泰讚按摩養生工作室 - Anle District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 泰讚按摩養生工作室

地址 :

204, Taiwan, Keelung City, Anle District, Maijin Rd, 195之2號泰讚按摩養生工作室4樓

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/thaitsan/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–12AM
Thursday 9AM–12AM
Friday 9AM–12AM
Saturday 9AM–12AM
Sunday 9AM–12AM
Monday 9AM–12AM
Tuesday 9AM–12AM
城市 : Maijin Rd

204, Taiwan, Keelung City, Anle District, Maijin Rd, 195之2號泰讚按摩養生工作室4樓
Zhi-Ming Wei on Google

今日朋友介紹去試試看 真的是很厲害 按完後全身都很舒暢
Introduced by a friend today to try it out It's really amazing. After pressing it, the whole body feels very comfortable.
陳楷心 on Google

That foot work is really not ordinary and powerful, it is awesome, and it is comfortable to press the muscles. Only after trying it, I found out that the service today is No.1. It is too comfortable and I will make an appointment for the next relaxation time. Awesome
Chen Pei Su on Google

很棒的一次體驗 ? 附上快被我喝完的茶~~師傅會依照每個人去調整力度,按完整個人輕鬆了很多! 師傅按得很用心,可以感受每一條筋都被撥鬆了~ 位置是在進橘郡之後右邊的樓梯上去之後,會到一個大廳,往195號的電梯走之後按四樓,在出電梯的左邊喔 ☀️ 推薦大家來這邊好好享受舒服的兩個小時~
A great experience ? Attached is the tea that I am about to drink~~ The master will adjust the intensity according to each person, and it will be a lot easier according to the complete individual! The master presses very carefully, and you can feel that every tendon is loosened~ The location is after going up the stairs on the right after entering Orange County, you will arrive at a lobby, go to the elevator No. 195 and press the fourth floor, on the left side of the elevator ☀️ I recommend everyone to come here and enjoy a comfortable two hours~
Squall Skaer on Google

第一次來按,覺得按的非常仔細,肩頸僵硬的問題按完真的感放鬆很多,力道對我算蠻適合的,可自行跟師父調整力道,推薦33號小姐喔~ ^_^
The first time I press it, I feel that I press it very carefully. I feel a lot more relaxed when I press it. The strength is quite suitable for me. I can adjust my strength with the master. I recommend Miss 33~ ^_^
Kay Ho on Google

果真腳功一流 軟力到位!按摩師很懂經絡紋理 值得推薦?
Really first-class foot skills, soft power in place! The masseuse knows the meridian texture very well, it is recommended ?
范育銘 on Google

文長,慎入。 最低只能評一星?好吧,那就只能給一星了……非常糟糕的一次體驗。 按摩經驗也有23年了,在國內高雄、台中、桃園、新北、台北、基隆、宜蘭也都有過按摩經驗,但……『你們很囉唆耶?這麼囉嗦我不幫你按了!』 蝦毀啊?臭臉教訓朋友介紹來的客人??而且…哪裡囉嗦了?是你才囉嗦吧!!!泡腳時先告訴我們說,『今天開始兩人同行九折喔!』當時我們心想,哇塞,很棒耶,等等可以考慮買預購卷了,然後要了一杯溫水就去換衣服了。正準備開始按的時候,臨時問師傅,原本預約指壓,我現在改油壓可以嗎?? 你不接受加價升級油壓,拒絕方式百百種,你教訓我??嘿嘿嘿,阿不就生意太好? 無妨,一股暴怒我先忍著,看你多會按。過程中,手法一般,就傳統的泰式,沒什麼亮眼之處,突然…『力量剛好嗎?』我心想,嗯,這是正常按摩進行到10%時的客氣問話,還不錯,印象分數些微拉回一些。『可以再加重一些力量』,我輕鬆回他。 『抱歉,沒有更大力喔』臥槽,真不是蓋的,我心想,這裡是馬戲團!?還是素質落差太過巨大,沒得救了,好吧,那我也不再對你客氣了。『耍我是嗎?不能加重力量你問我幹嘛?』(只見師傅轉頭馬上就跟另一位8號師傅戲謔式的聊天,天知道他們用泰文在聊啥) 就這樣,拉拉扯扯了100分鐘,終於結束,要結帳了。『先生,您跟太太兩人,2300元』太太回他,『兩人同行不是九折嗎?』『沒有喔,我剛剛告訴你們了,是今天開始已經沒有了。』 我們面面相覷,明明我們兩人四耳聽得非常清楚,『今天開始兩人同行九折』,哈哈哈,原來真的是對話素質問題,老師的勒,真夠雷。對了,『上次我跟朋友兩人先來,兩個都油壓2600,為什麼沒有九折???』 『……』櫃檯收費那位1號師傅臭臉不回應(倒楣,幫我按摩的也是他) 正是因為有上次的消費經驗,我們自然而然在對話中認為是『今天開始兩人同行九折』……… …… … 有夠雷的一個泰國師傅,沒錯,是1號。台灣消費者很善良,我相信他們會五星評價是因為,很多人按到最後覺得體驗很差,也懶得給一星然後留評論;若不是他敢這樣子『衝著我嗆聲』,老實說我也不想惡評噁心他們。以上評論,句句屬實,個人負完全法律責任,真心不建議這家店,兩個小時惡劣體驗,一星差評。
Long text, enter carefully. Can only rate one star at least? Okay, then you can only give one star... a very bad experience. I have 23 years of massage experience. I have massage experience in Kaohsiung, Taichung, Taoyuan, New Taipei, Taipei, Keelung, and Yilan. But... I won’t press it for you anymore! 』 Shrimp ruined? Smelly teach a guest introduced by a friend? ? And...Where is it so long? It's you who are long-winded! ! ! When you soak your feet, tell us first, "10% off for two people starting today! "At that time, we thought, wow, it's great, we can consider buying pre-order coupons, and then we will change clothes after asking for a cup of warm water. When I was about to start pressing, I asked the master temporarily, I originally made an appointment for acupressure, can I change the oil pressure now? ? You don’t accept price increases to upgrade oil pressure. There are hundreds of ways to refuse. You teach me? ? Hey hey, isn't business too good? It’s okay, I will endure the rage first, and see how you can press it. In the process, the technique was average, just the traditional Thai style, there was nothing dazzling, suddenly... "Is the power just right?" "I thought to myself, um, this is a polite question when the normal massage is 10%. It's not bad, and the impression score is slightly pulled back. "You can add more strength", I easily returned to him. "Sorry, there is no more power" Fuck, it's not covered, I thought to myself, this is the circus! ? Still the quality gap is too huge, and it's not saved, well, then I won't be polite to you anymore. "Are you kidding me? Can't increase the strength, why do you ask me? "(I saw the master turned his head and immediately chatted with another master No. 8 jokingly. God knows what they are talking about in Thai) In this way, the pulling and pulling for 100 minutes, finally ended, to check out. "Sir, you and your wife, 2300 yuan," the wife returned to him, "Isn't it a 10% discount for two people traveling together?" "No, I told you just now, but it is gone from today. 』 We looked at each other, and it was clear that both of us could hear very clearly in all our ears, "10% off for two people going together today", hahaha, it turned out to be a question of the quality of dialogue. By the way, "Last time my friend and I came first, and both of them were hydraulically 2600, why didn't they have a 10% discount?" ? ? 』 "..." The teacher who charged at the counter did not respond with a stinky face (unfortunately, he was the one who helped me massage) It is precisely because of the last consumption experience that we naturally think in the dialogue that it is "10% off for two persons starting today"... ... … There is a Thai master who has enough thunder, yes, it is No. 1. Taiwanese consumers are very kind. I believe they will give a five-star evaluation because many people feel that the experience is poor at the end, and they are too lazy to give a one-star and leave a comment; if he didn't dare to "choking at me" like this, honestly I also don't want to criticize and disgust them. The above comments are true, and the individual bears full legal responsibility. I really don't recommend this store. Two hours of bad experience and one-star bad review.
Lin和也 on Google

很舒服。泰式專業按摩 推薦
Very comfortable. Professional Thai Massage Recommended
黃騰衛 on Google


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