枕頭山 - Yuanshan Township

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Contact 枕頭山

地址 :

264, Taiwan, Yilan County, Yuanshan Township, Zhenshan Rd, 枕頭山

城市 : Zhenshan Rd

264, Taiwan, Yilan County, Yuanshan Township, Zhenshan Rd, 枕頭山
陳恩澤 on Google

A good place for night tours to see the night view
Lacor on Google

Well-planned backcountry trails worth a visit
George Tseng on Google

Very meaningless point, see the sign that the tourists forbidden to go a little further, and go to the small slope on the right hand side to see the triangle point in 30 steps. I really don't know what to do, more people are going to the card restaurant below. Come, there is absolutely no need to go up and see the triangle that has nothing. 20191116
蔡瑋峰 on Google

看著一束束的別墅 我以為已經下起了大雨 殊不知是淚水模糊眼眶 看不到啦~XXX
Looking at bunches of villas I thought it was raining heavily As everyone knows, tears blur the eyes I can't see it~ XXX
許思驊 on Google

Easy to arrive, easy to drive up
Derrick Lin on Google

登高望遠自傷情, 柳發花開映古城。 全盛已隨流水去, 黃鸝空囀舊春聲。
Climbing high and looking into the distance, self-inflicted hurt, Willow flowers bloom in the ancient city. The prosperity has gone with the running water, The oriole uttered the sound of old spring in the air.
Han-uei Lin on Google

枕頭山-又稱鎮平,標高71公尺,三等三角點第685號。 位於宜蘭員山鄉枕山路上,山上有景觀餐廳、咖啡廳等...,循枕頭山指標車道上去,不一會兒就有岔路,左轉為餐廳停車場,取右邊為一私人住宅區走到底,到社區最後一間住宅後,再由右方保安林小徑往上走,不用一分鐘即抵基石處,基石在一座水塔旁,樹林間無展望。
Pillow Hill-also known as Zhenping, 71 meters above sea level, third-class triangle point No. 685. Located on Zhenshan Road, Yuanshan Township, Yilan, there are scenic restaurants, cafes, etc. on the mountain. Follow the Pillar Mountain indicator lane. There will be a fork in a short while. After arriving at the last house in the community, go up the security forest path on the right and arrive at the cornerstone in less than a minute.
MemoryLane Yilan on Google

Hello! We are "Yilan Memory Lane" project team. (designed as the graduation project by 3 international students from ITM class 2018, TKU) We created an original walking route with scenic spots along Yilan's mountain side. Since 枕頭山 is one of the locations on our route, we would like to share the English information about the place with international travelers! ● General Information Pillow Mountain is perhaps the best place in Yilan to enjoy a great view of Lanyang Plain (along with Tamkang University's Lanyang Campus in Jiaoxi). It is a special kind of privilege to observe Yilan from a high, yet not too high altitude with a delicious drink in your hand. Come here to marvel at the fields, the ocean and the wide sky, which seem like childrens' toys from this perspective. The view can be best described as the view you'd see when the airplane is just taking off, flying higher and higher with each passing second, but not yet reaching the clouds. While Yilan looks pretty from any altitude, Pillow Mountain is just tall enough to provide a fun view of Lanyang Plain without making you feel as if you are about to join the Gods of Olympus. ●History Unassuming from afar, this 75m tall mountain might be dismissed as yet another Taiwanese hill if you have never been to Yuanshan Township. It is registered as one of the 18 scenic spots of Lanyang Plain (蘭陽⼗⼋勝景), and is also one of the first places in Taiwan to develop leisure agriculture. Pillow Mountain attracts tourists year-round who participate in DIY activities, such as fruit picking and jam making. According to folklore, Pillow Mountain did not come into existence until a deity traveled to this location with a heavy pole carrying many items. Due to the heavy load, the pole eventually broke into two parts which fell onto 外員⼭ (essentially the location of Yuanshan's town center) and the location of today's Pillow Mountain. The deity decided to take a nap in light of this accident and used the fallen baggage as a pillow, thus forming the Pillow Mountain that tourists love so much. ● Geography This mountain is part of the Pillow Mountain Leisure Agriculture Area (枕頭⼭休閒農業區), which includes the famous Wanglong Lake (望⿓埤), Alan Cheng Spring (阿蘭城湧泉), Jietoufen Old Tree (結頭份⼤樹公), Leigong Pond (雷公埤) and more. ● Our Advice One might think that Pillow mountain is tiny and unexciting compared to another one in Yilan, but you can still observe the breathtaking scenery of Lanyang Plain! With ⿔⼭島 Turtle island emerging from the ocean in front of you, Pillow Mountain is worth the climb up a gentle slope. Don't forget to have a snack at one of the cafés (A.maze 兔⼦迷宮 & Gama Café 橘⼦咖啡 ) since the best view of Lanyang Plain can be enjoyed from the shops' viewing terraces! Imagine yourself as the deity who once traveled to Yuanshan with the heavy baggage and you might feel all of your worries melt under the sun, carried away by a quiet gust of sweet and aromatic wind... Hope our info helps you more enjoy your travel Team YML

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