Chih-Kuang Vocational High School of Business & Technology

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Contact Chih-Kuang Vocational High School of Business & Technology

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No. 100, Zhongzheng Rd, Yonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 234

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城市 : New Taipei City

No. 100, Zhongzheng Rd, Yonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 234
康國龍 on Google

濬名蔡 on Google

What are the students doing? After the graduation ceremony, I wandered around the alley. Is high school graduation really not that bad, or is it really just a graduation certificate? Every day when I pass by, I look at the list a little bit. It is in line with the quality of the students. After graduation, I will come out to disturb the people. I really think of myself as a monkey while riding a motorcycle, right?
游均 on Google

我來幫大家科普一下,實際上在制服外穿著便服外套是不能夠處分的(如果學生違反服儀規定,學校不得懲處(記過、警告)學生),並且不能夠限制溫度,請參考(新北市立新北高級中學學生服裝儀容規定),另外就是最近討論的議題”早自習”,實際上早修、朝會升旗、午餐、午休、環境清掃、課間活動等非學習節數之時間及活動內容不得列入出缺席紀錄,只能採取適當之正向輔導管教措施(〈學校訂定教師輔導與管教學生辦法注意事項〉中有正面表列,比如說:要用「同理心」與學生溝通,或是清楚跟學生說明清楚不能做某件行為的原因,或利用討論或經驗分享來協助學生了解不同行為的後果等等。)也就是說,其實記警告與小過, 不是正向輔導管教措施,不應該用以懲罰沒參與朝會的學生。請各位抵制違法校園,創造更好的學習環境,而非集中營。
Let me help you with popular science. In fact, wearing a casual jacket outside the uniform cannot be punished (if the student violates the rules of uniform, the school shall not punish (demerit, warn) the student), and cannot limit the temperature, please refer to (New Taipei City Municipal New Taipei Senior High School Students' Clothing and Grooming Regulations), and the recently discussed topic "early self-study". In fact, the time and content of non-study periods such as early morning study, flag raising in the morning meeting, lunch, lunch break, environmental cleaning, and inter-class activities shall not be allowed. To be included in the absence record, only appropriate positive counseling and disciplinary measures can be taken (“Precautions for Teachers’ Guidance and Disciplinary Measures for Students in Schools” have a positive list, for example: use “empathy” to communicate with students, Or clearly explain to students the reasons why they cannot do a certain behavior, or use discussion or experience sharing to help students understand the consequences of different behaviors, etc.) In other words, actually remembering warnings and minor faults is not a positive counseling and disciplinary measure , should not be used to punish students who did not participate in the court meeting. Please boycott illegal campuses and create a better learning environment instead of concentration camps.
May Yang on Google

The teachers in this school are very good, (learning that I have a problem with my eyes, let me sit in the first row seat so that I can read the words on the blackboard clearly, I cry because of something, the teacher cares about me) It makes me feel that I am not alone, I was in the night department back then, thank you very much ?? Teacher, teaching is normal, parking is very convenient (I ride a bicycle) There is a dusk market next to the school, I used to go shopping there a while ago, and it was crowded
wang allen on Google

The toilets are indeed the most beautiful and the highest standard grade in the new North City. Students are good or bad, so I don’t judge them all. I feel that the teachers and instructors are actually very serious about the students. come on ?
masa lai on Google

暑假才剛微解封,多媒科吳惠燕主任就立刻邀請在城市科大數媒系任教的我協助培訓全國技能競賽的3D藝術遊戲設計種子選手,今年區賽有獲得第三跟第四名歐~!然後看到這豪華又美麗的專業教室,真心覺得多媒科的同學好幸福阿~!況且多媒科主任與老師們也很認真在經營辦學,也難怪今年多媒科又多了一班? 2022/2/16更新 上個學期9月底協助培訓智光3D選手拿到了全國技能競賽第三名(前面兩名都是大學生)也協助來此校受訓的青山國中選手得到青少年組第三名,有緣當教練的我真的是提同學們感到很開心歐~❤️
Just after the summer vacation was released, Director Wu Huiyan of the Multimedia Department immediately invited me, who teaches in the Department of Digital Media of the City University of Science and Technology, to help train the 3D art game design seed players of the National Skills Competition. This year, I won the third and fourth place in the regional competition~! Then I saw this luxurious and beautiful professional classroom, I really feel that the students of the multimedia department are very happy~! Besides, the director and teachers of the multimedia department are also very serious in running the school, so it is no wonder that there is another class in the multimedia department this year? 2022/2/16 Update At the end of September last semester, I assisted in the training of Zhiguang 3D players and won the third place in the national skills competition (the first two were college students). I also assisted the athletes from Qingshan Junior High School who came to this school for training to win the third place in the youth group. It is to mention that the students are very happy~❤️
Cary Lee on Google

Edward Moh on Google

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