Dream Sports 夢想運動 - Section 2

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Dream Sports 夢想運動

地址 :

244, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Linkou District, Section 2, Wenhua 3rd Rd, 26號Dream Sports 夢想運動1樓

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 3
網站 : http://www.dreamsports.com.tw/
城市 : rd Rd

244, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Linkou District, Section 2, Wenhua 3rd Rd, 26號Dream Sports 夢想運動1樓
polo tien on Google

Small but beautiful, the coach is attentive, patient and professional. The elderly stay at home for one hour a week to maintain normal exercise. Twenty years of gold.
休閒產業經營學系-吳冠璋 on Google

在「夢想運動」明亮的訓練環境中能夠舒服且專注的運動,一對一的教練模式讓你沒有壓力,也能有效的運動健身;教練群非常專業且有耐心,指導與教學的技巧也很到位。在郭教練的指導下已經快兩年了,我覺得在肌力、敏捷度與體態各方面都有顯著的進步,收穫很多,會持續來運動,朝目標邁進! 謝謝教練! 謝謝Dream Sports!
In the bright training environment of "Dream Sports", you can exercise comfortably and attentively. The one-on-one coaching mode allows you to exercise without pressure and can effectively exercise. The coach group is very professional and patient, and the guidance and teaching skills are also very good. In place. It has been almost two years under the guidance of Coach Guo. I feel that I have made significant progress in muscle strength, agility and posture. I have gained a lot. I will continue to exercise and move towards my goal! Thank you coach! Thank Dream Sports!
王敬植 on Google

雖然最後因為自身時間考量,沒有成為客戶,但Dream sport跟接待我的韋成教練都展現出足夠的耐心及誠意,值得推薦
Although I did not become a client due to my own time considerations, both Dream sport and coach Wei Cheng, who hosted me, showed sufficient patience and sincerity, which is worth recommending.
li ly on Google

去年不知道為什麼右肩疼痛不已,去了許多醫院治療,最後還是決定去長庚醫院開刀,本以為開刀後手就好了,誰知道手術後右手僵硬舉不起來,吃飯洗澡等日常生活都不能自理,連拿手機自拍這麼簡單的動作都做不到,實在是很悽慘,好難過。為了要讓自己生活能自理開始進行復健,前半年接受醫院復健師的協助自己練習復健,如圖一,半年後去Dream Sports上課,教練Chris依據我的需求,協助我慢慢練習手的各種動作,讓我右手、右肩及後背的?肌肉慢慢復活可以動起來,然後再慢慢練習拿壺鈴,及摔繩子,讓我的右手有力量如圖二,開刀迄今正好ㄧ年了,我的右手右肩已經可以正常運作,並且可以高高舉起,真的很高興在Dream Sports運動健身,因為Chris 教練特別用心為我量身定制課程,讓我的右手右肩恢復健康,並且消除兩手的蝴蝶袖,真是意外的收獲。在此特別推薦及感謝Dream Sports 的教練Chris 黃育庭,You are great!
Last year, I didn’t know why my right shoulder was sore. I went to many hospitals for treatment. In the end I decided to go to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for surgery. It's really miserable and sad that I can't even do such a simple action as taking a selfie with my mobile phone. In order to allow myself to take care of my own life and start rehabilitation, I received the assistance of a hospital rehabilitator in the first half of the year, as shown in Figure 1. After half a year, I went to Dream Sports for class. Coach Chris assisted me to practice my hands slowly according to my needs. Various movements made my right hand, right shoulder and back muscles slowly resurrected and moved, and then slowly practiced holding kettlebells and slamming the rope, so that my right hand would have strength as shown in Figure 2. It has been just a year since the operation. , My right hand and right shoulder can function normally and can be lifted high. I am really happy to work out at Dream Sports, because coach Chris specially tailored the course for me to restore my right hand and right shoulder to health, and Eliminating the butterfly sleeves on both hands is really an unexpected gain. I especially recommend and thank Dream Sports coach Chris Huang Yuting, You are great!
TATA on Google

Positivity is like a muscle. Keep exercising it, and it becomes a habit. ? 自 2017年以來維持每週一對一的訓練,推薦「徐教練」給大家,徐教練專業且用心(ACE 美國國家運動委員會/私人訓練員,EXOS 美國EXOS 運動訓練表現專家),是很棒的好教練! ?
Positivity is like a muscle. Keep exercising it, and it becomes a habit. ? Since 2017, we have maintained one-on-one training every week. I recommend "Coach Xu" to everyone. Coach Xu is professional and dedicated (ACE National Sports Committee/Personal Trainer, EXOS American EXOS Sports Training Performance Expert), which is great Good coach! ?
Bill Tseng on Google

Joanna T on Google

TH K on Google

Dream Sports

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