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100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Ningbo W St, 97號林森紀念堂

城市 : Ningbo W St

100, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Ningbo W St, 97號林森紀念堂
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Lin Sen once replaced the old Chiang as chairman of the National Government. Taipei's Linsen North Road / Lin Sen South Road is a prosperous area. Compared to the Lin Sen's Former Residence Memorial Museum in Taiwan, the Lin Sen Memorial Hall in Taiwan is under the fence. It is said that only Lin Sen's Mingshou is open to worship each year.
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林森,字子超,字號青芝老人,1868年出生於福州閩侯縣鳳港村,親歷中法戰爭、中日甲午戰爭、八國聯軍侵華戰爭等,對民族的危難有著切膚之痛。正是基於「天下興亡,匹夫有責」的高度責任感,林森義無反顧投身到反清革命的救國鬥爭中,追隨孫中山先生,為推翻腐敗清王朝、建立民主共和立下汗馬功勞,可謂民國肇啟舉足輕重的元勛。 1931年國民政府主席蔣介石遭到各派反對被迫下野,之後蔣就將主席一職改為虛職,不負實際責任,隨後63歲的國父元老林森被推上了國民政府主席之位,任職直到1943年逝世為止,成為在職12年的國家元首。 由於林森在政治路線上一向和蔣中正相左,所以他的當選只是政治妥協的結果,並未掌握實權。 林森的官邸十分簡陋,如同普通民居,甚至沒有衛生設備,林森平易近人,每天步行上班,身著長袍馬褂,布鞋布襪,持手杖,附近的居民都認得他,但是林森並不是「無所作為」。他在一·二八淞滬抗戰後主持召開國難會議,強烈抗議日本承認「偽滿洲國」。 1943年5月10日,他在接受加拿大駐華大使呈遞國書返回山洞寓所途中,因車禍頭部受傷,8月1日逝世,享年76歲。國民政府為他舉行了國葬,並將他安葬於重慶林園官邸傍。 -------------------------------- 在台灣以「林森」為名的國民小學至少有三所,以林森為名的道路在臺灣各處都能見到,另外,總統府前方介壽公園內,亦設有林森銅像。林森北路旁有一座林森公園。
Lin Sen, the son of Zizi Chao, was born in 1868 in Fenggang Village, Minhou County, Fuzhou. He experienced the Sino-French War, Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, and the Eight-Power Allied Forces invading China. It is precisely because of the high sense of responsibility that "the world rises and falls, and the husband is responsible." Lin Senyi turned to the struggle to save the country against the Qing revolution, followed Mr. Sun Yat-sen, and made great contributions to overthrow the corrupt Qing dynasty and establish a democratic republic. Yuanxun. In 1931, Chiang Kai-shek, the chairman of the National Government, was opposed by various parties and forced to leave the country. After that, Chiang changed the chairman's position to a sham position and did not bear actual responsibility. Subsequently, the 63-year-old founder Lin Sen was promoted to the position of chairman of the National Government. Until his death in 1943, he became head of state for 12 years. Because Lin Sen has always been at odds with Chiang Kai-shek on the political line, his election was only the result of political compromise and did not have real power. Lin Sen's official residence is very simple, just like ordinary houses, even without sanitary equipment. Lin Sen is approachable, walks to work every day, wears robes, gowns, shoes, socks, and walking sticks. Nearby residents recognize him, but Lin Sen is not "inaction ". He presided over a national calamity conference after the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai in January 28, and strongly protested against Japan's recognition of a "pseudo-Manchurian state." On May 10, 1943, he died on August 1 at the age of 76 during a car accident while heading back to the cave residence while accepting the Canadian State Council's credentials for returning to the cave apartment. The National Government held a state funeral for him and buried him next to the official residence of Chongqing Linyuan. -------------------------------- There are at least three national elementary schools named "Lin Sen" in Taiwan. The road named "Lin Sen" can be seen everywhere in Taiwan. In addition, there is also a bronze statue of Lin Sen in Jieshou Park in front of the Presidential Palace. There is a Linsen Park next to Linsen North Road.

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