
4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 新進旅行社

地址 :

104, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Songjiang Rd, 76號新進旅行社2樓

電話 : 📞 +8887788
網站 : https://www.sunshinetour.com.tw/
城市 : Songjiang Rd

104, Taiwan, Taipei City, Zhongshan District, Songjiang Rd, 76號新進旅行社2樓
蓉蓉兒 on Google

服務人員真的是差勁透頂,老公生日安排旅遊選擇星夢探索號的花蓮兩天一夜的航行,網頁上留下資料就由旅行社自行聯絡。 一開始服務人員打來就告知已經懷孕,旅行社也僅告知開醫生證明就好,並未提及週數不能上船的問題,當下要留下專員的聯絡資料,對方也只告知不需要單一窗口,打公司電話誰都可以服務,我也沒多想後續就直接打電話到公司預訂行程。 等到要出發上船的當天,船務才告知28週懷孕不能上船,後來向旅行社確認,後續處理專員卻只會推脫責任,說換服務人員時旅客自己沒有盡到再次告知的責任應該自行理虧? 的確我簽訂單的時候沒有注意訂單上有說明懷孕週數不能上船的問題,但一開始我在電話裡就有確認,第一位專員也未做過其他說明,又因為工作事物繁忙所以沒仔細看清楚又怕訂不到房趕緊在在工作空檔填好傳真過去,整個過程我認為是雙方都有疏失,就算不能最後不能退回旅費只要態度正確我不是不能接受。 但是這種推卸責任的態度我真的很生氣!! 第一,當初要求加第一位聯絡我的專員LINE來談細項,專員告知我需要打公司電話即可不需加LINE,後面事情發生時跟我說電話說的無憑無據,要有用LINE溝通的文字做憑證他們才能接受…? 第二,我在港務局電話裡說的很清楚,我的懷孕週數,後面回答我說”電話真的很說不清楚,我剛剛聽起來妳是說18週”,難道跟你們旅行社洽談都要電話錄音來自保嗎?不細心的態度都要顧客買單嗎?還是只要出問題全都推脫都是聽不清楚然後也是客人的問題,我講話並不是咬字不清好嗎? 第三,跟我說“妳訂行程的時候還沒28週,所以當時我詢問的專員才沒注意這問題”,…我訂行程的時候是25週,也已經超過了24週了! 第四,告訴我說“一般客人對一些特殊問題都會先問過很多旅行社”,………? 這一句真的讓我超火大,請問你們旅行社的不專業程度到客戶需要先去請教其他旅行社?我要跟你們訂行程我還要到處去問其他旅行社後再回來訂? 第五,我請旅行社找到第一位聯絡我的專員來確認,得到的回答是“我問過了,我同事都說沒有印象” ………? 貴公司的處理方式我真的是領教了,這種水平跟這種態度真的是差勁至極!! 後面真的已經不是能不能退費用的問題而是態度問題,旅費無法退我也無所謂,但這種態度真讓人非常無言!! 如果以後有人需要新進旅行社服務,麻煩自己必須先跟其他旅行社做好功課再來找他們,還有必須要電話錄音來自保,出問題旅行社一概全部不會承認,全都在推脫”電話聽不清楚,必須要LINE的文字對話才能做憑證,其他一律不認”跟“沒印象就可以了事“ 最重要的是“自己應該要去找其他旅行社做功課” 這就是新進旅行社的專業水準!! 這次真的是學到一個教訓,處理事情態度上真的教人完全沒有辦法接受,讓人真的氣到無法形容!! 一點都沒有專業度的品質連一顆星都覺得不該給!!
The service staff is really terrible. My husband arranged a trip on his birthday and chose Hualien on the Explorer for two days and one night. If you leave the information on the website, the travel agency will contact you. At the beginning, the service staff called and informed that they were pregnant, and the travel agency only informed that the doctor's certificate was issued, and did not mention the issue of not being able to board the ship in the week. At the moment, the contact information of the commissioner should be left, and the other party only informs that there is no need for a single window. , Anyone can service by calling the company, and I didn’t think much about the follow-up, so I called the company directly to book the itinerary. It was not until the day of departure to board the ship that the shipping agency informed that it was not possible to board the ship after 28 weeks of pregnancy, and later confirmed to the travel agency, but the follow-up processing commissioner would only shirk responsibility, saying that when changing service personnel, the passenger did not fulfill the responsibility to inform again and should take care of his own losses. ? It is true that when I signed the order, I did not pay attention to the problem that the number of weeks of pregnancy could not be boarded on the order, but I confirmed it on the phone at the beginning, and the first specialist did not give other explanations, and because of the busy work and things, I didn’t. I looked carefully and I was afraid that I could not book the room and I quickly filled in and faxed it in the working space. The whole process I thought was that both parties had faults. Even if the travel expenses cannot be refunded in the end, as long as the attitude is correct, I am not unacceptable. But this attitude of shirking responsibility is really angry! ! First, I was asked to add LINE, the first commissioner who contacted me, to discuss the details. The commissioner told me that I need to make a company phone call and I don’t need to add LINE. When the next thing happened, I told me that the phone call was unfounded, and LINE should be used. They can only accept the text of the communication as a voucher...? Second, I said very clearly on the phone of the Port Authority, my pregnancy weeks, and then I replied, "The phone is really unclear. I just sounded like you were talking about 18 weeks." Is it possible to discuss with your travel agency? Do you want to record the phone call? Do customers pay for a careless attitude? Or as long as there is a problem, I will avoid it. It is not a problem of hearing and then it is also a problem of the guest. Isn't it a problem for my speech to be illegible? Third, tell me, "It hasn't been 28 weeks when you booked the itinerary, so the commissioner I asked didn't pay attention to this problem"... I booked the itinerary for 25 weeks, and it has been more than 24 weeks! Fourth, tell me that "general guests will ask a lot of travel agencies for some special questions."...? This sentence really made me super hot. May I ask if your travel agency is so unprofessional that customers need to consult other travel agencies first? I want to book an itinerary with you. I have to go around and ask other travel agencies and then come back to book? Fifth, I asked the travel agency to find the first commissioner who contacted me to confirm, and the answer was "I have asked, and my colleagues said that I have no impression."......? I really learned how your company handles it. This level and this attitude are really terrible! ! The latter is really not a question of whether the expenses can be refunded but a question of attitude. It doesn't matter if the travel expenses cannot be refunded, but this attitude is really very speechless! ! If someone needs the services of a new travel agency in the future, you have to do your homework with other travel agencies before you come to them, and you have to record the phone to protect yourself. The travel agency will not admit the problem, and all are shirking. "The phone cannot be heard clearly. You must use LINE’s text dialogue to be used as a voucher. Others will not be recognized "and if you don’t have an impression, it’s okay." The most important thing is "I should go to other travel agencies to do my homework" This is the professional level of the new travel agency! ! This time I really learned a lesson. The attitude to deal with things really teaches people there is no way to accept it, and it makes people really indescribable! ! There is no professional quality at all, even a star shouldn't be given to it! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? !
yu Hou on Google

2018年10月13日出發 ?秋遊?克羅埃西亞 、斯洛維尼亞 選擇了~~ ❤️新進旅行社❤️ 除了是口耳相傳的優質旅行社也是在網路上獲得一致的好評,為嚮往已久的旅程做穩妥的安排。 行程貼心的安排就是在美麗的布蕾德湖畔和杜布洛尼克古城海邊都有兩晚的停留。 飯店離海很近 轉身便遇見浪漫、遇見海。。。 在華麗舒適的飯店陽台,推開門便看見古樸唯美的杜布洛尼克古城和漂亮沙灘以及點點帆船影在清澈的海水襯托下,揚溢著濃濃的海洋氣息。 在古城的迷人氛圍中醒來,喝杯幸福的咖啡,用悠哉樂活的心情漫步走向古城,通過橋入了城欣賞週遭的一切,教堂、鐘塔、建築,歐洲長城、城牆下特色的峭壁咖啡座、古典石板大道和隱身在巷弄中的美食手工藝品,絡繹不絕的遊人,和導遊口中的一段又一段的故事~~
Departure on October 13, 2018 ?秋游? Croatia, Slovenia Selected ~~ ❤️新进旅行社❤️ In addition to the word-of-mouth quality travel agency, it is also consistently praised on the Internet, making a sound arrangement for the long-awaited journey. The intimate arrangement of the trip is to have a two-night stay on the shores of the beautiful Lake Bled and the ancient city of Dubrovnik. The hotel is very close to the sea Turning around, I met romance and met the sea. . . On the balcony of the gorgeous and comfortable hotel, you can see the quaint and beautiful Dubrovnik ancient city and the beautiful beaches as well as the little sailboats in the clear waters, which is full of ocean atmosphere. Wake up in the charming atmosphere of the ancient city, have a cup of happy coffee, walk around the ancient city with a happy and lively mood, and enter the city through the bridge to enjoy everything around you, churches, clock towers, buildings, the Great Wall of Europe, the cliffs under the city walls. Coffee café, classical stone avenue and food handicrafts hidden in the lanes, endless visitors, and a story from the tour guide~~
黃琦雯 on Google

旅遊 是犒賞自己最好的禮物,最大的堅持是要漫遊 且有深度 。 所以選擇了 新進旅行社 克羅埃西亞,斯洛維尼亞的深度閱讀旅行 。行程中旅遊景點的安排住宿的選擇自然是精緻又悠閒 個人感覺最好的就是美麗浪漫的布蕾德湖 ,在湖區的第一天就欣賞了落日景,金色餘輝投在湖面霞光粼粼,綺麗迷人。湖光山色中聽著遠處教堂的鐘響,連住了湖畔飯店兩晚節奏就是超從容的。環湖散步飽覽落葉紛飛楓紅層層各個角度景色皆有不同 ,坐划船進湖中教堂更有不同的感動,綻藍璀璨的水色典雅的建築,清鬆的心情真是讓人脫離的煩憂 值得讚賞 新進旅行社 的安排
Traveling is the best gift to reward yourself, and the biggest insistence is to roam and have depth. So I chose Xinjin Travel Agency Croatia, Slovenia's in-depth reading travel. The arrangement of tourist attractions in the itinerary and the choice of accommodation are naturally exquisite and leisurely Personally, I feel the best is the beautiful and romantic Brad Lake. I enjoyed the sunset on the first day in the lake area. The golden afterglow casts on the lake, which is beautiful and charming. In the lake and mountains, listening to the church bells in the distance, staying in the lakeside hotel for two nights was super calm. Taking a walk around the lake to enjoy the falling leaves and red layers of the maple, the scenery is different from all angles, and the church in the lake is even more touched by boating. The blue and bright water-color elegant buildings, the pine mood is really worthy of worries. Appreciate the arrangement of the new travel agency
YIYUN LIN on Google

因為疫情無出國 參加新進的國旅 無論是行程的安排或是團團的素質都很好 非常推薦 期待疫情結束後參加跟著新進的團去世界各地
Due to the epidemic, I did not go abroad to join a new international trip Both the itinerary arrangement and the quality of the group are very good very recommended Looking forward to joining the new group to go around the world after the epidemic is over
BY C on Google

The two-day and one-night trip to Miaoli was very smooth and enjoyable! The weather is cool and comfortable, the quality of food and lodging is satisfactory, the driver is friendly and has good driving skills, the efficiency of the travel agency's contact person Carol is good, and the itinerary is also very suitable for our family's slow tune... A small trip away from the big city, let the epidemic The tense body and mind can enjoy and relax to the fullest~
周瑞芝 on Google

From 3/26 to 28, I participated in the tour group of Zhenxibao and Simacus, with professional team leader and tour guide, and I was very satisfied with the food, accommodation and itinerary.
Min-Yu Yeh on Google

跟了新進的一日遊體驗 整趟行程都安排的很好、細心且有質感 以後有機會還會參加?
Follow the new day tour experience The whole itinerary is well arranged, careful and textured There will be opportunities to participate in the future?
KEN HSU on Google


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