姐妹小吃店 - Section 2

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 姐妹小吃店

地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 175, Section 2, Heping E Rd, 6號姐妹小吃店

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : Heping E Rd

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 175, Section 2, Heping E Rd, 6號姐妹小吃店
鉦天子-Zen's lifehouse on Google

由於來這裡拜訪朋友,臨時決定吃這家當晚餐,因為近因為方便。於是點了炒飯、炸醬麵、番茄(排骨)湯3樣,肉絲炒飯炒得好吃,色香味俱全,老闆娘很用心炒,後來我發現陸續進店的客人,大部份都點炒飯,而且價格合理,我推薦大家。炸醬麵我個人感覺很普通,不難吃但炒飯cp 值高,被比了下去,番茄湯不錯喝,雖然價格貴了點,但料多實在,馬鈴薯燉得剛剛好,好吃。番茄可能時價高,所以番茄味沒有出來,有點可惜~下次有機會吃再補拍照片囉!
Since I came here to visit friends, I decided to eat this restaurant for dinner temporarily because of the convenience. So I ordered 3 kinds of fried rice, fried noodles, tomato (spare ribs) soup. The fried rice with shredded pork was delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious, and delicious. The proprietress made it very hard. Later, I found that most of the customers who entered the store ordered fried rice. And the price is reasonable, I recommend everyone. I personally feel that the fried rice noodles are very ordinary, not unpleasant, but the fried rice has a high cp value. It is better than that. The tomato soup is good. Although the price is a bit more expensive, the ingredients are more realistic. The potato stew is just right and delicious. Tomatoes may be expensive nowadays, so the tomato flavor does not come out, which is a pity~ I will take photos next time I have a chance!
LOUISE ZOO on Google

Fried rice is good but a little less and sometimes too salty
Eason Xu on Google

以前我在對面上班,中午不知道吃什麼便來這裡吃一碗番茄麵,麵裡總是不加調味,對於我這種偏重口味的還是會跟老闆喊聲加一匙鹽巴,當時老闆很驚訝的看著我,我就說對!一匙! 真的超好吃 番茄麵 料多實在 爾後我只要換工作就會邀約同事一同品嚐,大家都覺得很好吃! 重點是我回去老闆娘還記得我!關心我最近在幹嘛~ 很有回家的感覺~ 現在這裡變成我每次工作很累,來的地方❤️❤️❤️ 我下週還要去吃~
I used to work on the opposite side. I didn’t know what to eat and came here for a bowl of tomato noodles at noon. The noodles were always unseasoned. For my preference, I would shout to the boss and add a spoonful of salt. The boss was surprised at the time. Look at me, I'm right! Spoonful! It’s really delicious. The tomato noodles are so real After that, whenever I change jobs, I will invite my colleagues to taste it. Everyone thinks it's delicious! The point is that when I go back, the lady boss still remembers me! Care about what I'm doing recently~ It feels like going home~ Now this has become the place where I am tired every time I work ❤️❤️❤️ I'm going to eat next week~
Chou Juliet on Google

蔬菜炒飯+免費泡菜。 炒飯份量剛好,偏濕潤,桌上免費的泡菜很好吃?老闆服務態度也很好,看我拿醬料袋子裝泡菜,主動拿了大的塑膠袋給我
Vegetable fried rice + free kimchi. The fried rice is just right, moist, and the free kimchi on the table is delicious. The boss’s service attitude is also very good. Seeing me take the sauce bag to fill the kimchi, he took the initiative to give me a large plastic bag
傅思銘 on Google

炒飯蠻好吃的 粒粒皆有味道 份量能再多一點就更好 蛤蠣湯喝起來鮮甜 薑絲的味道夠&蛤蠣算新鮮 算是蠻好喝的 推薦大家來嘗嘗看
Fried rice is delicious. The grain has a taste. The amount can be a little more. The soup is delicious and sweet. The taste of ginger is enough and fresh. It is quite delicious. Recommend everyone to try it.
Yang Yang Wen on Google

鍋氣足很香,但味道偏淡,飯也屬濕一點的 蔬菜炒飯,菜很多推推!
The gas in the pot is very fragrant, but the taste is weak, and the rice is a little wet Vegetable fried rice, a lot of dishes are recommended!
Ed Chen on Google

藝米 on Google

Delicious, but the delivery speed is slow

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