we were very vulgar. Fengshan Yuanta’s service is much better!

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